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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I have been putting a little baby powder on him/her..which makes a big difference. The dc were told that they are to keep the cage clean and they are to feed him/her. One time I find that cage dirty or I smell a strong odor coming from ds's room..he/she is GONE! He/she is very sweet...plays wonderful with our dogs...which we keep a close eye on. He/she would jump out of the box at our little Pomeranian, which she loved! No, we didn't take a picture yet, but next time we give him/her a bath I will. Thanks all for the advice!
  2. Read that they should not have many sweets. Mmmm, maybe I need to do some more reading! Do you feed yours cat food? I was told NOT to give it dog food.
  3. Ok this thing STINKS! They told us we could bath him/her, we did and he/she did not like it at ALL! We washed his/her cage, hoping to cut down the smell. We have a small amount of food that was given to us. What do these things eat?? P.S. if the smell isn't going to go away..he/she will!! Please tell me that there is something to help! Dc are already in love with "Bandit". I read some where that we can put a liter box in the pen..does this work?
  4. I order early, always have. I don't like waiting until the last minute, when things could be on out of stock. I do wait on school supplies. I let the dc go with me so they can pick out things they like, to make it more exciting...they really look for to using the things they picked out. Well right now that works, they are going to be 5th and 7th grade..I hope this last a bit longer!!!:001_smile:
  5. I use my epilady, so I don't shave anymore! Last time I did, it felt like I was shaving off skin. I have very sensitive skin on my legs, which is why I went with the epilady..hurts the first couple of times, but after that it doesn't.
  6. I changed them about a month ago and changed them again last night. Right now the A/C is working. We called the company and they are coming out to do a yearly check-up. Hopefully it will continue to work or they will find the problem!
  7. So that is why we think something is wrong. Last year when it happened everyone was having the same problem. Thanks for that advice...we will definitely call for a service man and just ask them for a yearly check up. We are hoping since we have only lived here for 3yrs, if something is wrong it will still be under warranty(fingers crossed!).
  8. Phoebe didn't get her name until she was 6months old, so while dh was trying to think of a name we called her dog. She knows she is in trouble when we say DOG. We have had Ruffy(dog), Maggie(dog), Rizzie(dog), Smeag(cat), and Sweetie(dog).
  9. A/C was working just fine today, but now it won't cool! Upstairs unit has done this before, we changed the batteries in the thermostat and that fixed the problem. Both units were running and would not shut off. The upstairs was not cooling, downstairs would not go past 77(we have it set on 76). We just turned them off so they would not burn up. This is a new house, we have lived here for 3yrs! These units should not be acting like this!
  10. He has had it for about 13yrs, when my mom gave it to us, he worked the graveyard shift. The room was not dark enough and would drape it over his face. He has gotten so use to using it that he can't sleep with out it being under his neck and draped over his face. The thing has been sewn so many times it is ridiculous! We have purchased him other throw blankets, but he will not use them. He says that he has this one broken in!
  11. I mostly use what I make off my old curriculum and then add a little in. For this coming year I spent out of pocket around $300 for 2 dc. I still have to purchase school supplies: pencil, paper, erasers, etc. Which will add about $100 this year because I need to purchase a GOOD pencil sharpener. We don't do many field trips, unless they are free. Dc don't want to do co-op next year so that will save money. They do want to do 4-H..Free They are in the Homeschool bowling league which runs about $144 per season..if we go every week. So that will be about $288 for the year. So this coming year will run about $688
  12. Go to help and read up on it. I am not sure what your reasons are, but hopefully you will have one of their reasons for retracting.
  13. Friend told me, if they prefer to type it is fine with her..she has her dd type. I will have to see how to turn off the automatic correction thing.
  14. dc are doing the dress-ups while doing the rough draft..I dont' know what openers are!?!?:confused: Ds is having a hard time doing this, but dd LOVES it. I know I am not suppose to, but I end up sitting with them and helping them! For some reason his mind goes totally blank when he sits down to do this.
  15. Just curious...I know 3 families in our subdivision that homeschool, I have heard of a couple more families but have not meet them...age range from 2nd to 7th grade I would love to do something here in our subdivision, maybe switch houses. I have thought about doing Latin for Children...but I know nothing about latin, but own the program..not sure if this would work!! Things I would love to do is science, IEW, and latin. Any ideas?
  16. Dc started IEW class with a friend. I have a question. Is it necessary to write out their work on paper? Can they type it on the computer? If so, can I just correct it on the computer(highlighting errors in a different color)or do I need to print out and correct it that way? How do you do this?
  17. :svengo:I guess I shouldn't be complaining!!!!!
  18. I have put a couple of things on our cc in the past, when things aren't working for us, but that has been paid off.
  19. We got a lot of different quotes. When ds got his license that's when the real quote was given
  20. That is to cold for me! With changing temps throughout the day, does it make your bill more???
  21. for our house and it was $80..double what it was last year.
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