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Posts posted by Whereneverever

  1. I would also be very troubled at the lack of compassion. The legal immigration status of someone doesn't strip them of rights like maintaining control over their money. I would really try to address the discriminatory feelings he has. Is there a place he can volunteer, while closely supervised?

  2. How far a flight is it to Sacramento, CA.? Our Ilinois neuro moved to be head of kid's neurology at Sutter Children's Hospital there, and many families still use him, flying there from all over the country. Dr. Michael Chez.


    I agree with the others, it is the neuro's responsibility to deal with side effects from meds such as sleep issues, not the ped. You cab also ask a pharmacist for his/her ideas to present to the neuro.


    Good luck!


    I would love to be able to go somewhere else and see someone really good, it just isn't financially feasible at this point. I will make a note of his name, though, thank you.


    My dd has seizures & is on 3 meds. Wr are also at the end of the line with medication options. And we are dealing with some serious side effects. I understand your frustration!!


    It is definitely the neurologist's responsibility-particularly because the lack of sleep causes more seizures!


    Could you call & ask about:

    reducing the night time dosage so she can sleep?


    Trying melatonin or some other natural sleep aid? I use herbs for myself & kids (chamomile, lemon balm, valerian are my go tos).


    If he/she wants pediatrician to manage sleep issues can he/she call & consult with your pediatrician?


    I also understand that switching neurologists isn't so easy!


    Hugs to you! PM me if you want to vent. My dd is 9 & I get so tired of dealing with these medications!


    He did say that he wasn't opposed to us trying melatonin but would not give advice on any other sleep treatments. Thanks for the venting offer!


    I agree with neurologist.  Could be that the nurse is the gatekeeping and the doctor doesn't even know what is going on.


    Our neurologist suggested and supports melatonin for my girls........but of course, each child is different.


    Is she only on 1 seizure med?  One of mine is on a combo of 2 for best results.


    She has a 3 med combo and we've added a fourth periodically when she is sick or has something else going on.  We're just topped out. :(


    I think the neuro doc should handle it, and you shouldn't have to wait til your next appointment to get help.  I would call his nurse now, and expect help.  It might be something they can help you with over the phone -- at least temporarily;  then you can re-evaluate after her next EEG.  Unless the neuro doc seems really terrific, you might want to consider a new one.


    There isn't any close other ones- we drive over two hours to see this clinic and they don't seem to encourage doc shifting within  the same practice. I did call the nurse and she said we could try melatonin but that was the extent of what he could suggest.


    Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond!

  3. Please don't quote. Thanks!


    My seven year old has epilepsy. She has been having more seizures than normal lately and so over the phone her neurologist keeps bumping her dosage up. We are now over the top of the dose for her age and size. She has been having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep since the last dosage increase- and being overtired makes her have more seizures.


    I called the neurologist's office and reported the sleep issues and they told me to have her pediatrician handle it. My pediatrician is not very comfortable in handling things related to her neurological medication since they don't prescribe it or monitor it.


    Apparently both offices think the other should be handling this and in the mean time, she isn't getting enough sleep.


    Who would you expect to handle sleep problems? 


    The first open appointment for the neurologist is next month and we are getting a repeat EEG done then. There is no other close pediatric neurology practice- as it is we drive to the next state. Currently we just keep making ER trips while we wait. 

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