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Status Updates posted by Testimony

  1. Hello, Rivka!


    I just wanted to say that when I saw your name on the boards at first I was a little stunned. I'll tell you why. I have a very, very good friend who lives in Israel name RivkA who just died due to breast cancer. When I saw your name, I wanted to faint. I know she loved homeschooling, but could never do it. Rivka and I grew up together in a town in NJ. She left the USA to live in Israel because she believed that every Jewish person should go to Israel. I loved and respected her (still do) for her beliefs. She did the same for mine. I just wanted to say that when I saw your name and bright smile, it made me think of her. Well, welcome to Well Trained Mind, Rivka. My friend spelled her name RivkA with a capital A.




  2. Hi, I am going to try Tapestry of Grace next year. Can you help explain it to me?


    I hope all is well with you!





  3. Hi, there I just wanted to let you know that I quoted you on my blog. I cannot see my writing. Blessings,Karen http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testiony

  4. Hi, there!

    I read a post that you did a while ago about Classical Writing. I see that you use it as your writing program. Well, I am in the beginning stages of this journey! I purchased Classical Writing Homer A. We are starting it next month. I understand that it is a literature analysis of narratives, but I don't get how grammar helps with the analysis. Can you explain it?


    Thank you so much for your time.


    Blessings to you and your family!


    Your friend,



  5. Hi! I wanted to know are you interested in going to the conference on May 1-2? I am trying to see what friends may be interested.


  6. I caught lovemykids when she stole 81 cookies from the cookie jar

  7. It is in Williamsburg, VA. I am praying about whether I should go. I would have to stay overnight, but the issue is that I want to go to CHAP (Pennsylvania's homeschool convention) this year. That is the following weekend. I can't do both that would murder me. So, I need to decide should I go to Virginia or Pennsylvania?




  8. It is in Williamsburg, VA. I am praying about whether I should go. I would have to stay overnight, but the issue is that I want to go to CHAP (Pennsylvania's homeschool convention) this year. That is the following weekend. I can't do both that would murder me. So, I need to decide should I go to Virginia or Pennsylvania?




  9. Merry Christmas!

    From, Karen aka Testimony

  10. Merry Christmas!

    From, Karen aka Testimony

  11. Merry Christmas!



    Karen aka Testimony

  12. Merry Christmas!


    From, Karen aka Testimony

  13. Merry Christmas!


    From, Karen aka Testimony

  14. Merry Christmas

    From, Karen aka Testimony

  15. Thank you so much. Have a very Merry Christmas!

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