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Everything posted by 4kids4me

  1. I'm trying to get ready for my MIL's funeral and tried on my new outfit last night. I bought a gray A-line skirt that's really lovely, and it comes with two "necklaces" that start at my waist and hang down to the other side of my waist. Literally it looks like my skirt has a necklace. But then I can't figure out if I should wear a necklace, too. I can't find one that I already own that matches nicely, so I'm wearing a 15" very thin silver chain (can barely see the chain) with a butterfly pendent that my MIL bought me. It doesn't compete with the skirt bling like my other necklaces. Is this enough? (The top is a very thin sleeveless dark teal sweater, then I have a black frilly cardigan over that with black tight high heel boots...it looks great together.) BTW, I really couldn't wear bracelets with the outfit because the cardigan has really nice details at the cuffs and I'm not planning on taking it off.
  2. Ladies, Thanks for all your love and support. Like one previous poster mentioned with her own experience, my MIL didn't live long after she went on oxygen and got a hospital bed...in fact only six days. She died in hospice very peacefully with only me by her bed (everyone else had been there for 30+ hours and went home for a bite and a bit of rest, poor guys)...I hummed/sang hymns and a chorus to her and she went to Glory with me singing, "Open My Eyes, Lord." Thanks for your caring words to me during this difficult transition. She will be missed dearly. Caralyn
  3. I haven't been through this ever and I cannot remember what other people have worn. I'm sure we'll have a couple of days of visitation, then the funeral. So what's the dress code? For example, dh's got a nice suit but I really think it doesn't fit him anymore. Does he need a new suit, or can he wear something else (seriously, his mom would NOT be happy if he wasn't wearing a suit, though!!!! LOL, she's always gone with him to buy suits and he always comes back looking swanky) that would be as appropriate (ok, as I type this I'm thinking that it's a suit for the funeral but maybe something else for visitation?). And the kids? Does ds, 11, wear a suit, or nice pants and a nice top? What about the girls and little one? Thanks, Caralyn
  4. I understand about that exhaustion caring for her...my SIL's been doing it for two weeks with no breaks. I just posted that my MIL may only have a few days and I'm glad on a couple of levels...that my SIL can get some rest, and that MIL won't suffer anymore. You hijack away and ask questions...these folks have been so wonderful answering my questions here. As an aside, I'm amazed at how long your grandmother's held on, given the time they thought she'd live. Praying for you. :grouphug:
  5. Thanks for checking in. I JUST received a call from my FIL saying that a hospice worker was in and had a frank talk with him. She thinks it's a matter of a few days before Mom passes. After reading the other posts, I figured she'd only have a week or so (it was the one post about once the person's family member went on oxygen and got a hospital bed). Wow, what a hard time, too, because it's a busy week...lol...one thinks of the funniest things (why not in the summer when there was nothing on???).
  6. Thanks for that (and I did appreciate pp's words about death/birth). So wow, my MIL could be going pretty soon. I can see that in her. Huh, ok. Thanks for sharing with me.
  7. These are good things to know. I'm sitting here trying to envision what it would be like to be with someone when their life ends...what it would be like to be with my MIL when she passes from here (I don't think I will be there due to them being 1.5 hours away and me having four kids, but I'm still trying to picture it). This is all so foreign to me. I'm so sorry you've lost both your parents. :(
  8. ROFLOL...this really strikes me as funny. I get the point! Kalanamak mentioned Fleet, which is what I was thinking of. I guess I'll have to go to the drugstore now and stare at the shelves.
  9. I think she "knows" it's her time to go. She got her life story written and it's printed now, ready to give to the grandchildren at Christmas, she's put her house in order. She gave chemo a shot and apparently a lot of patients can tell after the first time if it's working...and she didn't feel that but just seems to be declining. :( She's at the point now where she just wants to go since she's feeling so yucky and sick, poor woman. I'd love for her to stay longer with us...but I don't see it happening. She will be greatly missed!
  10. This is the thing...I've been going daily...every day my whole life, even today. I just don't feel right...maybe I'm just really bloated? (I started the pill this month to help with a heavy flow and I'm to get my cycle tomorrow or maybe Monday.) Having said that, I mean, I've been bloated before and I just feel like it's probably not that, but how can I be constipated if I've been going daily?
  11. What's the difference between MOM and the laxative one buys at the drugstore that you'd take before a colonoscapy (sp?)? Can I take that instead? Does it do the same thing?
  12. Chase it with *warm* warm? Warm MOM? Does it taste bad? I can't do gross tastes...if it's half a glass, maybe, a whole glass will do me in (I was surprised I was able to eat 6 prunes!).
  13. Ah, what a heartbreaking story. I'm afraid it'll be mine too, soon. :( May I ask one question? How long was it from the time he got his oxygen and bed at home until he passed? (Last night she got her oxygen and today hopefully she's getting her bed at home.)
  14. Here's the thing...I've never been the big C in my whole life..in fact, since I have IBS, I tend to always be a bit more loosy goosy. I don't feel like I really need to go, except my tummy is hurting and feels really full (from under my sternam down)...like if I went a lot then maybe I'd feel better. So do I need to get a real laxative, or maybe it's just something else? Sorry for tmi. :tongue_smilie:
  15. Thank you, ALL, for your replies and love. It's good to know what everyone has been through so I can be prepared and my heart goes out to everyone that's lost a loved one. My SIL has been fantastic...she took a leave of absence from work to move 1.5 hours away to take care of her mom (her three grown children are out of the house, but she's left her dh behind and a 1yr old grandbaby that I know she'd love to see and she's working so hard with Mom). Sigh. This process of death...it just slips through your hands and you can't stop it...it just is really not nice.
  16. ...you need to...go....to the bathroom...and not have a ROCK hard stomach anymore? And also, how long until...you know...one would...go...after eating the prunes? I need a timeline, folks!
  17. For those that have experienced loved ones with lung cancer, could you tell me what I can expect in these last months/weeks/days? My MIL has decided after trying a few weeks of chemo to stop it as things seem to be progressing downhill quickly. She's still at home with her dh and dd taking care of her, just went on oxygen...most likely within the next couple of weeks will find she'll have to go to hospice. Physically, though, will she just suffocate? Will she be in a lot of pain? Once it gets to hospice care, do they tend to deteriorate even more quickly? Thanks for the advice. I've never been through a death of a loved one...this is quite the painful process.
  18. Oh man, a lightbulb moment. Ok, really stupid admission....I never really thought I was CONVERTING things, just trying to figure out a number. But you're right...I've got to along a line to CONVERT one thing to another...roflolol. What an idiot I am. I better go back to LoF's first pre-algebra book and see how he explains it. Somehow that was completely lost on me. Thanks!
  19. I understand what you're saying and totally agree...this is why I'm so concerned and I wrote the thread...I just KNOW if we're not getting this, it's going to bite us in the butt really badly once we move on! Thanks!
  20. Ok, after writing down what you wrote again and looking it over it make sense. But I will admit... ....that I wouldn't have thought in a conversion factor to put it from miles to feet then to inches. I would have sat there thinking how the conversion factor would look with just miles to inches. See what I mean? So in a problem, I'm not considering EVERYTHING I need to consider. But once it's broken down for me like you did, it makes sense...of course you'd do it like that! LOL Thanks.
  21. If people are using LoF pre-alegbra as a supplement what else are you using? Someone said MUS...what else? Should I maybe move from completing LoF Pre-A to TT pre-algebra...or will dd be ready for TT Algebra once LoF pre is done?
  22. Creating a filter...I will look this up in the help section. Thanks! BTW, would you like to buy some Avon cosmetics??? :lol:
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