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Everything posted by Alveraz

  1. No it's not. And anyone who is irresponsible enough to "throw" around education shouldn't be teaching. If you take your time using age appropriate materials in both creation and evolution, they can form opinions and find interesting ideas in both. Then when they hit the logic stage, they have the foundation from which to start forming more critical ideas. If they have been surrounded by nothing but creation in the early years, you're fooling yourself by suggesting they now have a "choice". They don't.
  2. I just wanted to say thanks from a parent who's kid has one less close-minded fundamentalist to deal with when he's older. My family is of the athiest sort but I've purchased several variations of the bible and just picked up the Koran. I plan to teach my kids the ideas behind evolution and creation, on equal playing ground. I want them well-rounded to form their own opinions as they grow older as well. So, bravo. As for where to start, start at the big bang (and other theories) and work your way up! Have fun with it and dig into the various cavemen. There are SO many excellent documentaries out there too on evolution. My boys have LOVED prehistoric times so far, from dinosaurs to modern man, it's been a blast. Since we're going to use SOTW this year we've had to do everything up to that point (nomads/first farmers) on our own during our "pre-season". Good luck!
  3. So what? If the pattern of the confederate flag was a peaceful sign of wood fairies in 1800 it would still symbolize the pro slavery movement and racism today. The most powerful and famous use of any symbol wins out, and that's what we're faced with. For people to be justifying the use of a swastika or confederate flag because it was also used for "other things" are just being delusional. They both symbolize a belief system founded on racism. Period.
  4. No tie. Business casual is slacks (Dockers to any form of dress pants really) and a polo shirt (tucked in). A button up long sleeve is fine, but even that is a little too business and not BC.
  5. They'll never get it, I wouldn't bother. The problems with those who come from deep rooted families who have embedded racism in their history is they've been around it their entire lives and can rarely even point it out when they see it. I knew a few folks from the south that routinely called black people colored's in casual conversations. They weren't being hateful, it was simply part of their daily lexicon. When pointed out, they looked genuinely surprised that it was a problem. These are also the folks who will vehemently state they have no problems with black folks whatsoever. However if asked about their own kid ever marrying a black person, they'd say, " Well I'm not racist but I would prefer it if they didn't." There's a natural ignorance and subtlety about racism these days. Most racists don't even know they're racist. These are in fact the dangerous ones because they'd never admit it and usually express it in the voting booth, and in socio-economic decision making, but still tell you to your face, I'm not racist at all!
  6. So you're saying if my son does his two years at a CC, he can transfer into a UC without them having any issues of him being previously home schooled? He would essentially be in the same category as a regular high schooler that went the same CC route? Thanks! Off to check out the link now.
  7. Reminds of this clip. Hilarious: http://youtu.be/cNkp4QF3we8
  8. It's worth the hassle for us. UCLA is a fantastic school (I went there) and needs to be an option for us, so I guess we better start rethinking our plan. Thanks for the help
  9. Do the UC schools in California have the same standard at state colleges regarding admissions from HS students? For instance would UCLA have the same guidelines against HS graduates (in option 1)?
  10. Absolutely! This is what I find most telling about many of the people in this thread. The continuous fight to defend or distort the obvious racist symbolism of the flag into some sort of "pride" thing is just an underlying symptom of apathetic feelings toward separatism or downright racism. I wish some of you would just be honest instead of dancing around the bush.
  11. Well then, that settles it. All is forgiven and the fact it's gone from one billion to 12 million makes everything ok now. Looks like the flag is symbolic of pride and humanity after all. Glad you cleared that up for us. Boy, if it was one billion I sure would have been upset. 12 million is nothing!
  12. I can only assume the one billion number is cumulative over the period of the african slave trade with US involvement. They didn't just die here, they died in route and abroad over decades of enslavement.
  13. You're the one who keeps making this about geography. This is about a symbol and what it means to people. There are racists all over the planet, no one said any different.
  14. Her stance is no more crazy than your rationale to prove which evil is "less wrong".
  15. I don't like the word Atheist because it implies I KNOW there is no God, which is no better than posturing that there IS one. Yet I don't like the word Agnostic because it sounds like waffling to me. I'm just not a lable guy, but I have spent the last ten years as a practicing Zen Buddhist. If you know anything about Zen, you know it's really no big deal either way. :D I believe a rich tapestry of several beliefs is important to any culture. It's unfortunate how some of these beliefs are based on converting the rest of humanity towards their belief. I'd never subscribe to anything that asked me to impose my beliefs on someone else, especially in the violent manner of which the two largest religions have done for centuries. Shameful really. But that's just me.
  16. I've just been misquoted 3 times today and it's becoming a little irritating. Sorry it put you off. I think her shaving is totally fine and her mom and her can make the call. I'm as liberal as it gets in that department. However she said her husband has an opinion about this and is nervous about telling him. Then another member suggested she hide it from him. If that's sound advice to you, so be it. It felt like lying to me and I mentioned it. That's all.
  17. I never said this. Get your facts straight first, then I'll answer whatever you'd like.
  18. That's a little different than withholding information you think will upset your husband when he's going to find out anyway. Your husband clearly didnt need to know because he didnt care. Clearly her husband does care. Lying to him to evade his opinion about something he might feel strongly about isn't a good idea and last I checked not conducive with some people's marriage vows.
  19. Ouch, I wouldn't do this. This is your husband. Sit him down and have a conversation about it. Maybe you've created the idea he'll freak out? Who knows maybe he'll shrug it off and let your daughter do what she needs to do. I'm just saying, don't try to hide anything or enter the world of lies (albeit small ones). It's not healthy for anyone. It's a natural process and she's ready to shave, just tell your husband how you feel. Good luck! :)
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