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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. I totally agree. We are redoing a bathroom and I am trying SO hard to choose things that will clean easily. When we were choosing tile, the guy was trying to talk me into this really porous one. I said that I think it would be hard to get really clean. He was like "no no no." I bet he had never cleaned a tile floor or shower wall in his life!


    That said, I do like CLR bath and shower cleaner. It eats up the scum. If you can't get it at your grocery store, you can get it at Home Depot or Lowes.

  2. Does your daughter know all her numbers and know how to write them all? If so then skip Primer if not then I would do it. After you have bought a set and you have another child come up and ready for it the only thing you need to buy is a new student book which is $15?? We love MUS and have used it for years!!!


    Thank you for this reply. I need practical specifics like that. She can write her numbers and count to 50 by herself, 100 with a few helps.

  3. My friends and I are constantly asking each other if anyone's church has a good curriculum and everyone hates theirs! Like you said, fluffy and they try to make it so kid-friendly that the point is completely lost. VBS curriculums are even WORSE in my opinion.


    I love the children's Bible "The Jesus Storybook Bible" and I also like Egermeirer's children's Bible. I wish one of those would be adapted into a curriculum. I am a huge John Piper fan. I wonder what his church uses? Keep us posted if you figure anything out.


    PS: I would think your old church wouldn't be too stuffy about sharing.

  4. You said you already made your decision so my comment is moot. but my own opinion is that one should spend little to zero cash on any math before 3rd grade. All they really need to learn is their math facts with some other stuff. So I have no prob with MUS except the price. :001_smile:


    So cancel the order, grab the cash, and plan a big pizza party for your entire block. :grouphug::grouphug: just kidding!!!

    how much was it (if I may ask)?



    I am a former English teacher and love English and history and am very confident in teaching them. Math, not so much. Also, dd does not seem to have a good sense of logic. She has a hard time with the fact that the number "2" is representative of say two bunnies. Nothing comes easy for her in this regard. She really had to memorize the numbers to count to 40. Unlike many of her peers who realize that the squences repeat themselves. (22 will follow 21 as 32 follows 31 and 2 follows 1) So I wanted to get her something that she will be able to "see." I guess I have not decided 100%. I was raised on Abeka and I can do that for $15! MUS for both block sets and the books and CD is around $130. The blocks could be used for a few years and for my other dd.

  5. I know this is well covered territory, but if anyone cares to weigh in..I would really appreciate it.


    I have finally decided to spend the big bucks and get Math U See for dd. She is doing half K - half first grade next year.


    Has anyone been really glad they went ahead and bought Primer instead of skipping to Alpha? I would then also have it for dd 3 when she is ready.


    Do I understand correctly that once I buy the main and supplementary manipulatives packages, I wouldn't need to buy manipulatives again?


    Any other MUS tips?

  6. Ahhhh!!!!! I am having such a hard time figuring out and getting used to this Yahoo message board for local homeschoolers that I just joined. 1.) Does anyone have any tips for me navigating this and 2.) This should remind me to be patient when dd does not get something new right away!

  7. I third the MIL thing. I already went there for her birthday last weekend and we have to go back this weekend. Wish it could just be the 4 of us especially since my DH works so much and quiet family time is such a rarity.


    Every year my present is going to pick out my annuals and DH and I plant them. This is a huge treat for me because growing up we didn't have any flowers in the yard and I have always dreamed of my own yard with flowers and now I have it!

  8. I love butterfly bushes (especially the yellow ones), bleeding hearts, gladiolias, morning glory vine, passion flower vine, strawflowers, mums, daisies, daylillies, and ornamental grasses.


    I planted black-eyed susans a few years back and they have nearly taken over my yard. I pull them up constantly to thin them out and if I close my eyes for a minute they multiply that fast! They even grow in my grass where nothing but grass should grow. Does anyone else have this problem with them?


    black eyed susans and shasta daisy both grow like crazy!

  9. No, no, I just meant that in ten years, it probably won't be an unusual name anymore. And it *isn't* (currently) unusual certain circles. (Would you believe that one of the major scholars in my field is named Diogenes? Seriously. I have no idea what his wife calls him.)


    But, as abbeyej pointed out, I have shown myself to have very, very odd taste in names!!


    Theophilus is a family name in our family!

  10. We decided to wait to name dd #2 after we saw her because we couldn't decide whether to name her our "safe name" or the unusual one nobody liked. It did NOT work out well. DH and MIL and everyone just kept asking and asking once she was born and I was still wanting to name her the risky name and DH was not. I felt pressure and it was an unnecessary stress in the hospital. Also, we went with the safety name and although I don't think of it often, I do regret it!

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