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Everything posted by Juliegmom

  1. Thank you! Still not sure if I did it correctly, but it does show a listing in classifieds.
  2. I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to select a profile picture, but it won't display. How can we get answers to these questions?
  3. I want to list a couple items I'm looking to buy. Can anyone tell me why I can't post a new topic over on the WTB forum?
  4. I am using Daily 6 Trait Writing. One of the reasons I chose it is because my daughter was previously in a ps where they taught 6 trait writing. My dd enjoys it and I like it ok. It's giving my dd a good foundation, but I will probably be adding something like Igniting Your Writing for next year. You can take a good look at it on Timberdoodle's site. I've also heard good things about Winning With Writing. I believe they are both closely aligned to the state standards.
  5. Nutcracker almost seemed like tradition for us as our older two ballerias were a part of it for 9 years. I truly miss it! We currently live over seas, but will be in the states for Christmas. One of the first things we will enjoy will be going to a Nutcracker performance. :-)
  6. Our church uses the NKJ, but we also use NIV which was included in our curriculum.
  7. Thanks for all your comments. I was looking at the guide from VP and it looks like we will give it a try!
  8. The wonderful thing about R&S is that much of it can be done orally. Last year, I was also comparing GWG or R&S. I was afraid that we might find R&S "dry"as many have complained. I find it to be a gentle, but steady progression in grammar. I like that it will cover some topics on writing as well. I have been very happy with R&S and plan to continue.
  9. I am currently using SWO and like it ok. My daughter enjoys the activities, but she has yet to be challenged. She is a natural speller. I've heard that R&S is a bit more challenging in the way the student works with the words. We may be switching to R&S spelling next year.
  10. Have you looked at Evan Moor's Daily 6 trait writing? We are currently using this and my daughter enjoys the workbook. The lessons break down the 6 traits with short daily activities which lead up to a writing prompt on Friday. You cav view sample pagea on Timberdoodle. :
  11. Can anyone recommend a good literature guide to go along with The Chronicles of Narnia and that is suitable for a third grader? Thanks for your help! :
  12. I am having the same trouble and am wondering!
  13. Everything we are using is in my sigg. Our school days take about 3 hour. We use the afternoons for science experiments, arts and crafts, piano practice and at least 30 minutes of free choice reading time. We also have a writing journal that my dd and I use to write back and forth to each other.This is something we really enjoy and I will have a wonderful keepsake of her writing as well!
  14. I don't plan to use the science for HOD or MFW. I looks as though I can get all the books I need for bible and history through HOD at a more reasonable price than what it would cost me to purchase book basket books for MFW. It seems that the best deal with MFW is to buy their packages, but the savings is lost once you start pricing items individually (which is what I would need to do since all their packages include science that I don't plan to use.) It is also a lot cheaper for us to have most of our curriculum come in one shipment. I'd love to be able to buy used curriculum, but the savings diminish and it can be a lot of work for our familiy members in the states to receive multiple shipments and then resend them to us. A ny more thoughts out there ? I truly appreciate all your comments and help! Can anyone comment on the rigor of HOD or MFW? o
  15. Do you purchase additional books or utilize the library to supplement what your child is learning? It has been a challenge for us to use the "book basket" for My Father's World because we live overseas. I'm drawn to literature-based curriculum, but need something that includes all the books I need while providing hands on activities as well. Could HOD be what I'm looking for?
  16. I'm still on the fence about whether or not I want to go with MFW ECC next year. Ugh! I'm considering HOD Bigger, but wondering if my daughter would be bored since it covers some of the same material. Any thoughts?
  17. Thankful or this thread! Will will be trying MFW ECC next year and depending on how that goes I may be considering HOD Bigger or Preparing for dd's 4th grade year.
  18. I'm considering using Imitation in Writing or Write With the Best next year. Can anyone share their experience?
  19. Another vote for Rod and Staff here. I've never used FLL, but we are enjoying R&S. It is simple yet comprehensive.
  20. The 4-year history cycle appeals to me. It seems that a good amount of people who are using SOTW1 have kids on the younger end of the spectrum so I wasn't sure. I also noticed the grade designation that Walking-Iris mentioned and had wondered. All your comments are very helpful. Thank you! :)
  21. Would a fourth grader be too young to start the SOTW cycle (starting with SOTW1)?
  22. We will continue with Rod and Staff for grammar. I find the short lessons to be simple and effective. We will also be starting Witing Strands next year (for 3rd grade).
  23. I look forward to trying Rod and Staff spelling next year! I just can't justify spending the $ for AAS for my natural speller.
  24. I am blessed that our first year homeschooling is working out extremely well and that most our curriculum choices are a good fit! :-)
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