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Everything posted by Mommie_Jen

  1. I tried the BFSU kindle book a few months ago. I ended up returning it the next day. It seemed really difficult for me to get into. Perhaps I didn't give it a fair shot. I just checked, and our library does have some of the Let's Read and Find Out Science series of books. We're reading about bears now, so I will make up a list of those to go through. Those are a good idea! He also likes to watch Beakman's World a lot. Maybe this is easier than what I think?
  2. We're working on OPGTR, ARFH, and SM Essential math. I bought a few DK Encyclopedias - Nature, Animals, Space, and a National Geographic Atlas book. I thought I would use those, but them seem way over a kindergartner's head. (Am I wrong?) And I'm not exactly sure what to do with them - just read/study a few pages at a time and find books at the library to match? I'm wanting a K science that is free/dirt cheap, super easy to implement, fun, and simple. So...suggestions? Is the idea of trying to use the encyclopedias/library books a good one? Any other ideas?
  3. My 5 yr old deals with this too. I am going to teach him this trick! (and try to do some pathetic drawing of a bed on the whiteboard for him.) Any tricks for M/N mix ups?
  4. Mama Jenn has a "Brown Like Me" book reviews section that I use as a reference sometimes!
  5. I have a just turned 5 yr old. He is still finishing up preschool at a church, but non preschool days are kindergarten days here. It takes us roughly an hour to do our Bible story, phonics lesson, handwriting, and math paper. Then we try to accomplish a coloring paper sometime throughout the day and read library books. That's it for now. I am going to be incorporating a science activity once a week, some art amd music, and some FIAR once preschool is done.
  6. HOD. I'm weighing options for first grade and looking at it and MFW. I want to like HOD. But, like others, I don't get it. I'm thinking about giving it a try anyway. Just thinking.
  7. (and he just turned 5 this month) Each weekend, J gets an allowance from us. It was a dollar when he was 4, now that he is 5, we've upped it to $1.20. DH gives it to him in dimes to teach about tithing. J sets aside a tithe for church, a few for savings, and then some for spending. He wanted to also set aside some for giving to others. Each weekend he "spends" nearly 100% of his allowance between church and giving to others, saving only 1 or 2 dimes for himself. That in itself is a lesson for me. :) He's saved $15 in his giving to others envelope. (we cash out the dimes for dollars.) We are matching it, so he has $30. We've been talking about what giving to others looks like and what options are available. We discussed local giving or global giving, etc. After lots of exploring options and discussion with him (and he also prayed and asked God what to do with his money too), he decided to give to Charity: Water. (Which is one of my favorite organizations, but I tried very hard to NOT sway him.) He decided to give money to African countries first, then debated between food (we looked at World Vision farm animals), water, or mosquito nets. We talked about why each was important. Water it is. So, I posted on FB about how proud I was of him...and some close family/friends are matching his donation. We have over $100 going to Charity: Water to provide safe drinking water to communities. Not only will the clean water help prevent diseases, but it means that women/children can support their family or go to school instead of walking for water. All because of a small boy with a huge heart. When all the money comes in, I am getting it in $1 bills from the bank to show him what that much looks like, from $15 to over $100. I am SO PROUD. God has certainly given him a heart of generosity. (and, just to clarify: I am not asking for donations or anything here. Not at all. Just bragging.)
  8. I'm extra cautious with chicken. It gets cooked the day it comes out of the freezer. No way would I use it. Sorry.
  9. I actually ordered MFWK deluxe but chickened out and cancelled it before it was even shipped. I like the way it looks, I want it to work, but I knew it wouldn't work well for us.
  10. I don't really shave anything new to add to the conversation, but I am still here, reading, observing, and thinking. Thanks for the NPR link!
  11. And what we are doing is SO NOT what I thought we would be doing! I debated high and low, flipped between SL and MFW (back and forth a few times), and finally ended up doing my own plan. I thought I needed a box program, turns out I think I just needed a bit of help knowing how to organize it all! We are doing Bible time (along with our Bible stories, I found an awesome little devotional book called His Mighty Warrior on Amazon), Phonics, read alouds, picture books, playing with math for now with a formal math program in the fall, nature study, FIAR book studies (until I borrow it from a friend later this summer), some Lollipop Logic, and DK encyclopedias on animals, nature, and the human body. Fun times! (Now to start planning for first grade :lol::lol:)
  12. Interesting to read everyone's thoughts. I know we all have different opinions and life experiences, but I also know that I have to prepare my kids to be scrutinized more than others. It's not right, but I believe it's necessary.
  13. We don't necessarily have rampant racism in our town, in fact, it seems as if we've had nothing other than open arm acceptance. But I just know that my kids will grow up and go out on their own and I don't want them clueless because their parents are white. Right or not, there is separate code of behavior for young black men in society. It's my job to learn it and to teach it. I'm taking notes on this thread. Oh, also - here's an old Washington Post article on black men and stereotypes. It's a little long, but well worth the read. And Sneezyone - my boys' hair is also always "done". One wears it super short, one prefers enough hair to curl, but it's still fairly short and always styled. Thank you so much for posting about older kids/teens rules. I needed to know specifics, and you gave them. Thank you, it was blessing to have a short specific list. My 5 yr old knows that there are some people who don't like a person just because the person's skin color is different than their own, and how that isn't right and how we are all the same inside.
  14. I will have it checked out. DS is due for his 5 yr well child visit next month and we'll get a referral then. And really, honestly, it has to wait until then. DH just switched jobs and we are waiting for ins. to kick in. I wonder if it can be both - being a little boy, and maybe some fluid buildup issues or something. (or earwax? He is the king of gross ear wax)
  15. Sneezyone, may I pick your brain for a minute? Your kids are young like mine are. When you say no running in public - I completely agree and see the reason why. But little kids at a playground with friends, running around playing together - yes? no? Can you expand on that when it comes to little ones and what is ok? I am trying so hard make my kids aware, to make myself aware, and to make my family aware. Through reading all the FB links I've posted lately about Treyvon, my parents get it. We do have the no hands in pockets rule and I will be cracking down on the not covering your face. My kids don't like hats anyway, but I will certainly watch that.
  16. Yes, true...it is. But perhaps black parents of black kids are more equipped to teach their children these things because they lived them. I didn't mean to imply that it only applies to us, I'm sorry if I gave that implication.
  17. So how DO we teach our sons that life is different for them without squelching their sense of adventure? I know that for me, my oldest is 5. When we adopted him, I knew things would be different. I didn't know exactly how. I knew people would be afraid of him. I didn't know I would need to teach him how to protect himself. (And, as proved by Treyvon, that isn't even enough.) He isn't allowed out in public (preschool, church, errands, not counting the backyard play time) in jeans with holes in them. I am crazy strict about respect and manners. I've just recently told him that sometimes police do things that aren't right and can hurt good people too. He is no way allowed to play with toy guns and is to NEVER in a million years pretend to shoot someone (aside from summer squirtgun fights). He knows how to properly shake hands and speak to an adult. As they age, they go from cute little kids to teen boys who are scary. What are some resources you have on how to educate our kids on how life is just different for them than it is for us? That one day they won't fall under our white privilege protection anymore? I linked to this and this in the other thread also, but it's worth the read about how being a "good" kid isn't necessarily going to do the trick. Thoughts?
  18. Hmm, I think I'll start a S/O thread to discuss so we don't derail this one.
  19. I honestly don't know. Can a normal, healthy kid suddenly have a hearing problem, or is it a 5 year old boy problem? DS had a sensitivity to loud noises as a younger child, but has been able to deal with sensory overload like that quite well now. It's really not even a problem anymore. What is a problem is the constant not hearing me...or ignoring me. It seems like unless I am on his level, right in front of his face, and clearly and directly speaking to him, there's no promise that he understands me. For example, he was helping me in the kitchen last night and I asked him to get the butter from the fridge for me. He responded with "did you say I could go outside?" Now, I do realize that his response was most likely just a little boy wanting to go outside to play. But there are other times when he will repeat a word back to me, but it's not the right word. Close, but not the right word. There's just some words he doesn't pronounce or enunciate well. Attentiveness issue? Normal for a young kid? I've been seriously thinking about having his hearing checked this summer!
  20. I am. I have been reading the NY Times article and a few very good editorial pieces. I am white. My boys are black. It is terrifying to me.
  21. For nearly 14 years, my DH worked out of town and I packed his lunch every day. I have been home with the kids for the last almost 5 years, but worked full time before then. It was something little and meaningful I could do for him and he appreciated it. Now he works 5 minutes from home and comes home for lunch and either gets a sandwich or leftovers.
  22. Yep. I have the direct YouTube app restricted so it isn't even available. If we want to see something on YouTube, I have to go through a browser. But yes, to filter content, you have to do that through YouTube directly. Clear as mud?:001_huh:
  23. I thought maybe I had won the Amazon lottery or something! I have never had to deal with customer service there before, so I am glad they have such good policies!
  24. Keep in mindi am not a frequent YouTube user, but can you go into your settings/account on YouTube itself instead of the iPad and restrict the YouTube settings?
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