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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. :iagree: I think you are waiting to long on the tape. We had this trouble when we painted our old house for the first time. Truthfully, I never use tape anymore. I find it cumbersome and a pain to work with (for that exact reason - with the except if I am painting a baseboard...then I use tape on the carpet). I have a pretty steady hand and can do a mean line with a nice angled brush.


    As for BEHR paint, I am a firm believer in this paint. It is worth the extra money to have good paint. We have just finished painting all the walls in our house and now (with the exception of the closets and the laundry room) have no remaining builder *crappy* paint.


    bit of a hijack here, Stacy...when do you do all that painting with little dcs? (or are they older)

  2. I agree with the ones saying it is probably too late. I hold my pencil wrong and have horrible handwriting, but was a very successful student. I became an English teacher and now I homeschool my kids! So all is not lost.


    BTW, dd tried to hold her pencil wrong at 4 and I have pretty much broken her of it with the pencil gripper. But since she holds it like I do, I wonder if it is a genetic tendency or something. :001_unsure:

  3. I have two little girls, but before you dismiss my advice, I did use to teach boys when I was a teacher!


    I think stop trying to be SO creative and catering to every little thing whim. He might never have a passion for school or learning, but he still needs to acquire strong skills. I would decide what you want him to learn (spending time on the most important things like reading, writing and math) and then just expect him to get through it with a decent attitude. After he does his math, send him outside for a half hour. Then get him started on another subject. He would have to sit and be bored A LOT more if he was in school and having to do homework in the evenings.


    If you can help him have the discipline to get everything done by 1, 2, or 3 in the afternoon, then he can have the rest of the day to pursue his sports.


    Don't make it a battle of the wills or act like you are upset that he doesn't "love" it all. Just expect him to do it and stay calm.


    This is getting long, but I also think sometimes I think people say "dd loves Latin" and that does not mean that dd loves it the way she might love riding ponies or eating ice cream! Know what I mean?

  4. Hey, Ohio12, how was dinner?

    Were you dressed? :D



    Crissy, Thank you very much for asking. Just got home and it was lovely. I was dressed and showered and the dhs were late from work so I had a little extra time and wonder of wonders, although my "best" black long sleeved t-shirt was dirty, my second best one was fine and it all came together a ok!

  5. ...since starting to do this homeschooling thing. Am I WAY late to this? I found this link where SWB tells a day in the life of hsing. There are four. First off, they made me feel so great because I always think this is so darn hard and the book makes it seem easy. Secondly...are there more of these? I can't tell you what they did for my mental health.




  6. I have never thought that she was an evangelical Christian (like I am). I always thought that she tried to combine her version of "faith" and "God" and the parts of the Bible that suited her. This video, if it is accurate, does put a pretty fine point on her beliefs and they do contradict mine. I especially feel like the "there is more than one right way" idea is just logically impossible. Either there is a hell or there isn't and either Jesus is the way to heaven or he isn't.

  7. I have the same situation with my dd age almost 3. Except she waits until I put her diaper on for nap and goes then. So far, I just remind her..."remember it is better to go on the potty, you are big now." Then I calmly change her.


    dd #1 did not have this problem and the control freak in me is hysterical (inside).


    I am sure it would be even worse if she was making a mess in panties that I had to clean up.


    Yours is younger though. I would give it a few weeks. That said, mine has been doing her nap time poop for over a month now!:tongue_smilie:

  8. This is bringing back all sorts of bad memories about the time my MIL said to me (in a restuarant) as I was holding my coffee cup incorrectly, 'didn't your mother teach you anything?' Shudder.


    I do want to teach my ds to set a table properly. So thanks for the thread.


    Oh btw. My reply to MIL was, 'my mother taught me that bad manners are making anyone feel uncomfortable. You've just made me feel VERY uncomfortable.' Whereas I left the table and waited in the entrance of the restaurant for them.


    I was 20.



    Why can't I ever think of those clever comebacks at the time! Very good for age 20!

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