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Everything posted by fruitofthewomb

  1. He did go on antidepressants for a few months & it was incredible. He just stopped taking them. Without telling me. It didn't take long for me to figure it out. Since then I have tried natural approach-exercise, eating well, herbs, etc. He just won't follow through with anything.
  2. No he doesn't compare a lot. He said something that one time about how those kids listened the first time. If I (or his mom) point out how terrible a kid is acting compare to ours he says he doesn't care how anyone else is acting. He expects xyz from ours.
  3. DH has had a lot of time to himself within past few months to do exactly what he wants. Including 2 long weekends away alone. I plan to address this again with him soon. I am going to start seeing a counselor myself so maybe that will help
  4. We do have a special date planned in a few weeks. We need to make it more of a priority. This baby has really knocked us both off balance.
  5. Oh yes- lots of times & in different ways.
  6. He isn't around other kids much. And he doesn't seem to care how other kids act-except when he sees them act right. Then he points it out. A family was over & mom said get in the car & they all did immediately. He was so impressed (out kids have done that many times but who cares). He wasn't here the next time they were over & half the kids ignored mom repeatedly. I told him but it didn't count.
  7. No-our alone time has been nonexistent bc I a severely attached baby. No one will keep her. She cries so loud & doesn't stop til I hold her.
  8. He gets along fine with his parents. His dad wasn't pretty absent from his life-worked a lot & wasn't really interested in being a dad-although he is kind, honest, etc (basically my DH). His mom is loud & overbearing. But a very good lady who raised 5 kids basically on her own. She took them camping alone, did ballgame a alone, etc.
  9. My DH is wonderful in lots of ways but he expects our kids to be little adults. I try to explain that they are behaving like children. It's normal. He doesn't care. He has anxiety issues but won't seek any kind of help. Last night at church there was an informal meeting after services and he didn't like the way kids behaved. He was so angry (written all over his face) over nothing. He wasn't mean to them but just his attitude towards them. Very short. We are supposed to go on trip this weekend & he said he dreaded it bc our kids don't know how to mind & he is already having anxiety about it. I told him to stay home. He was gone last weekend & I had to do church by myself. It was actually less stressful than when he is there. And I went alone to beauty shop. He would not have approved of how I managed kids there but I was not stressed! I sat them in corner with some animals to play with. They were still & quiet. Just took up a lot of space. Everyone comments on how well behaved they are. I think more bc there are 5 of them & they are little so they expect them to run wild but still. They aren't bad kids. I am so sick of having to defend them to their own dad. It's gotten to be easier for me to be single parent. I like it when he works late or is gone. Makes me sad. This is probably a JAWM. I don't want people slamming my DH. I can-he's mine. Helpful thoughts I can take. But I am not leaving him or anything like that. I just feel sad this morning & needed to get it out there.
  10. I would love that!! I love PBS so much. It's free tv and yet people pass it by for stupid cable shows. I know I used to-until we ditched cable. I never knew how awesome pbs was until it was my only choice! We have 3 pbs channels-one is regular pbs, one is called create & it is like a mix of hgtv, travel channel, & food network. Love it! Then we have one called world (I think). It has interesting documentaries on foreign countries (among other things). I really like seeing how the rest of the world lives. Sigh. I heart PBS
  11. I wish I knew! My problem is finding a pencil that has an eraser & will sharpen in my piece of junk electric sharpener. And finding a pen.
  12. I always think my ideas are better than everyone else's. As for your problem-definitely ask to talk to someone above scheduler. I am a former SLP & of course things happen but that is just too much.
  13. 99% of the time I am content with what I have. All our stuff is used but nice. But from time to time I wish I had the $$ to buy new things that are exactly what I want. I never really finished my thought-we sold something big & DH gave me some cash to buy some new clothes & we also decided to buy a few things for the house. But when I started pricing things I was so disappointed that the money wouldn't buy everything I ever dreamed of lol ;) I am glad that we are mostly debt free & wouldn't change it. I just sometimes wonder how it would be to have a decked out closet & house. I am over it now though. Choosing to be thankful for all that I have. Honestly-the people I know who do have Pinterest worthy houses aren't super happy people.
  14. I forgot about canning! I have done that before & it is good. I was able to make use of a lot of what could have been ground (but didn't want to take it to processor). I used it any time I needed a quick meal. It tasted like roast-very tender.
  15. Yes it would bother me. Good advice to dd!
  16. I am having to make myself do even the basics. My mind is just on other things. Sigh.
  17. We sold something big & other than our house we have no debt (some savings though not enough I am sure). We don't want to go into debt so we choose to pay cash. Our house is sparsely decorated & my wardrobe is nonexistent. But the cost of everything sends my head spinning! How do people afford new things?! I think I have Pinterest envy. Sigh.
  18. Oh yes!! It makes my mouth water thinking about it!! My hubby cuts it into bite sized pieces then sautées it in half evoo/butter. Doesn't take long for it to be done. So unbelievably good!! We slice & tenderize the tenderloin. Then we cook it like chicken fried steak. Awesome with mashed potatoes & gravy. That's actually what we had for dinner tonight :) We have done ground (I love deer tacos & deer chili), roast (not my favorite but I stink at cooking even beef roasts), jerky, & we cube some of it for use in soups/stews. There is a processor nearby who does the best summer sausage ever! But we take ours to a friend. We plan to invest in the processing equipment soon. DH has killed 3 already (does). He killed a big buck last year so he is just out for food now.
  19. My hubby has voted in every election ever & hasn't received a single one. It was specific about which election I didn't vote in-and it was right. I had a brand new newborn (not that I have to justify it). If I get another I am calling to complain.
  20. I have received several notices that I missed voting in an election. And I don't like it! One I can understand but to date it's been 5. That's irritating!
  21. Yes to this! It was a mutual decision to have a larger than average family.
  22. His family (esp his mom) is extremely loud. So you would think he would be used to it. But his mom's lack of volume control makes him nuts.
  23. I have encouraged him to go workout or something before coming home. He has a stressful job. Maybe I just need to say-don't come home until dinner. Although I won't bc heck-I want a break too!
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