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Posts posted by Whereneverever

  1. One of my DDs docs explained it like this- pretend the seizure goes down a path in the brain. The more you walk down a certain path, the deeper and more pronounced the path. You want to keep the electrical energy in your brain from firing in that abnormal way.


    The longer you go seizure free the better. I don't think I would try to induce seizures if you know something like food does it for her, but I'm not a clinician. 

  2. What medication are you trying first? I second the modified Adkins suggestion. My seven year old has intractable epilepsy. The sooner you get seizures controlled, the better likelihood you have of long term control. That's hard to grasp as a young teen. 


    And if you feel like your neurologist isn't taking this seriously, get a new one. Are you going to one of the big clinics? I'm sure we'd all help you brainstorm. 


    This is tough, tough, tough. 

  3. My understanding is that a CT scan is one thing used in diagnosing a seizure disorder as well.  So if they don't see signs of a concussion with the CT scan, they could potentially see something that could indicate a seizure occurred.  

     A CT can pick up an underlying structural issue that may cause a seizure- a tumor or a lesion, ect. Most people with seizures have clear CT scans. An EEG would be more appropriate to help examine seizure disorder possibilities. 

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