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Blessed with seven

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Everything posted by Blessed with seven

  1. What do you all mean by McGuffey Language Arts? I am very curious to know...I have the McGuffey Readers? Kim
  2. Also... I forgot www.pafprogram.com. They are very helpful also...the manual is very easy to follow but isn't scripted. Kim
  3. Here is a website that has a basic instruction in OG approach for around $100..you can call them, they are very nice! I didn't get this one because I wanted more of a daily plan, like Barton but..you might do well w/ this.. Sensational Strategies for Teaching Beginning Readersâ„¢ R3240 Price: $109.95 It is OG based and you can find it here http://www.orton-gillingham.com/ Complete training program includes: Parent Manual: complete step-by-step instruction 55-minute Instructional DVD: demonstrates two complete lessons Handwriting Guide Alphabet Card Pack Sensational Sand Red Crayon Plastic Word Screen Letter Formation Paper Vowel Pictures
  4. Hi, I have a question...I want to do CLE Math. I am trying to decide between CLE and Rod and Staff for the other subjects. I already have a phonics program I am using but...would love to do Science and LA etc...just not sure which way to go. Thanks in advance! Kim
  5. Thanks you guys...Yes, I am wanting like a system with recommended verses, maybe progressing as they get older to full chapters etc.. Kim
  6. Hi, I am looking for a good way to memorize scripture, preferrably like in a daily plan for older and younger children. We use the KJV. I had looked at MEMLOK but am not sure I like all the cartoon character things to memorize scripture. Any ideas would be much appreciated! I love how Sonlight does it but we don't use Sonlight sooo....can't see buying the IG just for that part of it. Thanks! Kim
  7. How do I find the Rod and Staff official website so I can request a catalog or call them? Thank you! Kim
  8. Hi, I have a friend who asked if there was a program where her kids could be taught writing, like on-line and then they would grade their work or simply a program where they could turn in their essays and they would be graded? I know there is but I can't think what it is called. This would be for like 8th-11th grade. Kim
  9. Thanks! I just bought mine through Flashmaster.com. It was only $5 shipping, I am looking forward to using it!!! Kim P.S. I saw the one for $149.99 on amazon and didn't think to look under other sellers..hmmm...oh well, think I only paid $1 more going through Flashmaster and it is going Priority mail the same day.
  10. Well...I was getting ready to buy the Flashmaster from Amazon and it is not longer on there. Is Sonlight the only place to get one? Kim
  11. Can you order CLE math from somewhere that has more reasonable shipping? I was suprised that for level 1 it was nearly $12 for shipping but they were sending media mail. I thought it would be coming priority. Just curious if there is anywhere else to order it from ? Kim
  12. I think that is what I need is the Math Mammoth. I want my topics to be seperate, at least for now. Kim
  13. I am really just needing him to master his math facts and "understand" them, if that makes sense. Kim
  14. If you had a child you were wanting to get caught up a bit in Math would you do CLE or Math Mammoth? Thanks! Kim
  15. Julie, Thank you for your PM. I apologize for my last post and I GREATLY appreciate you PM. You do not need to apologize, I think there was just a lot of things being misunderstood. HEY...THREE CHEERS FOR AAS! Okay...that was a bit much :lol: I am ordering mine as soon as I get off here. I should have waited to make any more comments until after I ate lunch :glare:. I have been going and going and didn't eat all day, can I use that as an excuse please...low blood sugar? Okay...thank you everyone for your input, forgive me if I offended anyone! Blessins to you! Kim
  16. Julie, Wow..this is frustrating in EVERY WAY! I was NOT implying that Marie was trying to hide her credentials, why are you saying that? I was wanting to know about her background, it was a bit frustrating trying to find out but I was NOT implying she was hiding something, my goodness. You are the one who made this thread into something negative, and now Marie has had to answer several emails when she was away visiting parents who are not in the best of health. I said in my post that I had emailed her directly and will wait for her response because she has always been generous about responding by email, even though I am sure she is very busy! I also NEVER said only professionals know how to teach, I am a homeschooling mom, with no college degree and I am TEACHING my children. What is your problem exactly? If I want to ask someone why they developed a program that I want to use to help my children learn to spell, I have that right, if they don't want to answer, they have that right. Then...each individual can decide for themselves if they want to use that program or not. Not all of us will use AAS, although I probably will. Not everyone will LOVE this program..who cares, that is the beauty of homeschooling is it not? That we can decide what is best for our family, for our children? For me, PERSONALLY, regardless of how many people LOVE something, I like to know about the author. For the record.. I could care less if they have a Teaching degree, if they have a masters, BA or whatever, could care less..that means nothing to me but if they do, fine also. My history program now is from a homeschooling mom and to my knowledge she has no degree.. but I know her, I know her background. Maybe you shouldn't assume you know someone else's intentions. My feelings are not hurt QuiverO10, I am very frustrated and very regretfull that I even started this post. I am not sorry I asked, I should have just asked Marie herself and left it at that!!!!!
  17. I just received an email from Marie also and was going to post the link she gave me. Thanks for posting it. I am going to be ordering AAS very soon and I appreciate the fact that Marie put information about her background. I am still deeply disappointed that a few made this post sound like I was attacking her...that is very upsetting because I don't do that to people. I do like knowing their background, nothing wrong with that. I appreciate Marie's kindness and generosity in emailing me back. Kim
  18. Thank you Merry. You are right..life happens, which is what I figured. I am probably going to be ordering, this just seems to be exactly what I need. Kim
  19. It is the Heart of Reading yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeartofReading/?yguid=192360315
  20. Julie Wrote: I'm sorry, but I'm wondering why you are second guessing your decision. This is an excellent program as evidenced by the large number of people who have used it successfully. Are you implying that this woman couldn't possibly create a quality program just because she's not a teacher and she might possibly be JUST a homeschooling mom? That seems a little like the pot calling the kettle black IMHO. Julie, I just read this again and can't believe that you posted this, I really can't. Nobody was trying to "imply" anything. I am JUST a homeschooling mom. I thought these boards were for help, finding out information. When I am considering teaching my children reading and/or spelling I want to know who is writing the program, NOTHING more was meant. Was she trained in OG, did she use something herself and decide she wanted to make it easier? I am JUST CURIOUS about who wrote this program. THAT IS ALL!!! To the other poster who is now questioning her purchase and does not homeschool full time. Please do not send it back. I have read a lot of reviews and this looks like an amazing program, exactly what I have been looking for. I do not think she is ashamed of her credentials and I do not believe she is "dodging" my question, I really don't! She has always been very good about answering emails and I have no doubt she will answer my email but please know I am NOT attacking her credentials or anything...I just like knowing. I read people's blogs. I read Ann Voskamp's blog because she wrote "A Child's Geography" and I want that book! I also read on Ann Voskamp's blog an AWESOME review of AAS! I am really wanting an Orton Gillingham approach, I worry about making sure I am teaching my children reading/spelling properly. There are many people on the "Heart of Reading" sight who use AAS and love it. I just emailed someone because of this post, I was confused as to why someone would react this way to a question I had about an author of a program. It is being treated like I am attacking her and that is not at all what I am doing. Do not get discouraged by this post....AAS is not brand new, I just have recently heard about it is all but I believe it has been out for at least a few years? Not sure on that! I, again, apologize for any confusion. My suggestion is to go to the website and ask the questions you want directly from her, I plan to do that and not post a question like this on here again. Kim
  21. I am NOT at all implying that I only want to use something created by a PS Teacher, not in any way at all. I simply like to know about people, why they decided to do this, are they trained in Ortin-Gillingham (I am fascinated by this approach)...merely out of curiosity. I did not at all mean to stir anything up, nor am I assuming they are doing anything wrong. This is a busy time of year with the holidays. Marie has always answered my emails and is a very nice person. I have asked her this question specifically and am waiting, not that it will matter but...if it is an Ortin Gillingham program I want someone who is trained in OG or at least has a lot of experience with it as this is an area I am not very confident and I am trying to decide between SWR, AAS and Barton. I have used plenty of stuff from HS mom's who are simply sharing what they did with their own children and they are some of the best things!!! There are a ton of positive reviews, tons! It is obviously a great program, I am just curious.....mainly. I do not want to discourage anyone from using this product, I would never do that! I apologize if this thread made anyone doubt their decision. I am prayerfully considering my options and did in no way mean for this to come across the wrong way. Kim
  22. I am REALLY wanting to use AAS as it seems exactly what I am looking for. Anyway...I asked the question on the AAS website. Cheerio to you too! :001_smile:
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