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Cornerstone Classical

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Everything posted by Cornerstone Classical

  1. I just called back. PHP is shipping a new copy. That is their policy. If you have any defects, call PHP and they will replace it! Great Customer Service!:)
  2. Thank you Kim. I thought this was a bit unusual. I've had 2 other printing problems in the past, and those publishers always sent the full replacement. I'll call back. Thanks!
  3. My OPTR book is missing pages 87-98. Anyone else had this problem? I called PH a while ago and they are going to photocopy those pages for me and send them via mail. Does this sound right?
  4. For extra practice I use the sheets from Donna Young. Here is a link to the cursive sheets http://www.donnayoung.org/penmanship/cursive-handwriting.htm HTH
  5. We did SOTW 1 last year. We choose Adventures this year, and we are loving it! The TM is all done for you, and all I had to do is pencil in my core subjects in the provided grid. It took hrs of planning away. The only prep work I have to do is look at the next week ahead, under the supply section and add those items to my grocery list. Then take my TM with me to the library and check out the books from the book list for "book basket" which is used to bring in the CM approach. I have been amazed at how "pick up and go" it has been for me. We love the spines included also. When we do the read alouds from American Pioneers and Partiots, and it's the first time my dc don't want me to stop reading. They actually whine not to stop reading. My dc are actually understand the content, and remembering the info. Last year, it was dry and they had a hard time connecting with the matterial to gain any lasting knowledge. The projects are on grade level for my dc. As far as science goes, I have completely skipped the science and am doing Apologia. MFW does use Apologia in some years so what I'm doing is covering the courses in Apoloigia that were left out in the years they are not scheduled in MFW. So, if we finish all years of MFW we will have completed the whole Apologia elem series. This is what I've schduled for science: Adventures- Zoology 1 Ecc- Zoology 2 Creation to Greeks-Zoology 3 RtoR- Astonomy (already scheduled by MFW) Explor-1850-Botany(already scheduled in MFW) 1850-Mod-General science I had concerns about it being meaty enough, but I think that is the only problem with the MFW site. IMO, the site just didn't give their programs justice. Like book basket for instance. That really never sunk in for me until I saw all the components of the program in the flesh. Hope that Helps!
  6. Thanks ladies, I knew you'd come through with some great advice! Have a great week end!
  7. My next door neighbor past away. His wife called late last night to let me know. I want to visit her this afternoon at home per her request. She says they are "swimming" in food brought by other visitors. We will be sending a "large" flower arrangement for the sevices. Other than flowers and food, is there anything I should take when I visit this afternoon?
  8. Thank you! I actually came across WS last night and researched it and I really think WS would be a good fit! You were "right on" with that recommendation!;)
  9. My ds (14) is starting his 2nd yr of homeschooling this month. I need recommendations for a writing program for him. He placed 12.8+ in grammar/machanics on his EOG test this spring. He is VERY creative when it comes to writing. He just needs help on the "how" of writing. If that makes sense. I also would like a program that is not teacher intensive. ;) Any recommendations?
  10. So, if I wanted to stick with the English application method, how far will I go in the MP course progression? Do you prefer another curriculum rather than MP products?
  11. You could keep doing Horizons and add Explode the Code. This will concrete phonics in an easy workbook approach if she is writing fairly well. Working in a workbook may get her to focus a little more, maybe??
  12. Even though you don't like MFW Adventures, you could use the Spine from Christian Liberty Press Exploring American History or A Child's Story of America and don't for get about American Pioneer's and Patriots, my dc LOVE this book as a read aloud. They groan when I stop reading this. They want me to read more!!!!:001_smile: These all are written from a christian point of view, don't know if that matters.
  13. I am wanting to focus on the grammar-based methods. We will be doing English from the Roots Up(latin and greek roots) because it's scheduled in MFW for dd (3rd grade) and ds (4th grade). I like SongSchool Latin and I like the programs that Memoria Press offer. Considering these selections, what would be the best progression for the sequence of courses. I thought about doing SongSchool Latin(recommended for grades K-3) the year before EFRU. Then after EFRU doing Latina Christiana I, II, then Henle I-IV. Is this too much for what I want to accomplish? At this point I really don't know what I'm dealing with. Some of this might be redundant. What do you think?
  14. Thank you for giving "specifics". That helps my frame of reference!
  15. This is why I LOVE Saxon. It teaches little tricks to know the answers. First, you learn even and odd numbers. If you know even numbers, then you can know you 2 facts, then if you know odds you know 3 facts. From this you do double facts, then the next thing is doubles+1 facts. and so on. My ds can whip through the timed fact exercises in just a couple of minutes because he learned it incrementally. I tried Horizons for 2 weeks and could not do it because the teacher manual gave hardly any help in really "teaching" concepts. (Saxon is scripted for the teacher) Maybe if you could get your hands on a Saxon 1 used teachers manual you could pick out the lessons that deals with this and just go through them with your dc. Maybe that would "click" with him. HTH
  16. I did this some last year. Dc went in their rooms for quiet time and listened to books on tape, just the other day they told me they wanted to do that again, they missed "room time"!:)
  17. I'm not good at math either, I have taught Saxon K, 1, 2 and getting reading to start 3. I tried another program that wasn't scripted, it lasted about 2 wks. I went back to Saxon because it is well scripted and I know 100% without a doubt that I am teaching each concept thoroughly, which is important because each concept builds upon one another. I bought the manipulatives that go with K-3 and my children LOVE the hands on aspect of it. This has given me all the confidence in the world! Another thing I like is the fact that it is "pick up and go" KWIM? Hope that Helps!
  18. I would like to figure out how far I want to go in Latin studies. I know a while back Plaid Dad or someone suggested me reading an article (at Memoria Press online?) that would help me figure out what my goals should be and therefore, know what course of study to take. Any ideas? TIA
  19. Just wanted to take a minute to let you ladies know I appreciate your feedback on the way my days have been panning out. I don't do the MFW science, I replaced it with Apologia. And I am going to be using the MFW bible during the morning, and use the Explorer's for before bed devotions. I am probably going to try and re-work the teachers manual schedule to where we are doing history Mon/Wed/Fri and Science Tue/Thurs. That should be easy to do, due to the fact that MFW is Mon-Thursday with content areas and nature walk only for Friday. So that gives me quite enough time on Fri to tie up loose ends on the last day. I am thinking about setting a time alottment on each subject, and if we don't get finished in that time period we will just pick up where we left off the next day. I need to be finished at a certain time each day because I am not getting anything else done during my day. I have been doing this Mon-Friday and then Saturday I do ALL my chores. I really feel like I've been away from home working a 9-5 job, KWIM? Thanks again!
  20. I have tried all I can do to make our day be shorter. BUT, this is the best I can do. Would you do anything differently? I have a first and second grader. I timed what we did and this is how it ended up. 8-8.30 Explorer's Bible Study 8.30-10.00 went back and forth with DD's LA(reading,phonics, ETC worksheets) ---DS's Math lesson 10-10.30 Break 10.30-1.30 Went between DD's Math lesson, DS's LA( spelling, grammar,) Then did penmanship and cursive with both 1.30-2.00 Lunch 2-4.30 My Father's World (History Read Aloud w/ Narrations for both, bible verse memorization, watched a 30 min video about history topic, Listen to one song) Apologia Science (reading selection and narrations for both dc's) I would love to be finished around 1 or 2 but I have never finished earlier that 4 pm. Even last year was late like this. We didn't do our art sheet (15 min) and we had no Silently Sustained reading either. My dc are on task, they are not slow, it just takes this long to do all that we do especially due to the fact that they are at the age where they are needing one on one teacher instruction in all their subjects. Do you think this is too long of a day?
  21. We do MFW and it schedules Friday as a lite day. The only thing that is scheduled is Nature Study, we still do our math and LA though. I've enjoyed having a lite Friday!
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