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Beauty From Ashes

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Everything posted by Beauty From Ashes

  1. :grouphug: and an extra one just because I think you need it. :grouphug: The good thing is he saw Mom loves him enough to help. He feels those feelings of shame about it. He acted, probably impulsively, and he realizes it was wrong. That's a good thing. I am so sorry he had to go through this. Hopefully everyone has learned from it and all will be better and grow. Hugs to you.
  2. So, then why even vote on anything. Make everything legal and do what you want. No, seriously. Since we all have our own personal reasons for how we vote, how can we dictate which reasons are valid for any vote. Why should your own personal morals dictate the law? Your personal beliefs? Your personal religion? If a Christian's reasons aren't good enough, then neither are your reasons. So we toss out all voting, make everything legal, and hang on for any personal ramifications. It's ironic to say that a Christian shouldn't vote based on their religion while non-christians vote based on their own beliefs. It's the same thing. Just maybe a different vote. A non-christian belief based vote is no more valid than a Christian belief-based vote. You always vote based on beliefs. You believe it's right, you vote. You believe it's wrong, you vote. So, it seems you either stop all voting or you relax and realize our reasons are just as valid as your reasons.
  3. Sure could be. It's not why I vote that way, but I can't see why some Christians wouldn't vote for that reason. There are a myriad of reasons for every subject and every vote.
  4. You are right, some people have skewed ideas on economics in our nation that don't fit with Biblical principles. I hope my views line up with Biblical principle and look for errors in my judgement with each opportunity to vote or speak out. I try to keep my voting in line with Biblical principles in all areas. I refuse to vote to hurt or harm someone for not deciding to follow Christ. We are not to do that according to the Bible. So, it's logical that we wouldn't. God tells us to let everyone decide that. He speaks out against homosexuality and commands it to stop. He never commands us to make all people Christians, just to share the gospel. No, those people aren't participating in idolatry. I am not sure how you came to that conclusion. How is someone else refusing to follow God me committing idolatry? Show me why religious freedom would have to leave? God laid down His law and said all should do it. Then He said come to Him if you want. It is small. It's not unimportant, however. Just like I vote against abortion, against spending that's totally out of whack, and so many other things, I vote against homosexuality. It's one of many things this nation, this world, needs to get right. Just because it's only one thing doesn't mean we let it go. They used to be subject to punishment. If a legitimate bill came up, I would vote on it. No one in Washington seems to bring this type of bill to light. Hmmmm, you have to wonder about why that is? :lol: You have to remember, God was the law before man took it into his own imperfect hands. They begged God for a man-led goverment that was supposed to uphold God's law. He gave it to them and it's been bad ever since. It's just further proof we don't know what's best and we mess it up each time. I vote God's word, simple as that. If it's wrong to say God's way is right, then I will answer for that. But I am not sure how that's so wrong.
  5. I get that many believe we should have a religiously neutral government. I couldn't disagree more. I believe the Creator of all things should be in charge of all of His creations. So, since I follow the Creator above the created, I vote how His word dictates life should be. You are right that it can be any other religion. I will fight to keep that from happening because it's not what I believe God feels is right. If I believe God is true and real, then I can't live any other way by mere definition of that belief. Yes, separation of church and state is awesome. It is to keep the government out of the church, not the church out of the government. It's a wonderful idea. It's not a law, it's not in the constitution, but it's a wonderful idea.
  6. Autism: The Musical? I haven't heard of that one. Any chance it's on Netflix? If so, will have to check it out. I didn't like Horse Boy. Sweet child, family that loved him so much, just kind of very different.
  7. But, I think there's still a point to be made--Do you think gays feel hated because of the voting like this? I do. I darn well do. For some reason it won't let me quote tonight. ARGH. Anyway. They might feel hated. I hope they don't, but they might. I am sorry if they feel hated. If anyone that feels hated would like to sit down with me over coffee, I would be happy to explain my reasons for voting as I do. However, their feelings on it won't change my vote. I vote how I feel would be glorify God and His ideals for our world. I wouldn't vote (as the example earlier) for some normalization of gluttony. I wouldn't vote to make any sin lawful. If the person within that sin feels hated, I truly am sorry. I want no one to feel hated. I want them all to feel God's love. But I HAVE to vote how I feel would best please God.
  8. If it's is a covenant, why don't so many keep to it? For the same reason people lie, steal, cheat, gossip, hate, and every other sin out there.
  9. I had, and still do, an opposite effect. It excited me because it helped me to grasp things my kids went through. So much of it made me say "THEY do that" or "so that's why they do that". It gave me hope. It was refreshing for us.
  10. We aren't, yet we are walking around with many of the big "targets" on our backs that would have CPS at our door. We just don't pay for the "legal insurance" they provide. They don't handle all homeschooling issues, are very limited in scope, and we can foot the bill (it would be hard, but we would do it) should CPS knock on our door and freak out at our very well set up homeschool.
  11. I about spit out my orange juice on this one. Love it.
  12. From my personal time studying Allah, no. From speaking to a very few Muslims, no. (their stance, not mine) Their god is very different from the God of Christians. I do have my own thoughts on where their faith stems from, and that thought comes from the Bible. And it would explain the god they have created and his beliefs and commands of them. But that's just a personal belief that I won't get into on here as I have done no formal study to see if it could be plausible.
  13. I get that you disagree with me. Your post about what defines hate isn't my definition (well, some is, but much is not). I believe the Bible, fully (and please don't pull Leviticus out because Jesus addressed that :) ). When it says lying is a sin, I believe it. When it says adultery is a sin, I believe it. When it says sex outside of marriage is a sin, I believe it. When it says remarriage after almost every divorce is a sin, I believe it. When it says murder is a sin, I believe it. When it says homosexuality is a sin, I believe it. When it says all men can be saved from their sin, I believe it. I am a sinner. I am no better than any other sinner. But I have turned from my sin and turned to God and His way. I am not perfect at it, but strive daily to do better in Him. I don't choose people who are either living in what they know is a sinful choice or who deny their sin as close friends. I don't. I wouldn't dare closely befriend someone who was a liar and wouldn't stop. I wouldn't closely befriend someone who was an adulterer wand wouldn't stop. Would I love them? Yes. Would I be acquaintances with them? Of course. They wouldn't be in my small circle of close friends. They don't hold the same beliefs that those things are wrong. I need people who, while are sinners, understand and fully believe the Bible as my close circle of friends. That's a personal choice for me. You choose differently, fine and OK. That's how you have chosen to structure your life and it's 100% fine. No biggie. And yes, all of those sins come with a set of moral beliefs. You can't (for the topic of this post) believe homoseuxality is wrong and be living as a homosexual. You just can't. That's like saying "sex outside of marriage is wrong" and then inviting your boyfriend into your bed. Uh, no. All life choices come with a set of moral beliefs.
  14. We really like Klaire Labs products. They are very clean and pure. We use Vit D3, C, Pro and Prebiotics (seperately, not in one pill), and Elderberry syrup. That's our flu shot right there.
  15. Just read the OP and my thought is "yes, you can be a Christian and feel homosexuality is OK". Christians are wrong all the time and it doesn't make them non-Christians. It just makes them wrong Christians. We are all wrong at some point. We don't lose our relationship with God over it. In time, if we are growing in Him, we will come to understand that His word is fully true. But we all grow at our own pace. As for homosexual friends. I have none. I have people I know who are homosexual. I have acquaintances who are homosexual. I do not make them my close friends because they don't have the same moral beliefs and faith that I have. And it's not just homosexuals that I do this with, so it's not that. I choose my friends VERY carefully. I want people that I can get wise counsel from, who can support and lift me up during hard times, who can rejoice with me during the good, and understand the spiritual journey I am on. And those whom I can do the same for them. Do I try to convert? Well, yes and no. Those who know me know my beliefs and where my faith lies. I do not mince words. If you ask, I will answer. If you want to know, I will show you. I do witness to others both in word and deed. So yes, in that way I try to convert. I want every human that has ever stepped on tiny toe on this earth to be in Heaven with God one day. I love them too much to let them live in the dark on that topic. So, I witness to them. But I respect their right to say no, I respect their right to live in denial and in sin. I respect them in that way as I hope they respect me as well. **eidted - someone pointed out my mistake in words. Sorry. :)
  16. The Kindle will read many books to you. When you download a book, it tells you if it's enabled to be read out loud.
  17. I would not. First, your husband is very against it. That would be enough for me to respect that request and find someone else. Second, if you disagree with this person, think they are wrong, or heaven forbid there's a malpractice issue that's big, what would happen to that relationship? What would happen int he entire situation? Third, I have had a friend as a professional in our lives. She was awesome, still is. But it was hard. There were so many facets to those relationships that it didn't work well. We loved each other, still do. We worked well together, still would. But it was just not a great idea. Of course, she does allow me to bounce things off of her when I need to. So, that's nice. He might be a nice resource. Don't use them, but if he's open to just being that type of bounce an idea off of type person, that would be nice.
  18. Let me check a few places and I will get back with you. Yeah, we go to Texas. We drive 2 hours. But in our area of OK, the feeling is pretty much, "Autism, what's that?" You should hear some of the things professionals in this area have said to me. Really, as a Mom one week out of having an Autism diagnosis I knew more than these professionals.
  19. We go to Texas. Our ped is a level 1 and we see a level 2. I would go with a level 2 whenever possible.
  20. There are two great tests that help with this. Nutraeval and a CDSA. Problem is, your pediatrician probably won't order them. Our ped will because she's a DAN level 1 certified doctor as well. A DAN doctor, find a good one that is in it to help, not to make $$, can do a LOT for these issues. You should see where my sons were and where they are now. It's incredible. They eaach have different gut issues, but severe. It's amazing how gut issues can severely affect the rest of your body and how it works.
  21. My brain went to an Autism spectrum disorder (aspergers, high functioning autism). I would move on from the neurologist (don't mean drop him, she has need for him, meaning find someone else). If you can self-refer on your insurance, I would find a developmental pediatrician. They are excellent at DXing kids with what's going on. Take this list with you, onset ages where you can remember them, and have some evals done there. That's who saw our boys and after thorough testing we had answers. Please know that even if you get a diagnosis, that doesn't mean doctors will help. Even the better doctors often say things like "he has XXXXX, see you in 6 months". You will be the advocate to get the help needed. And, often, you aren't given much help in what that help needs to be. So, don't be discouraged if that happens to you. Find others that are living with what your daughter is and ask them where they started.
  22. I only have two children, so take that for what it's worth. But, BOTH kids have multiple special needs which means multiple therapies, tons of meds, lots of things to do at home for them, and lots of doctor appointments. Honestly, I had to realize I couldn't do all those things. I want to. I think they are important and valuable. But I just can't do it. So, I don't do much at the church, and they understand. I don't do extra curricular activities, and people understand. It's where we are right now. I would say give up a lot of things right now. She has to be there and be healthy for her family. Slow down. Let others help, and I mean HELP a lot. If her kids can be taken places by others, let them. Let others serve her. It's a ministry for them. If her husband can take them places, let him. Schedule their things they want to do on days he can be the driver. Have them get out the local YMCA/College/whatever book and plan activities for when they can go to the same place around the same time. There might be overlap and time they have to not play, but they can watch each other, study, etc.
  23. It really could. I have friends whose kids won't touch a vegetable. Just think, God designed us vegetarians, so he's eating pure. Hehehe. Helps me to read the creation story sometimes to remind myself of that when we have a bad day. As long as he's getting his nutrients, proteins, and such, he's fine. Healthy! One thing, are they doing Wilbarger Brushing Technique? If not, you might ask about it. They need to be certified to do it, but BOY did it help our older son. You should see the difference. Our PT had never seen it done before. When our trained SLP did it he walked out of the room she did it in, walked over to our PT, said, "so, what are we going to do today, Miss Jennifer?" Her eyes were huge. He was compliant, calm, did what she needed. She ran to our SLP and said, "WHAT did you do to him and how can we do it to all of the kids?" Hehehe I do it before every school day to help bring the boys down. You can tell a difference in the boys work and our overall day when we use it and when I let it slack. Even their handwriting is different, better. Once they teach you how, you can do it at home, and should do it every single day on a given schedule - ours is every 2 hours because our boys are very UP sensory-wise.
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