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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. My tiny pomeranian(5 1/2lbs.) was bleeding from her backside.. she is not in heat. I checked her out and didn't see anything, so I bathed her. She was acting fine. About 40mins later, she wanted to go out. I watched her and then went to check what she had done. Her stool was nothing but blood! I ran her to the vet and they have her now. The Dr. said that it looks like she has ulcers in the intestines and it could either be worms or she has gotten ahold of something from a wild animal and gotten an infection. Funny thing is my neighbor 3 doors down had the same thing happen to her dog and it was an infection from eating something from a wild animal.
  2. Time Traveler History..this is very hands on and the lessons can be what you print off or you can add extra reading. The only bad things is that they only have 3 topics. We are just now finishing up American Revolution God's Design for Science, the lessons are short and they have experiments at the end of the lesson. Apologia Elementary Science along with Live and Learn Press(hands on) I have jumped around so much with History and Science it's sad! My youngest son will be starting Apologia next year which I am very happy about. Dd will start Sonlight...which we have NEVER used, so I am not sure about! History for next year will be Geography and Cultures, so I am hoping that will work and then we are moving to Sonlight. I like the hands on/unit study approach for History, but I have to have everything planned for me like Time Traveler does, or I get lost.
  3. We were doing Latin and the kids LOVED it, but now we have not done it in 3wks. This is what happened to Spanish as well. I am wondering if it would just be easier for us to wait until Highschool. How many of you wait? How important is it for them to learn now? I know it is easier for them to learn it now, but it's just not happening.
  4. http://www.homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/TTS/
  5. dh has met...Diane Lane and Christopher Lambert. We both met Diane's mother and she took us through Diane's house that was on her property. We both have met a few Atlanta Falcons(do they count as being famous??)..I actually had lunch with all of them..like they noticed me 7months pg at the time!:D
  6. Years ago, I worked at a Carter's factory and sewed on a serger..where I fell in LOVE with them. I have not sewn anything in years, just didn't have the time. My daughter wants to learn now, so I am looking for a good book to teach her and myself, since there are things I still don't know.
  7. I going to be purchasing a serger in the next couple of weeks and noticed on e-bay that people have serger thread for sale. Would you purchase this?
  8. What is a good reasonable serger? Where should I look? I want to start teaching my dd to sew. Is there a sewing curriculum out there or a very good book? I know only a little about sewing and would like to learn along with her...ideas?
  9. Is there a site that has ideas, book or are do you just have a creative writing mind?
  10. I know this is not considered "homeschooling", and that I would be limited to what I would use. I was talking to a friend today and she uses this with her kids. It sounded great! She received EVERYTHING that she needed for the year, except for a few novels.
  11. 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained, rinsed and dried(this helps with the moisture) 1 tablespoon oil 1/2 cup frozen corn 1 clove garlic 1/2 cup chopped onions 1/4 teaspoon cumin 3 dashes of hot sauce 1/4 cup salsa (which ever you like..I like the kind from Sams that is sold in the refrigerated area, it is very chunky and spicy) 1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder 1/4 to 1/2 cup flour 1/4 to 1/2 cup crushed saltines 1. Place dried beans in a large bowl, mash with a fork and sit aside. 2. mix garlic, onion, hot sauce, salsa, cumin, corn, oil, and chili powder in a food processor 3. stir beans and the mix(above) well 4. Add flour and crushed saltines..I added 1/4 of a cup 5. Stir to blend ingredients 6. Form in to 4 or 5 patties... these will be sticky so place on saran wrap. 7. To cook, spray pan with Pam and sauté on medium heat until browned, repeat on other side. 8. I serve these on toasted burger buns with pepperjack cheese..MMMM I got this recipe off of Recipe Zaar and altered it. Here is the original http://www.recipezaar.com/111462 I also purchased the store brand black beans about $50 a can, you could buy the dried beans.
  12. I did this last summer, we were building in our backyard. With the wood being treated, the saw dust would kill our grass. I got the shop vac out and vacuumed it up and it worked great! Sorry to hear about your windows!!!
  13. There are 3 adults and 2 kids..one eats like his older brother, he is having a growth spurt. This month I spent $600 because I decided we needed to eat what was in the freezer, which in turn saved us money for the past 3 months were I only spent $350. My grocery bill includes everything...dog food, shampoo, soap, washing powders, cleaning products, toilet paper, etc..
  14. I am wondering if anyone here is very organized with your lessons, that you have everything written on a schedule and follow it to a T? Do you do flashcards at a certain time? Math, History, Science, etc. at a certain time? If you are not finished with them do you finish or come back to them after things are done? I want to get on a schedule. I want to do flashcards and such. I want dc to have a routine and know what needs to be done and when. I have tried this but seem to drop it after while. I want to be finished with lessons by 2pm. If anything is left, then they need to do it as homework..but they normally are still needing me to help them, so we don't get up from the table until 4pm or even later!! I am wanting to try this now, so I can get an idea for next year.
  15. I am with you on the Gardisil..I don't know what it is about that one. I dreamt once that it was to sterilze girls...I am sure it was from a movie we watched and then seeing the commercial.
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