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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Inna, The Moonspinners and This Rough Magic are possibly my favorites. I reread and enjoyed Airs Above the Ground recently also. ETA I started dd with The Moonspinners for her Mary Stewart introduction. She has gone on to read several including The Ivy Tree (I think). Jenn and Mommymilkies, I will go ahead and let the first one go into the shared account to see if there is any interest from either child. I really like being able to flash interesting book covers at them when they turn thier kindle fires on. ;) Thanks for the pre read advice concerning the second book.
  2. Somehow I did a double post....so currently reading Fourth Grave beneth my Feet by Darinda Jones. Interesting but not fabulous series about a PI that was born to be a grim reaper. One of my light Spooky reads. Planning to sort my library hard copies today with an eye tords ultimate return dates. Getting tired of taking books back and returning them in person in order to check them back out. They are heavy to haul back and fourth!
  3. You guys were awfully quiet last night. I love waking up in the morning and reading the previous nights conversation. It was a bit of a shock to be all caught up on a Thursday morning! From reading all of these great comments about Patrick Rothuss and his Kingkiller series I think we should try them. I am planning to put them in the Amazon account that the kid's kindles work from....is that appropriate? I am pretty sure it is but thought I should make sure, since I appear to have lots of people to ask! I did finish one of Kareni's recommendations late last night, Something About You by Julie James. Enjoyable with some really familiar locations for me. Definitely has adult content.
  4. Almost caught up with HoAW, I am so lmpressed. Still back in the 30's here. I am looking forward to your opinion of the Rosie Effect. You are my first friend to read it. Wondering if I am just in a negative mood or not. I finished it this afternoon so the person waiting behind me can have it. Gave it a 3* where Rosie Project received a 5*..... Great to see you back! That Supper Club looks fabulous. Would love to go or start something similar. Wouldn't that be fun! :grouphug: I know I seem to be retreating into a very fluffy reading world lately. Lovely blog, not sure if I told you before. Love the hymn study idea, your list has some great ones! Also congrats on finishing the St. Cyr books, you are officially one book further in the story than I am. I am saving the current last one as a treat for when we are in the States.
  5. i spent awhile looking for Darling Beast tonight with no luck. ;) It appears to start right after Duke of Midnight ends. The main character is pretty integral to the storyline in Duke of Midnight.
  6. I will pass that tip along to a friend who is visiting daily and trying to help her make decisions about her immediate future, no family in this country. Another interesting thing was she received the tPA shot from the first responder roughly 10 minutes after her stroke which appeared to be massive. It happened during our church service.......they didn't transport for quite awhile, multi car accident blocking one road into our area. By the time they moved her she was able to stand and sit down in a wheel chair by herself. Amazing..... My father wasn't able to get the shot because he missed the window. After watching my friend I can't tell you how much I wish he would have gone to the hospital sooner.
  7. You are making me miss my parrot although he was lazy and got me to take care of sheath removal. They really are lovely pets. He used to make an inquisitive sound as I turned the pages of my books. Enjoyed reading time...... Have to admit I wasn't aware of this either. We have Dr. Who type galore, some Dungeons but that is it. An interesting fact about our voices and our brains, talking and singing originate in different portions of the brain. A friend recently had a stroke and her speaking ability is quite damaged but singing is still alright. Apparently with therapy they can restore her ability to talk thanks to having retained singing. Kareni, I ended up spending the day in the car rather unexpectedly and read one that you might enjoy, Duke of Midnight by Elizabeth Hoyt. It was different enough to be interesting but not unique. Due to my kindle losing charge and not having the same books downloaded on both kindles I just have 2 other books partially completed. :lol:
  8. Just finished Faithful Place by Tana French. It was really excellent. Number three in her Dublin Murder Squad series but it wasn't at all what a typical book in a murder series should be. It was very much a novel about a dysfunctional poor Irish family whereone child grew up to be a guard (police). There are two murders but they are part of the fabric of the rest of the story not the focus. Here is a good review http://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/aug/28/book-review-faithful-place-tana-french My 700 bulbs....they were added to a whole lot of daffodils that dd and I planted last fall when we moved into our new house. These I just put in my flower beds. Nan, we did do a bit of planting of the daffodils within the front lawn because I do love the effect when I see it in big places like an apple orchard. I had done the basic lawn plant concept before and it worked well as a couple of rows in place of a flower bed around the front of our old house. In front of flower beds it looks a bit sloppy. Not what I was anticipating but now I have it.....you can't mow and the grass keeps growing. You have lovely blooms but the grass looks dreadful. It was really easy to do. Dd and I put quite a few (200???) in the ground in an hour or so. We just split the ground with the shovel and made a deep pocket, tucked 4 or 5 bulbs in, took the shovel out. After it rained you couldn't even tell that we had been there. They all came up so the easy method worked!
  9. I just picked Blood of Olympus up at the library today! Dc's are looking forward to it. Sea of Trolls fans here also. :) Shukriyya, Sorry that you seem to be joining the insomnia club. I hope it's just temporary. Eliana, You may end up enjoying The Rosie Effect so I hope I haven't ruined it. I could end up enjoying it if I ever get back to reading it. ;) I have been reading and enjoying Tana French's Faithful Place today.
  10. I will admit to being hugely curious if I have read a romance dealing with this book's topic. I have read way more than my share of romance novels over the years! Anyway I found a copy of it in overdrive. No room to check it out currently but hopefully in the next week or so. My question is should I read it or just pm you? :lol: It sounds interesting so unless I will be absolutely appalled I should probably just read it! That is such a beautiful area. Some friends live on a farm that the wall runs through by Hexham. The future archaeologist must have loved that vacation! Ali congratulations on 52 books! Angel, I hope dh feels better soon and the rest of the family stays healthy! I am hopefully going to resist the temptation to keep checking in on this thread and go to sleep. I have taken a couple of advil and need to get some rest. I planted over 700 bulbs this weekend in my garden.....crocus, tulips, hyacinth, narcissus. Looking forward to the results in springtime.
  11. Stilling plugging along trying to finish The Rosie Effecthttp://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/oct/08/the-rosie-effect-graeme-simsion-review. I think last week's first post may very well have been that I was reading it also. Books taking more than a week is odd for me and says a lot about this book in terms of my caring to read it. I loved the Rosie Project and this one is a bit of a snooze. Past halfway barely.
  12. My ds loves character type t shirts. He loves his Ninja Turtle and Life of Fred ones best right now. Pajama bottoms with characters to lounge in are good too. Maybe some logic type games. A puzzle ball and stackem cups have been hits with ds in the past. Also look at desk/office games for executives...I bought some discounted heavily one year. Huge hit and they are small.
  13. Thank you! I am on the waiting list for the soon to be released Bollywood Affair http://www.usatoday.com/story/happyeverafter/2014/04/24/sonali-dev-a-bollywood-affair-cover-reveal/8056153/ which I ran into while browsing in overdrive--I definately have learned to browse the e library quite effectively. The only Bollywood movie I have ever watched (quite recently) was really fun so I am looking forward to trying these books. Something different.
  14. Pretty much all I can say about that list is Wow!. Mentioned all my favourites so credible ;) but talks about many authors I keep bumping into when browsing in overdrive. My biggest problem is I need to finish the series I have started exploring before adding mor and confusing myself!
  15. I loved Siddhartha in my teens. I read it several times. Sort of afraid to read it now.
  16. I have a new book but it is a patchwork book. I wanted to figure out how to make Patchwork Puzzle balls and needed the directions. Here is a YouTube link for what I am talking about . I also finished Slaughterhouse Five early this morning. Stacia, I can't say I loved it. I googled an AP study page for the book before I started and totally understand why the book is easy to use in the classroom. So many easy to remember themes very close to the surface......so it goes..... ;) I will be honest and say the woman and pony part is something I really would prefer my kids not read. Would I assign it to mine? Probably not at this point. It isn't currently part of anything planned and I don't feel a need to add it in. Would I remove it from a library? No. If one of my kids really wanted to read it I wouldn't stop them but I would be pretty surprised if ds made it happily through the first few pages. So I sit firmly in the middle ground not assigning or wanting it assigned, but not banning.
  17. Just forwarded this to dh as a big hint! :lol: There is a Chateaux there also...... Not much reading happened today but I have had a great day! It is my birthday.....explored a fun new to us village/town, went out for lasagne(a favourite), then listened to the dc's play Happy Birthday on the bells at practice from the comfort of my living room. I normally climb the 94 steps to join them, mom holiday tonight. ;)
  18. Robin, Great job! Totally enjoyed your story. Jane, No problems just clicking the link, selecting Robin's story and reading. It took me a minute to realize it was there down the left hand side and may very well have been from the initial click.
  19. Hope you feel better soon. As soon as I am done here I will go retrieve my freebie. One can never have too many books especially in a form that doesn't take up shelf space! Have to say I am with VC on finding ways to avoid creepy crawlies. I don't actively destroy them but would rather not live with them. Ds is my relocation expert. That being said I have a spider living inside the side mirror of my car. Everyday there is an elaborate web waiting for the wind to destroy it as I drive. He starts work as soon as the car stops.......he came out for a traffic jam the other day. Sort of cute......
  20. Just wanted to say The Historian is an all time favourite of mine. I highly recommend it.
  21. Michelle, I hope you all start feeling better soon! All this talk(and pictures) of sea creatures has me wanting to watch the Dr. Doolittle movie with Rex Harrison! I love that movie.....just need to find it. I now have Faith Hunter's latest Jane Yellowrock on my kindle!!! As you can tell it has made me oddly excited on a really dreary wet day. Dc's are getting a great deal of school done. Only problem is I no longer know which book to read. Decisions....
  22. No one in our family has one for serious privacy concerns. Absolutely no desire to have one. A close friend's battle with cancer was broadcast to the world in horrifying detail. Her husband changed his status seconds after her death. Cannot even imagine updating facebook as a priority. If we miss things we just do. If someone wants us to know they can call or email.
  23. Well I just ended up requesting Something About You. Have you read the rest of the series. I have already gave up on my Peter James thriller. Stacia taught me how to get books off my goodreads account a few weeks ago and now I seem to be practicing my new skill pretty frequently! Next up is The Rosie Effect http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/oct/08/the-rosie-effect-graeme-simsion-review sequel to the Rosie Project. Then hopefully my self induced library hold list pressures are resolved!!!
  24. I started a couple of new books today, the first is by Peter James titled Want You Dead. Apparently it is the tenth book in a hugely popular series that I have never heard of (Roy Grace series) but it doesn't seem to matter so I decided to keep reading just to find out why the wait list was so long. So far it seems to be a good thriller with a stalker gone very bad. I am also reading One Book in the Grave by Kate Carlisle on my kindle. It is part of the cozy series set around bookbinding that I have been reading. Not sure that I am up for the ocean going theme. I checked a book called The Dressmaker out in overdrive. Set on the Titanic and on one of the lists. Not the same as Master and Commander .......
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