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Everything posted by LatinTea

  1. nevermind....it's late....maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
  2. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189320&page=2&highlight=human+odyssey+isbn Scroll down this thread to find my post listing ISBNs and the handy dandy Bookfinder site. :)
  3. I have Human Odyssey and Western Civ. Not sure which one you are referring to, but either would work. WC is more 'adult' in some of the readings, a bit too descriptive for us, so we are going with HO. Spielvogel does discuss biblical events, but I hear that he has a mild resentment towards religion in general, not exactly anti-Christian that I could detect. I think with a little discussion, it will work fine for what you want.
  4. Thanks for the links! That was helpful to read. :) Another question: Does anyone know how WWWI compares with Vocabulary From Classical Roots? My dd has been doing that series and likes it (cannot say that for most of our curriculum) so I hesitate in trying something else.
  5. Thanks, Ida, that was what I thinking of doing initially, buy EV along with all of the next level. But wasn't sure about the integration of all the books. Did you buy the teacher's manuals too?
  6. I am considering purchasing this curriculum and need some help. My dd is 15 and would need to begin with Essay Voyages, but I think she would be okay with Magic Lens I (can't tell from the sample what Grammar Voyages is like). Does it matter if I buy different levels? Are the books interwoven so that in ML, the text would be discussing what the student is doing in Academics in Writing? Thanks for any help with this! :)
  7. http://anneofjapan.com/overview.html This has some background on this topic. There may be better sites, but this one is pretty interesting. :)
  8. Another vote for Key to Algebra as an Algebra 1 course. It is nothing like Saxon Algebra 1/2. That is pre-algebra. It is not exactly like Saxon Algebra 1 either. I used to own the series or I would check, but I believe there are some advanced concepts (Alg. 2) in the last two books. Not sure on that though. And since her math is not what will get her into the college of her choice, I wouldn't be concerned. But then that's me. :) As for math facts, my dd does not know her math facts either. I don't know how much time I have spent in trying to fix this. I tell her over and over to apply herself to learning them each day and her math will go WAY faster. She just doesn't really care. Until she does care, then I am wasting MY time. BUT, you all have encouraged me to try again. We have a Flashmaster so I am going to devote the rest of July to skipping those last 10 lessons in Algebra 1 (they review anyway in the next book) and see if she can't get the math facts down once and for all. We'll see.....:glare:
  9. That's how we did TT 7. I personally do not like the TT texts. I feel they are flimsy and bulky, have that awful dark 'highlighting', and unappealing to the eye in general. There, that felt better.... My dd just watched the CDs, doing the problems either on paper, or in her head. I always sat with her so I knew she was doing the work. She never even looked in the text that I know of. I did for a few of the solutions, I believe, but that was awhile ago. I don't know how it would work for upper level math though. I would just give it a try and see how it goes; you can always buy the texts later if you find the need.
  10. Love this book! Thanks so much for posting. It reminded me that I have 2 parts of this already on my shelf. The Romans and The Greeks by Roy Burrell, illustrated by Peter Connolly. I am now thinking of subbing Spielvogel with this for Ancients. If I keep subbing, I may end up with no spine at all. :) As for why I like them: The illustrations are first rate and for any age It is written in double column, paragraph form, not scattered around in a million different sidebars, very appealing to the eye Lots of interesting detail The writing appeals to me; ages 12 and up would be fine with the style and content Thanks again!
  11. Duh, you were asking about an ancient history text and I went on and on about taking all those chapters out. Sorry about that. Lori has the right idea and detailed nicely too. Guess it's been a long day here....:001_huh:
  12. Have you seen HOTW? That's a dumb question since you are going to check the library. I would be glad to know your opinion as I had it out 3 times now. I read the first chapter and skimmed through the table of contents. I'm sure my dd could not deal with so much reading, lack of pics, and especially how the chapters go back and forth on the different cultures. I really think she needs something a little less intense. I know many love the book here so that is why I would love to hear your opinion. :) I also have Human Odyssey and have finally decided to use that this fall. I have decided to skip about 13 chapters regarding Asia, Africa, and Islam, and use Exploring World History for summaries on these areas. EWH has chapters on these areas without going into so much detail. That way, my dd still gets to use HO (she doesn't like Notgrass for various reasons) and I will still be able to utilize EWH for the bible lessons and the summaries on Eastern Civs. I hope I'm not confusing you more!
  13. Very cute donkey, so sweet and brand new looking, BUT I must say, I like your telescope way better! :D
  14. Depending on the grade level he is in and if your state offers dual credits, you could look into your local college and see if they have a geography course. My son took World Geography this way using a college level text, doing higher level tests and writing papers for every unit. He received credits both for high school and college going this route. If your son is too young now, maybe this would be something to consider in 11th or 12th grade.
  15. I am struggling with this too, but for different reasons. I have two suggestions. One would be LIFEPACs. You could use use one grade for both students, but I would think you would need one set of bookletss for each student. http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Bible+Grade+9+LIFEPAC+Complete+Boxed+Set/004815/1278421314-149333 My other suggestion is what I am considering and that is just plain old fashioned reading through the bible in a year (or two) along with my dd. I have a book (purchased from RockSolid) that has questions for every chapter of the bible. http://shop.rocksolidinc.com/shared/StoreFront/default.asp?CS=rocksolid&StoreType=BtoC&Count1=541362941&Count2=458503365&Keyword=bread+of+lif&Target=products.asp It doesn't have any memory work in there though. But reading through the bible would lead to many opportunities of picking out verses that are important to you and your students, not just a verse for the day kind of thing. :)
  16. My English major son loves this book! And I love having those lesson plans now. Thanks! Did you know there is an Elements of Editing book? We picked that up at a used book sale somewhere along the way. :001_smile:
  17. We considered enrolling in CollegePlus, but my ds decided that he would just use the $2,800 that CP charges for the CLEP/DSST tests instead. ;) He's pretty self motivated and now has 90 credits (hopefully 96 next Wednesday) and I'm his cheerleader for free (okay, not a pretty picture, but you get what I mean). He does frequent InstantCert.com for their forum and flashcards. VERY helpful; there are quite a few homeschoolers on there and 'real' people too. :D They didn't have CollegePlus Prep at the time so I have no experience with that. I believe it's under 1K, but that's still a ton of money. I considered it for my dd briefly, but realized we gotta focus on the basics right now. Good luck with your decision!
  18. This doctrine is also referred to as the "first sale rule" or "exhaustion rule." I think this 'exhaustion rule' is aptly named. Doing any research on this will lead to excessive tiredness. :D Seriously, I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. Thanks, though, for all the info. When my head-ache subsides, I will try to give it the continued thought it deserves, but until then, I'm gonna go take a nap! ;)
  19. Thanks, Cindy, I appreciate the concise reply. Yes, I think I'm worrying, as usual, over nothing. :001_smile: Have a great 4th!
  20. You're both very welcome! Yes, a very well thought out schedule and nice to look at too. :)
  21. A matter of character, well, I guess that's why I'm asking about it. I could have just copied the pages, sold the book, and went on my way. I want to do what is right (and I don't want to judge anyone here; the laws are so hard to understand it's a wonder anyone knows really what to do). How can it be a violation of copyright law if you can reproduce the pages? What's the use of reproducing then if you can't resell the book? If I were to 'give' the book away, would that be okay? I was just thinking too that the scenario for a teacher in a school is different than for us. The pages are reproduced, but the teacher probably doesn't keep the book to resell later. It's probably tossed or given away at the end of the year or used over and over until it does eventually become unusable. What do schools do with their old stuff? My head is getting tired from this. :glare:
  22. Oh, dear, I thought you were writing about MY dd. I hate to tell you this, truly I do, but my dd was like this when she was 5 and now that she is 15, she is STILL this way. Totally like you said. Drawers left open with socks hanging out, open for DAYS on end. Candy wrappers under her pillowcase and how many dishes I have found, long lost spoons, forks, and old food rotting in a corner. I can't begin to tell you how the bathroom looks after she takes a shower! Her brother can tell you, but it wouldn't be pretty. :001_smile: It boggles the mind. I don't get how she can live with her room like this! I have spent untold hours, days of my life, cleaning and organizing her room FOR HER. She will then have it back to her state of upheaval in no time. The other day I went into her room to hang something up in her closet and when I opened it up, most of her clothes were on the rod, yes they were, but NOT on hangers, only hanging over the rod like you would the back of a chair! Dear, why, oh why did I start digging around in there? An hour later, I had fixed her closet yet again. I should have learned MY lesson early on. SHE has to want to keep it tidy, not ME. Punishments, tried that, many times, but it's just not in her being to keep her room clean right now. Maybe later, when she's 20, I don't know if it will ever happen. Until then, well, I just gotta look on the bright side, at least she knows how to match up one sock with another sock even though they aren't exactly the same. Who's gonna know the difference anyway? ;)
  23. Of course it makes a sound; my physics book says so! Now IF that tree fell in space....well, that would be a different story. Of course, if a tree fell in outer space, it wouldn't be outer space! Or would it? :)
  24. I only mentioned the maps because that was listed in my T.E. that way, whereas ALL the other items in the Teacher's Resource box did not say that. I'm speaking of a two page spread in the T.E. that just describes all the wonderful things in this box, kinda like an advertisement. I don't know if the workbook was a class master, but since it is listed as being in the Teacher's Resource box, then I was assuming that there was only one, unless it was a really big box! :) Actually, it is 3-holed punched and the pages do tear out. Maybe that is there though for the teacher to pull out for easier copying? The 3-hole punch could be for placing in a teacher's binder for more copying later. :confused:
  25. When looking at this site's English schedules (http://corefoundations.wordpress.com/scheds-math-science/), I saw that it also has Science (Apologia, Prentice Hall) and Math (Saxon, Teaching Textbooks) schedules too. These are much more detailed than others I have seen. They even include the experiment supplies you need AND the vocabulary, which is all important in Biology! Just wanted to share this. :)
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