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Posts posted by Whereneverever

  1. So they are separatist? Is that a fair understanding? They are not allowed to pray with other Christians because.... that would mean....what? Do they not believe others outside the denomination *are* Christians?

    We certainly believe that others are Christians and actively pray for unity for the Church at large. We are real about unity not existing right now, though.


    We can't judge people's hearts. We can only look at public confessions of faith, usually by church membership. If it's a church we don't agree with instead of ignoring the disagreements we honor that we aren't in the same place on all ideas. It's not about looking down on people so much as respecting the place they have chosen to belong and the faith that implies.

  2. I agree the LCMS wouldn't be considered evangelical or fundamentalist, but that they do have a certain...prosletyzing(?) bent. (At least around here they do.) Maybe conservative or traditional would be better descriptions.


    For example, LCMS has rules about participating in community prayers. These rules have caused pastors to be censored for participating in 9/11 and Newtown vigils.


    "The LCMS constitution states that members must denounce “unionism†— mingling of Lutheran and other Christian theology or practice — and “syncretism,†the mingling of Christian and non-Christian theology or practice."



    Proselytizing is about attempting to convert others. Our stance on public group events isn't about converting anyone, it is about acknowledging differences in beliefs and respecting that we don't all believe the same.

  3. The lcms has both deacons and deaconesses. Deaconesses can be trained at one of our universities or at the seminaries. They have diverse and varied roles. Deaconesses are often a paid position while the male equivalent is volunteer.


    Elders are supportive of the congregation and pastor. Roles limited to the pastor- administering sacraments like communion, preaching. Performing weddings. That kind of thing. Women can be teachers in the church.

  4. I'm so sorry. I think this is an excellent example of why clergy shouldn't have anything to do with the finances of a church- pastoral care shouldn't be dependent on giving.

    I hope you can find a healthy church to belong to, that cares for you whether you are currently able to contribute financially or not.

  5. One of my friends is planning to move their ten year old out of their house to another building on their property. It's probably 20 meters or so from the main house to the building.


    Building will have a bathroom and heat, water, and electricity. It looks pretty cool, actually.


    Does it seem weird to move a kid that age like that? Or am I weird?

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