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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Still none here. Dh called a couple of hours ago and they are still releasing. If none appear today they will investigate tomorrow. Grrrrr Lisa, Thanks for the info. I am glad to know they really are appearing throughout the day. Dd took the exams in Europe so logic says we should have been first. Maybe thats why she had her scores at 5 am est in May.
  2. :grouphug: Teacherzee, I hope your books come out of storage quickly and that you have your own place soon. I lost many books in our move. While I have stuffed bookshelves and boxes in the garage I will always miss what I lost. I filled a bookshelf at my mom's with things I hadn't read, really dumb move. I should have filled it with favourites because I still haven't read them.
  3. Thank you but still no scores in her account. I keep checking. One page looks like they should be there then when I go to the details, nothing. Her May score is there but no June. Glad your son's scores were there. My dd had been insisting on seeing her German score before taking her CLEP exam in German which we had booked for today (Empty slot available). She finally agreed to go ahead and take the exam. Received 12 credit hours so really glad to be done.
  4. Still nothing. Anyone have any scores from the June SAT ?
  5. Last time they were available at 5am est. Not there yet. Twitter says will be released throughout the day, I thought that was referring to the regular exam which obviously has issues. Starting to worry that they lost dd's exams.
  6. Our whole family would be considered picky by most. The two things I still refuse to eat are considered common condiments. This means I am always a special order at fast food places. :lol: I blame this mainly on my former sister in law who spent a great deal of time trying to trick me into eating them as a child. My stomach truly rolls if I smell them so my kids and husband skip them also, rather happily. I always have alternatives if I am knowingly making a meal someone dislikes, it might be peanut butter sandwich but I have something and offer it. For new foods Dh and I have always been really honest. Since you like or dislike this similar food you should try or not this. They decide.....We have never tricked them. We belong to Costco and take them at sample times, very hungry. They try all sorts of things and like them when hungry. This has been my best way of expanding their diets. We frequently leave with things we never imagined anyone ever eating. ;) ETA....just read a few of the responses. On the subject of peanut butter sandwiches, my rather elderly peditrician told me a this info when the dc's were little and eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches....during the 40 odd years he had been a doctor he had had three little boys who had eaten peanut butter sandwiches exclusively for years, all three were normal size, in good health, and had PhD's in a scientific area in adulthood. He had no problems with lot of peanut butter!
  7. Ok, we have now established why the British consider fanny to be an impolite word. Refers to lower female private parts so no one needs to google. I eventually learned that bum was a better choice and knew why (embarrassed friend explained) but always wondered why a somewhat polite phrase in the US was totally rude in the Uk. Also knew of the book which just confused me, didn't know what it was about obviously.
  8. Amy, What lovely pictures. I have to say a formal dinner, where you looked good , on that small amount of luggage is a triumph. Totally impressed! Thanks for sharing. :)
  9. We tested in April. They did a couple of early releases then scores appeared every Wednesday and Friday at 1 am est.
  10. I agree. I will say it depends on the child on the outcome. Telling dd "It's a classic and you might like it" means she checks it out of the library and is reading it within the week. With ds I can literally see the book being scratched off his mental list's of books. Not sure what the difference regarding early exposure could be because we did literature together for years....perhaps the ages, with ds being younger when we read things? He loved all books, even classics, until he hit the sleepy boy teen stage. Hoping things change in the future. Our summer reading challenge is nationwide. Titled Record Breakers as in Guinness Book. Tons of activities planned. Hoping to attract boys.http://readingagency.org.uk/children/news/record-breakers-announced-as-2015-summer-reading-challenge-theme.html. Dd will be working at the events locally. She had the interview and it went well, maybe too well. The ball ended up in her court with her needing to figure out how much she can handle because they would like her at other area libraries also.....honestly, the answer is she can easily work on what she started wanting to do, the events in our village library, maybe a couple of others. Things have a bad habit of growing.
  11. Stacia, Happy Birthday! Jane, I can't imagine a cake circle working. Even in this country I can't believe it works. While people love home baked cakes and happily dig in at social events I don't think they would react well to a stranger at their door with a cake. Generally you always know who baked what you are eating even if you don't know the person. Occasionally I get a compliment from someone I don't know for something dd or I baked that they ate months ago. People pay attention. Although if he is making really nice Victoria Sponges it might work. :lol: I wonder if people are so shocked they take the cake so the crazy person goes away......
  12. What an odd coincidence, I read the first chapter in Johannes Cabel this afternoon while hunting for my next book. Still haven't decided what I want to do. I did enjoy the first chapter but had decided to return it to the list. Now you have me thinking I should continue since you are reading it. Decisions...... MMV -- I love the pictures. Dd and I always spend the majority of our time looking at the books when we visit historic houses. It is fascinating to see what the families read, what languages, and how that ties in with the overall feel of the place. Father's in my life and their reading habits.... Dh is mainly factual/current events and does a majority of his reading online. My father loved the outdoors and subscribed to a huge number of magazines. Everything from Mother Earth News to National Geographic, including a huge geographical range of hunting and fishing periodicals. I grew up surrounded by stacks magazines. He also had a huge collection of Western novels. Loved Louis L'amour. My fil loved to read books, the chunkier the better. He adored anything by Michael Creighton. He loved historical books like Rutherford's Sarum which is on my list of planned books for the year in honour of fil. He always had a quote from one of his favourite books for most occasions.
  13. This afternoon I finished the book I mentioned last night, The Half Brother, a novel by Holly Lecraw. Overall I liked it. It won't make my 10 best but it was a good read. A few parts dragged for me and the ending was incomplete. It just needed something more, and I am not sure what, so probably shouldn't criticize. :lol: The book centers around life at a posh New England boarding school over a couple of decades. The narrator is the new Literature teacher and the story is essentially about his struggle to feel rooted. He is a southerner by birth who through his mother's marriage into a prominent family found himself attending Harvard and eventually with his job. The poor man/boy doesn't quite feel he fits anywhere. The book is a series of flashbacks interspersed with the current which was done well. The book had some surprises which I had already guessed, possibly thanks to a review which I probably shouldn't have read. The story wasn't ruined because I wanted to see if I was right but this knowledge might be why I felt the need for more. As I said yesterday when they add the novel part to the title I seem to feel the need to become a critic!
  14. Since I managed to double post I will add Rick Steve is my favourite for travel guides. We rarely follow the suggestions but after reading them feel well equipped to visit the location. The knowledge from his guide acts like a security blanket I guess.
  15. We like Michael Palin dvd's. Pole to Pole is a favourite.http://www.palinstravels.co.uk/
  16. The Bedwyn Saga is something I have wanted to read but didn't have access to all the books. I just checked and they now appear to all be there on overdrive even the Prequels. I will start these soon. I am so much happier if I can read in order. I have 7 books that I am next in line for so I am trying to clean out my overdrive accounts in order to receive those. Many are new releases by favorite authors so I should be able to read them quickly after they start arriving. Most are fluff.
  17. I think I missed Blue Smoke also. Just downloaded it from overdrive. I love the immediate gratification. I have read and enjoyed The Chesapeake Bay books. They are some of my favorites by Nora Roberts. They probabably do deserve a reread, which for me means in order. :lol: I am currently reading The Half Brother, a novel https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22551750-the-half-brother which I know came off a BaW list just not sure which one. It is interesting. Sort of an in between my current fluff fixation and something more serious which is why the title says a novel. The only problem is I feel like I have to be a bit more careful about how I rate it..... ETA this is the list that had The Half Brotherhttp://www.npr.org/2015/05/22/408523960/beyond-the-bestsellers-nancy-pearl-recommends-under-the-radar-reads?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20150522
  18. I just finished The Witness by Nora Roberts.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12716613-the-witness?ac=1 It was new to me, her 200th book back in 2012, which I somehow missed. It started with a character that I was utterly charmed by, a sweet sixteen year old girl who rebelled against her incredibly strict environment. One night of rebellion ended incredibly badly and as you can guess by the title she ended up in witness protection. The girl is incredibly bright, rather like Temperance Brennan in Bones. I really enjoyed this one...I had a hard time putting it down in order to sleep last night. ;)
  19. Just checked, I get recommendations for my abandoned shelf on Goodreads when I click the icon on the top of the page that gives recommendations by shelf. Interesting to not that many of the books on the list are ones I have considered but ultimately decided didn't suit. I also think they send me a monthly news letter with recommended new releases that is by shelf ...... could be wrong about that but they have sent emails recommending books based on my abandoned. My AP shelf generates some unique choices also.
  20. Not sure if I marked my abandoned shelf exclusive or not. It was one of my first shelves and I don't think I know how. I just added a shelf and started using it. I change their status from currently reading to abandoned and make sure my page count is correct. I started my shelf to house books that I should have liked that I read a significant portion of and just can't finish. I actually read one from that shelf by accident earlier this year, got part way through and was hating it at the same point roughly wnd discovered that it was sitting on that shelf. Finished it simply to get it over with. Hopefully I can remember that! I do get recommendations for my abandoned shelf......always makes me laugh!
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