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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. But my mom took me to Belk when I was 6yrs old and had them done. I had little owls. My mom told me to keep my hair down until she told my dad. He wasn't happy with her, but got over it.
  2. Dh and I read over it and read over it, looking for errors and did not even see this!
  3. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/uploads/g/Gamom03/59370.pdf
  4. but she lives with my oldest SIL, so she will be coming with her.
  5. I think my anger comes from 19yrs of dealing with her and then she is in a round about way messing up our sons day...to point this out and make a big deal of it...(I as a parent want it to be a perfect day!) I am still trying to calm down, I have a knot in my back(literally!) from this getting to me. I would love to post the card so everyone can see, we are so proud of him!
  6. We just sent out ds graduation invitations-- to immediate family and a couple of neighbors. MIL points out(really making a big deal out of it) to both SIL and to Dh that I had a typo(instead of attained, it was attainted. NO ONE else has even noticed the typo..not even US! MIL is one that loves putting others down especially "me". I am very irritated about it. She did not say anything nice about them, we had put 4 pictures of ds on the card..age 7months, 8yrs, 18yrs and his prom picture. The only thing she could do is talk about the typo!!:angry:
  7. summer? My dd knows how to do basic math, but she isn't strong at it. I want something to use with her to get her where she needs to be and at the speed she needs to be..she is VERY slow when it comes to math. I want something for her to do over the summer, I would prefer worksheets. Timed ones might do her good as well.
  8. purchase new? I am looking for Teaching Textbooks 6 for next year and I have only seen it for sale a couple of times, of course it had been sold a few minutes after posting. I am wondering if I should just purchase it new.
  9. She is 10. What are some of your favorites?
  10. http://www.eyeblast.tv/Public/Video.aspx?rsrcID=2036 Sorry if I am not allowed to post things political.
  11. things being done in the book!! Dc are 6th and 4th graders. They will being taking the Standford test the end of May. The books cover Government and Earth Science, which we have not covered. Ds had a question on government and I wouldn't even know the answer!!! Would you just get some books from the library and hope they retain the information for the test?
  12. I don't see much driving at all for anyone! They would not be able to keep it at that price. If it did do that, I don't know what we would do. Dh works 28miles from home which takes him an hour+. He has a small car, but it takes premium!! Ds will be starting college soon, it is 15miles from home. He just got a car a few weeks ago and it is pretty good on gas. For me! I drive a SUV, it is paid for and I only go out right now on Tuesday and Thursday(ds drives us for now). I usually fill up every 2wks.
  13. Ds will be graduating next month. I had planned on just having a cake. Dh says since we put reception following the ceremony on the invitation, then we need to have food as well. So here are some thoughts I thought: sliced ham rolls broccoli salad potato salad veggies chips and dip cake Mom suggested: meatballs with spaghetti sauce(we will have small children attending!!!!) 3 types of chicken wings veggies cake Only problem with my mom's suggestion is that I would need to keep things warm and we will be gone for about 1 1/2 hours for the ceremony.
  14. call Walmart early every morning, to see if any have come in. I also saw a bundle pack at Costco last week.
  15. I will ask on the board. Thanks for mentioning it!
  16. 7th grade: Math: Chalkdust Pre-Algebra History: Trail Guide to World Geography Science: Apologia General Science Grammar: Rod and Staff 6th grade Writing: IEW Literature: Lightning Literature 7 Spelling: Spelling Workout G Latin: Latin for Children A Bible For All Ages Unit 1 Typing Guitar Co-op Tuesday Bowling
  17. Is using Apologia General Science with IEW writing ideas good to use with a dc that doesn't like to write or would that be to much writing?
  18. We are planning on using Trail Guides next year for geography. I was wondering if purchasing CC's maps to go with Trail Guides would be a good idea. Thoughts??
  19. I was reading this after reading the previous post and was wondering if this was something for the little girls hair and a new way of straightening:lol: :lol::rofl:
  20. I use to braid hair a couple of the girls hair. I LOVED doing it, but I could never get it like the professionals( and moms that had been doing it for a while). If you can French braid, then you can cornrow, you just do it the opposite way..I can't remember if it is over or under right now, I would have to do it on my dd to remember. My braids would only last about 2 to 3 days. It KILLS your fingers! I have done my dd's hair(which works best when it was wet) it lasted 4 days..I told her I would not do it again for a VERY long time.I think it took me a couple of hours. Do not do the braids to small, the hair will knot up and it will be horrible to try to get out. I will try to post a picture of my dd on my blog when I braided her hair. OH Well..I have tried posting the picture on my blog, but it wont let me. Sorry!
  21. What she did give me is bio-identical estrogen. We are only trying this for the month to see if it helps with my issues.
  22. Dr. said all my blood work looked great. But she knows that I am having issues(I have discussed with her for the past 3yrs), so she gave me a prescription of estrogen to try for a month. If this does not help she is going to run more test. 5+yrs with these problems..I sure hope it helps!
  23. Her hair doesn't want to do anything or hold a style. What do you do? She wants the swoop bangs, but doesn't want to cut her bangs..they are almost shoulder length. We have cut them before and they didn't look good short. I know that since she hasn't styled her hair much, that she is going to have to train it..right? What are some good styling products for her? She has fine hair, if it matters she is 10.
  24. I am sending out graduation invitations and I am not sure how to address one to my ds's girlfriend and her family. Here is a little bit more confusion. Her mom is living with her boyfriend..which we know as well..we would not invite, but since she is living there how do we address that as well?
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