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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. My dh's paycheck is always one of two amounts and never varies other than between those two...so I jump on new money like a piranha. LOL
  2. You must be talking about coming in on 26 into Erwin and then Johnson City area. Johnson City is about an hour from me.
  3. On the NC side, I am closest to Boone and about 1.25 hours from North Wilkesboro.
  4. Sounds a bit confusing (not for me to read...but that it might be confusing as you get into trying to do it all).
  5. Nope, we didn't owe at all. We got a good heafty sum back, to be honest. How weird. I read somewhere today in my research that companies had until April 1 to implement the change, so maybe his company is just waiting until the last possible minute. :(
  6. I did! :) They definitely got it out to me fast. It was next day shipping and came priority mail. I ordered it Monday and got it today.
  7. I like Cepacol throat numbing losenges. Not only does it help with cough, it kinda numbs a sore throat too...and the lemon-lime flavor is actually not half bad.
  8. I would do something like that if it appealed to me (which it doesn't really, at this point) but there is no way I would pay for it. You could totally do that yourself and save a bundle of money!
  9. Normally, I take the kids and we go somewhere....even if it is just to the library. Two days a week, we have obligations. The other 3 days, we go wherever life takes us. Pretty days, that is the park. Ugly days, we end up sometimes at McDonalds having a sundae. :)
  10. We started on the roller coaster with math, but found Singapore and it works for both my kids. I RE-purchased LLATL red off the for sale board a bit ago, so we are back to square 1. LOL I calculated it...I only lost about $75 in my trial and error phase. :(
  11. I got my books today for DITHOR and Bigger Hearts for his Glory. Oh my, can you say "living book heaven?" :D
  12. LOL - I actually bought CLE Reading the other day too. BUT, I am not selling it this time. We may hate LLATL and, in that case, we will use CLE Reading and CLE LA 100 with ETC if needed. So I have plan A and plan B. The only reason I wanted to switch was because I knew I wouldn't use LLATL into the later grades. I didn't realize, until someone mentioned it on another thread, that LLATL Blue was the beginning of phonics and LLATL red was the last half. I would like to be consistent if I can be since my son is thriving with what we are using. Starting in 2nd grade, we will likely switch to CLE LA for the rest of the grades. :)
  13. I agree. I won't even discuss what I *think* of the stimulus. Suffice it to say that my ex husband and I joked that he would now need to increase child support by $2.50 a month and that I expect him to use his $14 wisely...even if he can't feed his whole family at McDonalds on it. LOL
  14. Let's see: My son is loud, fights contantly with his brother, has a hard time focusing because he can't be quiet, has a hard time reading because he learned in PUBLIC SCHOOl by sight words. He is now homeschooled and doing some better. His is definitely not as loving as my younger son and has never liked hugs and kisses very much. :( I would give anything if my older were MORE like your son.
  15. don't fix it!" Right? I have just about lost my mind over English curriculum the last few weeks. I had about 10,000 choice for my younger son and none of them made me all that happy. Well...I have decided that if it isn't broken, why fix it right now? My younget ds is finishing LLATL Blue up and using ETC for phonics. His reading is wonderful and he is doing great. I think, since LLATL red is really the second portion of phonics from LLATL Blue, that I am just going to continue with LLATL red and ETC and THEN choose something new once he finishes those. I don't want to stick with LLATL for the long haul, but finising red will not hurt us. So...there it is. I have sold LLATL and now need to re-buy it. LOL I have also bought and sold two other English curriculums. what an expensive "back to where I started" experience. :(
  16. There was an income limit, but we are below it by quite a bit (I think it was $250K for couples!). He refuses to ask his employer. GRRR.
  17. My 4th grader did NOEO Physics I this year and it is right on his level. However, he is an average reader and doesn't LOVE to write. The levels of NOEO are based on the child's reading comprehension level more than anything else. I would never suggest doing a level II NOEO with a child younger than 4th grade. I would, personally, go with Physics I and if your older needs "more" then check out books that go more in depth from the library.
  18. Not trying to discuss the stimulus AT ALL. I just can't seem to find out when it takes effect. My friend's dh had the adjustment on his check this week, and so did my ex husband...however, my dh did not. :( And please please please please please please please do not discuss the actual stimulus at all - I definitely don't want this to be a political thread...just an informational one. LOL
  19. When our kids do this, my dh and I smile at each other and enjoy that our family has this closeness. You dh sounds...jealous...to me. :confused:
  20. I don't think he was trying to hit the five for fighting notes. He made this song his own and I absolutely love it. Five for Fighting...Ack. The singer is so whiney. The song doesn't have nearly as much emotion when Five for Fighting sings it. And I am not even a die hard Adam Lambert fan (like I said, I don't watch AI). Also, as a former vocal performance minor in college who has taken lots and lots and lots of voice training...he does hit the high notes...quite well.
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