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Susan in TN

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Everything posted by Susan in TN

  1. 80% sounds reasonable. Also, I find this helpful: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0
  2. Good morning! It's cold outside! I heard a car crunching down the street a bit ago. A bit icy still. Coffee!
  3. Schools are closed again tomorrow. We will not be closed. :hat:
  4. :hurray: 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
  5. You have the power of the Bazooka, and the Flamethrower, and the Duct Tape. But not so much on the Messing Up of Chances. (I still worry about this, myself, with all my kids. But the Wise Jean is helping me understand.)
  6. We now have enough snow to completely cover the dead grass!
  7. Find a few relatively close colleges and universities and go to their high school welcome days. They all have them. College admissions people will talk to you and you get a tour of the campus and sometimes get to tour or talk with departments your child is interested in. It will help it not seem so scary and will give short people a feel for the atmosphere of campuses of different sizes and locations, etc. Especially with oldest ds, there were plenty of people who were more than willing to hold my hand and talk through things like homeschool transcripts and such. (Though our umbrella school does our transcripts, so that was pretty easy.)
  8. The kids are out looking for the red fox who passed by earlier. Nope, now they're heading across the street to go sledding in the park.
  9. I am assuming that orchestra class is cancelled tonight, though we haven't heard anything yet.
  10. Dh's niece and another guy I know are actually allergic to Starbucks coffee. Gives them horrible stomach issues. But they can drink anyone else's coffee. It's weird.
  11. Yes - I think it's coming from there. The public library has closed, so you know it's the snowpocalypse! (The snow is coming down in a rather leisurely manner, so I don't expect anything too dramatic.)
  12. Good morning! They are promising honest to goodness snow accumulation. 1-2". I am still waiting. :toetap05: Everything is cancelled. Dd9 was promised pet rats for her birthday. Apparently, using fleece for bedding (instead of wood shavings or paper cat littler) is all the rage. You can take it out and launder it and reuse it until it is all worn out. We found lots of super cheap fleece baby blankets and bathrobes at the thrift stores yesterday. We have an appointment with the rat breeder on Saturday. The news guy on the radio just said the snowflakes were getting big. :eyeroll: Coffee!
  13. I'm sewing fleece rat-cage-shelf bedding cases. Have I gone mad? Why yes, I believe so.
  14. Glad he's doing better! You OK? You know, I'd bet there's an elderly New Yorker heading down to FL about now for the rest of the winter - might take on a hitchhiker.
  15. I am abnormally tired. I just finished some coffee, so maybe it will kick in. Who is the kid in my living room? I don't recognize his voice. We picked up dd11 and went to 2 thrift stores and the Dollar Tree and found plenty of fleece and other rat accessories. It's James, a neighbor boy. I can't wrap my head around Monday. Does that mean I don't have to cook?
  16. (((Critter))) Critter Love Booyah! This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends. People started posting not knowing what it was, And they will keep on posting here forever just because... This is the thread that never ends You'd best come join it with your friends 'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days This is the thread that's always there They'll cheer you up so don't despair The group is growing well as more people start checking in And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive This is the thread that never ends It's better than a Mercedes Benz It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you This thread keeps going on and on with record-setting length and fun It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be This is the thread that never ends... And the place where one finds special friends, the kind that have hearts that are strong and true Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! This is the thread that never ends....
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