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Everything posted by JaneNickerson

  1. Thanks for the replies!! I am anxiously awaiting Sarah's list! :D
  2. We are reading SOTW3 for history this year. I want to add Canadian historical fiction, biographies, etc. Has anyone else done this? I would LOVE to see your lists. I find it slow going..hard to find appropriate books. I have found Dear Canada and Our Canadian Girl series. Any thoughts on these series?
  3. I just checked out the website for Institute for Excellence in Writing...and I was overwhelmed!! Where do I start?
  4. We use L'Art de Lire for French by Norma Allen. http://www.nallenart.on.ca We use How Great Thou Art by Berry Stebbing for art. We have tried the I Can Do All Things book in this series. We have Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre for pencil drawing. http://www.AVDP.com
  5. Curious...will you read them from the computer or print them into a "book" format? Will you read aloud or get child to read from computer screen? This is all new to me..a rather low-tech gal. :)
  6. I found this site to be very helpful: http://www.handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com I plan on attempting the "outdoor hour challenges" this summer and fall.
  7. I have presidents of US, major wars, rulers of Scotland/England/Great Britain. Any more I should add?
  8. We have done Saxon math grades 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and I have never used a CD. I buy the "Home Study Kit." :blush:I do confess that I did not even know there were CDs!!
  9. Christian Light Education a division of Christian Light Publications Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 I am not sure if they have a web page.
  10. like recommended in WTM with nine sections? I am nervous about moving from grammar stage into logic stage. Why does the oldest dc always have to be the guinea pig?! :D
  11. history binder with the nine sections like in WTM? I am nervous about moving from grammar stage history into logic stage!! Does anyone put info from their dc binders on their blogs. Photos?
  12. I can't find Donalda Dickey at amazon.ca. Any help?
  13. I was wondering about apologia science, too. Is there a certain order to follow? What order have others followed?
  14. My book arrived yesterday and I have begun to read...I am glad that my dc have opportunity to play in real woods, swamps, beaches...We are blessed. I am so happy when I notice new animals in our yard. I saw a porcupine yesterday!
  15. bumping up and hoping a philosophical person reads this..lol.
  16. Is there one for Canadian geography as well? One of my projects for the summer is to beef up my Canadian content. ...and I have just noticed how very short my summer is!!
  17. Thanks for showing me how to get started on my own personalized philosophy of education. I describe our homeschool style as eclectic so I really liked the idea of listing what I use from each homeschool method..even if they are polar opposites (ie. classical and unschool).
  18. I want to put mine in my binder for next year..but I do not know how to word it!!:o
  19. I wanted to put my "educational philosophy" in my binder for next year. But, I'm not quite sure what it is or how to state it!!
  20. We have used Pathway readers and workbooks, too. So far we have used level "preprimer" to grade 5. I have been very pleased with them.
  21. My slow computer won't download any of these links. I shall keep searching...
  22. I have seen charts for SOTW/Sonlight and SOTW/TOG. Has anyone made one for SOTW/Ambleside??
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