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Everything posted by jesiwins

  1. I haven't, but i would love to see your plan of you do it! My dd is just 5 & we were looking at doing AP & some art history next year.
  2. I second the WOW!! I think I will put together some of the activities for independent learning time. Thanks so much for the resource
  3. Thanks! We will be able to use one or two of these later this year. -Jesi
  4. We don't use SL but we do read a ton, some of which I glean from the SL lists. My dd will be 5 next week so she is a bit younger than yours but we let her choose 3 books at bed time and I pretty much give her free rein on that, however we don't have a lot of "twaddle" type of books at home so that is not an option. During the day I try to find books for us to read (both fiction & nonfiction) that correspond to things we are doing in our life or things we are learning about otherwise. We almost always read in bed or snuggled up on a couch. I've also found that if I've been too lenient with TV time it is harder to get reading time in. Maybe if you make reading something she chooses for a while after a few weeks you can get back to your curriculum . Good Luck
  5. I am considering do a 6 year rotation to add in depth US history and to include non-western history & current events. Here is what I am thinking: Year 1: Ancients Year 2: Middle ages Year 3: Early modern w/ additional US history Year 4: finish Early Modern & begin Late Modern Year 5: finish Late modern w/additional US history Year 6: Current events & history of any areas I found lacking in the previous cycle I figure that if I do it this way we will get through the rotation twice and leave a senior year to be decided based on dc's goals. So, what do you think? Have I completely missed something? thanks, Jesi
  6. We just read The Samurai's Daughter. It is a picture book with a lengthy text. It was beautiful and featured a brave heroine. -Jesi
  7. we'll be starting K in the fall here and I plan on doing some basic geography & continent studies with my dd who will be 5. We'll use Helping your child with maps & globes among many other resources. I was thinking that would help build a foundation of the history, science, and reading that we'll be starting with the classical rotation. Good luck & happy schooling -Jesi
  8. I also would hope that on an open forum we are not making judgments about the beliefs and personal life choices that others are making. I welcome learning the truth about history, the good, the bad, and the rest. While it may make things more complicated, it helps to teach that life is never black & white but always something in between.
  9. Hello, First, I think that you can do whatever you want! That is the reason we are homeschooling right? he he But if you really want to start with the history odyssey why not do modern history level one? Good luck on your journey!
  10. Wooo Hooo! :party: :thumbup: Yeah for a breakthrough! -Jesi
  11. I really like the Salsa videos on the Georgia public broadcasting site as a light introduction. The videos can be seen for free on line and there are lesson plans on the state of wyoming site. The price is right & it is a great introduction to a second language for my 4yo dd. http://www.gpb.org/salsa
  12. Hi! I'm not sure if this is the level of mathematical thinking that the text is trying to get at, but I would rewrite the word problem as an algebraic equation with only one variable. For instance in problem 1, P(peter)+d(david)+h(henry)=123 (d+15)+(h-3)+h=123 ((h-3)+15)+(h-3)+h=123 h-3+15+h-3+h=123 3h+15-6=123 3h=114 h=38 Does this make sense? I can try and explain more if you think it would help. -Jesi
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