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Susan in TN

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Everything posted by Susan in TN

  1. My oldest was like that. He's only grown 3" since then. :D
  2. This snow is pathetic. Not even worth a song. We are having Italian Subs for dinner. 'Spose I better get to it. Nuts - we're out of tomatoes.
  3. Oh the weather outside is frightful, But my blankies are delightful, So since we've no place to go Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow.
  4. Listen to Lynn you should! And be patient with yourself.
  5. 1. A simple weekly menu. Breakfasts/lunches here are very routine, almost set in stone. Monday is oatmeal / leftovers or tortillas with refried beans/ fruit, Tuesday is eggs / mac & cheese, Wed is Greek yogurt with berries & granola / sandwiches, etc. Dinners are on a monthly rotation. Boring, but I know what I need at the grocery store each week and I know what to get ready every day. It cuts way down on decision fatigue. Shopping at Aldi also cuts down on decision fatigue (and the grocery budget.) That's feeding, but for me, reducing the number of decisions or choices that need to be made keeps me functional. We do these lessons in this order every day. The work is all prepared and planned out before the year begins, so I don't have any weekly or daily prep to do except gather science experiment materials for the day or reserve books at the library. (Also, I have been homeschooling for so long that I have a really good feel for what is doable and what is too much. I am also willing to drop things here and there if necessary. A friend of mine used to be a school teacher and she said they considered covering 75% of a textbook in a year to be perfectly acceptable. So sometimes I go that route.) 2. My kids are older, so while they eat lunch together, I spend time in my room or elsewhere doing things that allow my brain some independent thinking time. It is so much harder when you have Littles. (((Bookworm)))
  6. I would make a terrible nurse. I wouldn't even go see FIL's foot womb when he was getting the bandage changed, :D (I think he was a little offended that I didn't participate in the bandage party.)
  7. Dd15 was describing an activity they did for her government class - they had to pretend they were deserted on an island and had to come up with a way to live with each other. She said they started out OK and then things started going downhill and then they got a bit chaotic and then they ate Joel. 🙀
  8. Good morning! It's Friday! Lana, nooooooooooo!!! (((Lana))) She's a natural! Give her a hi-five from me. When she wakes up. :D It is raining and 34*. The iceman cometh. Coffee!
  9. Dd9 requested a cheesecake birthday cake "with yummy stuff on it". So I bought a plain NY cheesecake at GFS and added homemade chocolate sauce and fresh raspberries. It was so yummy. But then I had to go play the violin for 2-1/2 hours. :rolleyes: I am tired. Snow is on the way. All schools are closed. We'll probably do some lessons until there is enough snow to play in. â„ï¸â˜ƒâ„ï¸
  10. 5-10 minutes. And then have a recital in the living room and perform them for whoever is around. :) (Even if it's just cats. Stuffed animals also make a good audience.)
  11. Yes! If our kids take a zinc lozenge, we tell them to spit it out either after a few minutes or as soon as it "feels or tastes icky". Not that they aren't gross already. :ack2:
  12. To help boost our immune system, I'm making everyone eat 1/4C homemade sauerkraut every day (digestive system), drink an EmergenC or similar thing, drink lots of water, wash hands!, and go outside in the sun (or clouds) for at least a little every day. And hydrogen peroxiding ears at the first sign of feeling sick.
  13. Washing hands is good, but the flu is airborne and the doctor said this particular virus was extremely transportable. IOW, if someone coughs or sneezes on the other side of the store or office building or church, you will likely be exposed as it travels through the ventilation system. Wear an N95 virus mask. It's a Boo Virus Booyah! This is the thread that never ends, It just goes on and on my friends. People started posting not knowing what it was, And they will keep on posting here forever just because... This is the thread that never ends You'd best come join it with your friends 'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days This is the thread that's always there They'll cheer you up so don't despair The group is growing well as more people start checking in And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive This is the thread that never ends It's better than a Mercedes Benz It helps with coffee withdrawal and other troubles, too Eighteen hundred pages of friends all cheering for you This thread keeps going on and on with record-setting length and fun It started twenty-four months ago from curiosity and all the fun and frolic has shown this is the place to be This is the thread that never ends... And the place where one finds special friends, the kind that have hearts that are strong and true Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you! This is the thread that never ends....
  14. I heard a local doctor report on the flu epidemic (as labeled by the CDC) this season and am now thoroughly terrified. One of dh's co-workers who had a meeting in dh's office yesterday called him after work to let him know she has the flu. They both got the shot.
  15. Mid-state orchestra has been postponed for a couple weeks! :hurray: Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
  16. Good morning! 🎈🎈🎈🎉 Happy birthday, dd9! 🎉🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎉 Happy birthday, Weapon X! 🎉🎈🎈🎈 How are you doing, Critter? Slachey! Hey girl. I would move to FL if I could live directly on the beach from October through April, and then move to JJM's the rest of the year. :) We are getting birthday breakfast ready, then dd15 to tutorial, and then dd15 and ds13 to orchestra conference tonight. Coffee!
  17. I finally finished the rat cuddle pouch. Time for bed!
  18. Congratulations, Tech Support!! They have a world renowned double bass teacher there. That's all I know about Arizona. :D Well, that and "it's a dry heat".
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