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Susan in TN

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Everything posted by Susan in TN

  1. Finely shred a head of cabbage. (Save a couple outer leaves) Put it in a large bowl with a tablespoon of kosher or sea salt (NOT table salt). Pound it until it is all juicy. Pack it tightly into large wide-mouth canning jars or something similar and push it down until the juices are above the cabbage. Place a cabbage leaf over the shredded to help keep it down and add a bit of salt water if there aren't enough juices to go over the cabbage. Loosely cover the jars and let sit out for 10-30 days or until it tastes the way you want it. I got this for my birthday and it works really well: https://smile.amazon.com/Wide-Mouth-Fermenting-Accurately-Sauerkraut-Probiotics/dp/B071GQJJJW/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1514989138&sr=8-8&keywords=Sauerkraut+kit
  2. I love Grandma Mimi! Her wrinkly skin is so soft and she always has a bowl of lemon drops.
  3. What kind of German are you!?! Store-bought sauerkraut is very strong. I have some homemade in my fridge that is mild and good for you. Eat it with some sausages.
  4. Good morning! Did you sleep, Jeanie? You better believe it, baby! :D I need to get some soup and misc. meal items at GFS and stop by several thrift stores in an attempt to find ds13 a black suit coat to wear for the concert next weekend and make soup and get one more item ready for school (reported!). Still haven't started on the woodburning ornaments. Coffee!
  5. ENB reporting for duty! Vote ITT! We only have 2 weeks to get our campaign together! Root beer! Duct tape! Coffee! Bazookas! BOOYAH!
  6. I'm currently the only person in the house with an ounce of sense. At least I can have a sensible conversation with myself! :D
  7. Me: Why are my legs so sore? I'm hobbling around like an old lady. Me: It's the squats you did earlier today. Me: Oh yeah. Me (weakly): Go me. (Insert sound of feable party horn)
  8. We aim to please! There are some who do not like the coast, so they get to have mountains, rivers (w/waterfalls), prairies, forest, or whatever.
  9. I've roasted the turkey and gotten the meat off and divided it into portions (for turkey pot pies and turkey in masala) and gotten the broth started in the giant pot and cleaned out the car box which still had stuff in it from our trip. It's cold outside. I need to take care of the chickens' frozen water.
  10. It was *your* awesome booya! I just copied and pasted it there. :D :D When dh and the boys get a fever, all they want to do is lay (lie?) flat on the floor and moan. When dh gets a fever, the temp under his tongue goes down, so the thermometer will usually read 96/97.something. We should try one of those ear thermometers, but I'm too cheap to get a good quality one.
  11. :hurray: Glad she is safely home! NOW DON'T WORRY US LIKE THAT AGAIN! (Bicycling in a blizzard...honestly. Don't do it!)
  12. COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me.) Sumitted by KrissiK with Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017
  13. I have been told since my kids were babies that "you're not really sick until the fever is over 100.4". But as I have learned in the past couple years, you can have the flu, a severe UTI, and pneumonia without breaking 100. The first time dd11 had pneumonia I don't think her fever ever went above 99.6 which is why I didn't take her to the clinic until she was Very Very Sick.
  14. I think I will roast the turkey this morning and get the broth done this afternoon. Then it will all be ready for the soups.
  15. Good morning! It is Tuesday! Right? It's Tuesday? I'm all messed up. Dh's alarm woke me up way too early. 📠Soup making is optional. I need a bunch of soup in the freezer so we will have something to eat on Monday nights. I think for this semester I'll make tomato bisque and cream of broccoli (again), Kansas City Steak soup (I have a small pot roast I can use), and Krissi's potato soup - that was a big hit. Are there special spices that go in the filipino version? Time to go back to sleep. Or not. Coffee!
  16. My husband accused me of being immature. I told him to get out of my fort. :lol:
  17. Tomorrow?! Ugh. I need to make soup. We don't have enough soup to start lessons!
  18. (((Jean))) You tried. Perhaps now you can take a good, long break from the family while the ENB gears up for some fun battling.
  19. Ah - I am stupid about Star Wars. Fortunately, dh is a trekkie, and only dabbles in Star Wars. :D
  20. My favorite C.S. Lewis book for high school/college (next to Mere Christianity and Screwtape) is God in the Dock. One of Dh's favorites is The Great Divorce, though I don't think I've read that one.
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