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Everything posted by Juliegmom

  1. :bigear: I'm sorry you didn't get any feedback. Bumping this for you as I am also curious about WS for my daughter for next year.
  2. Taking notes here! So interesting to see how people either love or really dislike R&S. It's only our first year with it, but so far it's a perfect fit and plan to continue with it. Hope you find something that works for you. Easy Grammar would probably be my next choice.
  3. Could you please share your reasons why you chose either an umbrella school or filed a private school affadavit? This is our first year homeschooling. My older girls are covered under their charter school, but I'm not sure how I want to go about filing for my 2nd grader. Any advice? Thank you!!!
  4. Thanks for "lurking" and sharing your area of expertise! :) I wonder . . would we run into the same problems applying at CSU's?
  5. Thanks for all the ideas! Just a caution for anyone researching charter schools . . . my impression is that this policy applies to all online California charter schools. The school is WASC accredited and all courses, except science and foreign language meet UC requirements. Unfortunately dual enrollment is not an option since we are currently overseas.
  6. I didn't realize that the admissions policy for UC's were so different from other states. Thanks for taking time to respond, Jenny!
  7. I just found out that my dd's science and foreign language courses from her online charter school are not UC approved. All her other classes are approved. I'm told that there are some requirements that make it preventative in an online environment with UC's current rules and that these classes will simply need to receive the "home school" approval offered by UC. I'm new to homeshooling and am wondering how you all go about meeting the college entrance requirements for science and foreign language? My dd is pretty sure that she wants to do 2 years at a junior college so this may not even be a problem. However, I want to be informed to make sure that the possibility of going on to a 4 year college remains a possibility (if she changes her mind or for my younger daughters). She will not be a science major and is sure about her path in elementary education. Help PLEASE!!!
  8. Would switching to Wordly Wise 3000 be a good option?
  9. SWO B is too easy for my 2nd grader who is a natural speller. I want to keep her challenged and am considering Building Spelling Skills by CLP. I'm wondering if I should go with the 2nd grade or 3rd grade level book. I'm not interested in AAS and my daughter enjoys workbooks. Any suggestions? I've also considered Rod and Staff, but can't seem to decide between the two.
  10. I agree that your schedule looks just fine. Go with what works for you and your child. My 2nd grader is usually done by lunch too! :)
  11. I am using a story map that I found on Pinterest. It ask questions about characters, plot, setting, problem/conflict, solution, beginning, middle, end, theme/author's message, predictions, feelings, confusions, and new vocabulary.
  12. Our book just arrived. I love the look of it and think it will be a great fit for us. My dd enjoyed the lesson as well. :) I will continue to use selections from PLL, but it just felt too light.
  13. What do you think about using Writing Strands 6 or 7? For those of you that have used it, which one would be better if I want the instruction to emphasize essay writing and a research paper?
  14. I have two highschoolers (9th and 11th) who are homeschooling through an online charter school. I don't feel that they are receiving enough writing insturction and would like to supplement with a writing program. They were in public school for K-8 and were taught 6 trait writing. My concern is having them well prepared for college. I can't afford anything too pricey and want something they can use together. Any recommendations?
  15. I haven't, but I will now! Thanks for the advice. I completely forgot about the high school board. :)
  16. I have two highschoolers (9th and 11th) who are homeschooling through an online charter school. I don't feel that they are receiving enough writing insturction and would like to supplement with a writing program. They were in public school for K-8 and were taught 6 trait writing. My concern is having them well prepared for college. I can't afford anything too pricey and want something they can use together. Any recommendations?
  17. That's it!!! Thank you for your quick responses! I just love this forum! It's been such a tremendous help and blessing to me. I'm a newbie homeschooler and have a friend who has recently decided to homeschool as well. I've told her about this site and wanted to share Home Ed Expert, but couldn't remember where I found it! Many, many thanks!!!! :001_smile:
  18. I'm trying to re-trace my steps to find a website I used to help me narrow down curriculum choices. I remember being able to take a free on-line quiz that asked questions about my teaching method and my child's learning style. It then listed curriculum (in a table format) that closely matched these philosophies. I can't seem to find it on-line anywhere. If you are familar with this site could you please help me out? I'm beginning to think that this is all in my head! :lol:
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