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Everything posted by jenniferlee

  1. Thanks for the rec's! I'm going to check out those that are available from the library and see what they look like. I also was planning on using Hakim - but that is only us history and I wanted a more global perspective for modern times. jen
  2. Oh my, that is a lot of options! How do I choose which one(s) to get? and I'll check out the K12 option. I haven't heard of them before. thanks! Jen
  3. I don't have the WTM book with me at present. And I'm doing a bunch of ordering for next year. And I'm antsy:D Can anyone help me out? thank you! Jen
  4. Thanks for the clarification! I hadn't realized that was the case.
  5. So it looks like I need: -the text -the grammar -answer key -maybe a syllabus or guide? any other recommendations on this? there are several out there:001_smile: Thanks guys! Jen
  6. My daughter (13) has almost finished getting started with latin and I thought we'd move to Henle next year. But I don't know which books we need to get started. Can someone clue me in?
  7. I was always one to write out the paper first, then go back and make an outline to turn in to fulfill the "outline requirement". I never used brainstorming or bubbles or anything. My thoughts just came out naturally in order, usually, and the outlines and such always seemed SO pointless. So it's hard for me to make my daughter do them. I tend to just say things like, "here, write a couple of pages about this." And then wonder why her ideas are all over the place:D Seriously though, I have her (my oldest -13) enrolled in the alexandria tutorial on essay writing this next year, so I'm not planning on getting anything extra for her. But I'm wanting to get a better foundation for my 10 and 11yo this next year. Which would possibly be Homer...and yes, you all are scaring me:001_smile: But I still have all my MCT materials...up through voyage anyway. Is magic lens going to cut it for writing in the upper levels? I need to know. And I'm still waiting to hear about only using the CW core text....
  8. wow - this conversation has gotten very interesting. I'm wanting to hear more about just using the core book (saves $ as well). I find that my kids move through things pretty quickly, but sometimes if we don't have a specific "page to fill out" or "assignment to do" then it doesn't get done. I hate this feeling of second guessing all the time. Tell me it will be easier by the time my younger two are to this stage, please. I can't keep going through this every year or so...
  9. well at least I have good company:D Oh man, maybe I will just have to get CW and see for myself. I just don't have a lot of money right now, kwim? anybody else want to persuade/dissuade me? Any other extremely compelling LA/writing I should be considering?:D I need help
  10. This is my main concern about MCT as well: The trouble is, I just don't know, and I hate to get further in with MCT and realize its not working, and I hate to switch now and regret it later. Can you tell I am paralyzed:D Are there any huge drawbacks to CW? What do you all think about writing in MCT in the later stages? We've done essay voyage and it hasn't overwhelmed me with "greatness":001_smile: but I've been assuming it would get better as we go up... thanks for any more feedback Jen
  11. We have been using MCT this year. Like it a lot. Planned on sticking with it. But I have just now been looking at CW for the first time. I don't know what to do. I swear I'm going to to go crazy with some of these decisions. This used to be fun, but it's gotten to be grueling. my kids will be 4th, 6th and 8th next year. any help? thanks Jen
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't planning on using elemental science for the older kids really. Like maybe have them do some of it but mainly focusing on the elements course. I don't know - I'm getting tired of planning and making decisions after 8 years. Never though that would happen:D But I just want to get something nailed down and go with it. And enjoy it :001_smile:
  13. So, would you guys be suggesting that I just go with ACS only? Not bother with any of the others? The elements course looks so fun! But I don't want to waste money or make more work for ourselves. Also, I want to avoid totally boring. Like we found RS4K to be. (sorry). Jen
  14. I was just looking at that ACS site this morning! Free is good:D I don't love the idea of having to print everything out and order all the supplies to go with it, though. I'll check into the TK reviews, thanks!
  15. (I'm reposting this from the main board because I didn't get any replies there) How does this sound (combination of all of these): 1. elemental science - chemistry 2. Ellen Mchenry - elements 3. Thames and Kosmos chemistry kit thing (which one?) 4. exploring the world of chemistry by Tiner My kids love science, but mainly stick with nature topics. We tried to do RS4K chemistry a few years ago with my oldest and neither of us cared for it and never finished. So I'm trying again and hoping to get everyone on board. We used elemental science (biology) for my youngest this year and we liked it. Will this cover it? Overkill? Burn out? Thanks for your feedback!
  16. How does this sound: 1. elemental science - chemistry 2. Ellen Mchenry - elements 3. Thames and Kosmos chemistry kit thing (which one?) 4. exploring the world of chemistry by Tiner My kids love science, but mainly stick with nature topics. We tried to do RS4K chemistry a few years ago with my oldest and neither of us cared for it and never finished. So I'm trying again and hoping to get everyone on board. We used elemental science (biology) for my youngest this year and we liked it. Will this cover it? Overkill? Burn out? Thanks for your feedback!
  17. OK - you guys have made me nervous about life of fred. My daughter is almost done with pre-algebra and has loved the series so far. I have been planning to just stick with it all the way through. But is it not going to cut it for algebra somehow? Where do you think the disconnect is happening? Thanks Jen
  18. We have loved our suburban for trips (bad mileage, but great way to travel with 5 kids and lots of luggage). But we're moving into the city soon and one of the things I am looking forward to is being able to get to stuff without driving (walk, bus, bike) because it's just a killer otherwise. We'll have a tiny little town car to get around to places that require taking a few kids or a bunch of groceries or something. Right now I just try to stay home as much as we can.
  19. All 3 in one room. You need your own space! The oldest girl can change in a bathroom without any problem. My oldest daughter (13) shared with her much younger brother for 3 years (we just moved him out), and that's what she did. Worked fine.
  20. another non-shoe tie-er here. 11yo. still just can't quite figure it out. We call him einstein.:D
  21. Our english teacher took us to the oregon shakespeare festival in Ashland two years in a row to see whatever play we had read that year. What an amazing treat! It really is true that the plays were written to be watched not read. (I mean, they're good to read, but watching them is a whole different and more fully involved and understood experience).
  22. This looks really fun! Anyone else used it?
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