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Karen in CO

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Status Updates posted by Karen in CO

  1. I have one thousand things to do today - actually it is 1171, but who's counting?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      Well, I have 1171 computer servers to query then validate in addition to my normal Monday work and making crumpets with my girls. Oh - and I have to make dinner. I really need to quit getting distracted.

    3. swimmermom3


      Now that makes sense. I was picturing 1171 entries like, "clean the cat box," "put away the holiday decorations." Since I have no idea about querying computer servers, it does not sound so bad:-P

    4. Karen in CO

      Karen in CO

      It is just a really long list. I can do 100 things and feel accomplished for a minute before I peek at the rest of the list then get overwhelmed. If I do one per minute.....

  2. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

  3. I'm drinking a warm cup of coffee. The kids are playing quietly. DH is grocery shopping. I'm afraid I might be asleep.

    1. Pixjen
    2. swimmermom3


      Sounds lovely, whether you are asleep or not.

  4. Why did my daughter wake me up at 5am? For chocolate chips, of course.

    1. swellmomma


      Sounds like something my 5 yr old would do. Hope you get a nap



    2. TraciWA


      Well of course she is a woman after all!


    3. JudoMom


      You need to keep them on a lower shelf ;).


  5. You know those dreams where you forget your pants? Well, today I made it halfway down the hall before I noticed that I had forgotten my pants!

  6. The greater part of the world's troubles are due to questions of grammar. ~Montaigne

  7. Fresh air and sunshine

    1. swimmermom3


      Do a soul good don't they?

    2. Karen in CO
  8. Time for a long walk - wonder if I can sneak past the kids

    1. elegantlion


      So did you get by?

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