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Posts posted by Whereneverever

  1. I have been debating on getting one of the USB bracelets for DS. His medications change too frequently for me to afford to have a band engraved. I am just so overwhelmed by all the options that I have not done anything.

    I have one of these, was prepared to love it... And then my mom, an ER nurse, told me that they aren't allowed to use outside USB devices in case they have a virus or something. I called my local hospital, and sure enough, they won't use them.


    They do have services that you have a number on them to call and they have up to date info.


    For prettiness, though, I love Lauren's hope and their customer service is amazing.

  2. Is vacuuming better than sweeping?

    I sweep often, but don't have a vacuum anymore. We had one when we moved here. I don't remember why we don't anymore. I have been thinking of getting one again.


    How do you manage to mop so often? Do you do it in the evenings? That's the only time I think I could do it without them being walked on.

    I have a canister vac with a hepa filter. I do think it's better then sweeping because it doesn't just push dust around and back into the air.


    Kids pick up toys before bed off the floor and then I mop. I put on music and sing and dance and count it as a bit of exercise, too. 😃

  3. How would you improve this workout?


    I have half an hour I can dedicate daily. I can't do more easily, so I don't want to increase time.


    I usually stretch, run 3 km (at a 6% incline, I have a treadmill), do either 50 squats or 40 burpees, lift light weights for five mins, then stretch and done.


    Is there a way to maximize my time more?

  4. You know there are actually risks to everything, including this vaccine, right? I don't care one way or another if people get vaccinated for it. Doesn't concern me at all. But at least don't paint it as perfectly rosy for everyone and act like people who don't get it are idiots.




    It's important to read the inserts no matter what you pick (in fact, flumist might even be a better choice for someone-something reading the insert will help you decide). Page 7 on has good info on side effects from the manufacturer yourself. Your doctor or pharmacist can provide the specific insert to the type you choose, to be more accurate. This is just one example. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/biologicsbloodvaccines/vaccines/approvedproducts/ucm182242.pdf


    Not as effective as they tell you, as well, so take extra precautions no matter if you get the vaccine or not. Don't assume the shot will mean you don't have to use common sense disease precautions (avoiding crowded areas, washing hands, etc.). http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099%2811%2970295-X/abstract


    It's also important you get the right vaccine for the outbreak strains in your area, or that are of most concern. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(05)67339-4/abstract


    A useful app from the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/fluviewinteractive.htm

    Just a note- the vaccine linked to narcolepsy wasn't and isn't used in the USA.

  5. Can you shift the reading time to during supper? Can she go to bed in your room while the other two stay in their room? I wouldn't let her sleep in your bed if that means your dh can't, but that is just me. I would just put her back in her bed, with no discussion, as many times as it took. I have four kids I put to bed alone because of my DH's work schedule and I need everyone to go to sleep at some point. I don't like CIO but she isn't a baby.

  6. We took care of all of this because our only family lives on another continent, so we had to make arrangements for temporary guardians till family could come get them. Keep that in mind. Otherwise they may go to foster care for _ days and then who knows what could happen till uncle x or aunt y gets there, kwim?


    Also we put in place a power of attorney for childcare since we have no blood relatives here in case of a car accident or coma or the like. Because remember a will only kicks in when you are dead. What if there is a big car accident and you and DH are in comas and kids are fine and need to be released from the hospital?? You are not awake and cannot give instructions, so who do they call? Children's services.


    That was always one of my biggest concerns, like now that DH is out of the country for a month (FIL is ill), I feel better knowing DS9 knows where that is and to call aunt X (we call her aunt even though no blood relation) if something happens to me. And I know she would be here in a heart beat.


    This. it's so important.

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