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Everything posted by 4kids4me

  1. How are you finding the two doctors working together? I assume you're taking a conventional med like Synthroid...is what the ND doing compatible with the conventional doc?
  2. No, it's not on my bloodwork. You'd think since this test was specific to seeing how my thyroid and iron levels have changed in the past three months, the doctor would want to know that.
  3. I'm not sure. This bloodwork was just normal stuff and she added the T3 and T4 testing. Do you know what it would say on the bloodwork if they tested for antibodies (other than the obvious "antibodies!!!")?
  4. I was talking to my friend, also the lady that got me into running, the other day, and she was saying that her TSH level was 14! I can't IMAGINE how she's been feeling!
  5. Thanks a million for the advice (keeping with your .02 money-theme). Ya, cheesy. The hypothyroid didn't take away my sense of humour, though it did my svelte body. ;)
  6. Oh ya, that's me. I really don't want to do anything...not plan for school, not menu plan, not shop. Or I'll do something like mow the lawn, then come in and have a rest. It's mentally tiring having no energy because I'm an organized person...and I'm not feeling organized. Plus, now that the older two are almost 13 and 11, they really "feel" my lack of energy. It's affecting everyone, not just me.
  7. Maybe being in Canada they haven't changed the range yet? I'm tired. I've felt a little better since the days have gotten longer and I'm in the sun more, but that could be the vitamin d, who knows? I'm not sure if I should continue with naturopathic care, or make the plunge and insist on conventional treatment. I've gained tons of weight, but I also know I'm not eating properly...once I get tired I tend to go for the high energy crap foods and then it snowballs. Right now I've gained 15 lbs from Sept to Jan, and tried my best to maintain that weight gain and not gain any more. Even then, I'm not 30lbs overweight. Sigh.
  8. I'm seeing the doctor next week, but decided to get the results of my bloodwork now. This is what it says TSH 6.87 (0.30 - 4.70) Free T4 10.1 (9.1 - 23.8) Free T3 4.5 (2.5 - 5.7) Oh, and my iron is 6 (11 - 27). Three months ago my TSH was 6.23 (no T tests were done). Since then I've been to the naturopath and I've been supplementing with iodine, vitamin c powder, B vitamins, and iron. I'm a little disappointed that there's been no change in my blood work, other than my TSH going up a little (the doctor said it can fluctuate in any given day). I'm wondering what it means if my T tests are in the normal range but my TSH is a little high...and I hypothyroid for sure, or so close that the doctor won't do anything? Has anyone had any luck taking care of it naturally?
  9. I'm dying to know, now, how she treated these kids! Can you expand? To OP, there's a ND in my town but I didn't know much about her. My sister found a ND by where she lives, about 45 min from me (can be longer due to traffic). Because we're Christian I really wanted a ND who just gave advice from her medical standpoint, not anything spiritual. This ND, though she's got a definite different belief system, is extremely respectful and just deals with the issues at hand. Love her!
  10. What's the homeopathic doctor good for that the naturopath isn't good for?
  11. What precipitated the switch? Have you been happy? What's the difference in care and results? I can't think of any more questions, but with answers I'm sure I think of a few things. Thanks!
  12. I'm just curious...I'd love to get a hot tub, and a salt water one sounds amazing...but I'm wondering if that's possible.
  13. Weekdays 7am and weekends 8am. Preferably I'd like it all to be between noon and 6pm. :)
  14. I think it won't be hard to get a specialist...we're near Toronto. I'll just have to ask if we could pretty please have a female specialist...it's hard enough being 12 and having a cycle, let alone actually having problems!!! There's nothing more embarrassing for a young lady. Thanks for the advice. :)
  15. I'm sure you don't mean to insinuate that not allowing our dog in our bedrooms means we don't love him. I also don't like my kids sleeping in my room. That doesn't mean I don't love them, either. (Though I don't mind them being in their bedrooms; they don't shed so much.) :)
  16. What does PRN mean? Hey you know what (I'll tell you here instead of emailing you...lol)...I talked to the vet about changing Harley's heartworm meds from Revolution to Advantage Multi...the AM covers everything the Revolution does, but also helps with the hookworm and whipworm...so I'm hoping after giving Harley the Drontal Plus, even if we have to go a couple rounds, he'll be free of those worms and the AM will continue to help him STAY free. Here's to hoping!!!!
  17. Great, just great, we have a bunch of Andy moms on the board. Go figure. You ladies make me look like the wicked witch of the west!!!!! lololol :lol:
  18. ....then why can't I have MY dog in MY room?" Now the question of the day is, who's Andy? Can anyone guess? If you guess it's THE Andy from Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, you are correct! And if you want to know the answer it's this: "Son, that is a movie and it's not real, so Andy's mom doesn't have to vacuum every. single. day. to get the stinkin' dog hair off the floor and it'd be really, really nice for Mommy to have just one stinkin' floor of the house that she doesn't have to vacuum. Plus, Andy's dog probably doesn't have worms like our dog does, so there's one less issue that the make believe mom doesn't have to deal with." Just an fyi...we have a side split so asking to have one of our four floors free of dog hair isn't a lot, is it???? I guess ANDY'S MOM is better than me. roflol
  19. It makes me so sad to read people's stories of pain, especially at such a young age. Hysterectomy at 35, suicidal thoughts from another, rolling on the ground....so sad! I'm sorry to hear about these sad stories. It gives me more fuel to get this figured out now, though. Thanks! Blessings, Caralyn
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