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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. I definitely understand knowing your limits. I read some of these women's blogs and I am amazed! But if you and your dd both want to try it, I think you should try it.


    BUT I think that you should think of some ways to help yourself. If you can afford to have someone come clean once a week or every other week or get some more take out dinners.


    Another thing is my 2 dds (still very young) go to a co-op once a week and I have a morning to myself. I can plan, relax, clean or cook without interruption. I just really feel like you don't have to "do it all." If you are willing to hs your child which is a huge blessing to your family, that is worth a lot and others can pitch in and help or if the $$ is there, hire some stuff out.

  2. Sounds like your ds is smart to be picking this up on his own and early. (did you say how old?) The WTM does recommend teaching phonics (which I did with dd age 4-5) although I have heard some on this board say they have skipped it with young readers who basically taught themselves. I love The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. It just gives little exercises to do each day and teaches all the phonics blends etc. (The idea of teaching phonics is that you are giving them the tools to sound out or spell anything they need as apposed to having to memorize all the words in the world!)

  3. Yes, I am pg, aren't I? LOL And I've been rearranging bookshelves, furniture, & sewing all week. Hmm...


    We've given about 1/2 of our stuff away & have more in a storage shed at ILs, so we've cut back a lot. Beyond this, it's kind of a question of how we want to live. We're looking at 3-4 more yrs, min, so *most* stuff is kind-of a question of do we want to live w/ it or w/out it, kwim? I can't decide to sew one day & wait a month to go get my sewing from my ILs. Winter clothes can go there, though.


    It's really not that bad most days. Sometimes it just gets to me...and then I reorganize/clean house, etc. Just like anywhere, really.


    Thanks, though. It helps to be reminded that this bulging belly effects my brain! ;)


    Let me also say that you are a stronger woman than I am to homeschool, have 3.8 kids and have a dh in school. My dh is a PHd drop out and we often look at eachother and say "If you had stayed in school, you STILL wouldn't be done!"

  4. I am not going to claim to have read these, although it would be really cool if I had! But I have this Philip Yancey book where he recommends other books and here is what he says about Chesterton...


    Orthodoxy is sort of his "main" work

    The Everlasting Man is his summary of Jesus's life

    he has two biographies St Francis of Assisi and St Thomas Aquinas


    and for fiction "The Man who Was Thursday" or the Father Brown Stories


    also that his Autobiography is very entertaining.


    Maybe that helps! Was there something you were considering?

  5. I agree that you should get the housing authority to take care of the mouse problem and just stay put for awhile for all the reasons mentioned in other posts.


    You mentioned you are very pregnant and I remember that when I was pg I would walk around the house crying and saying it smelled bad and that everything was falling apart. Maybe you are just "nesting."


    Also, for space issues, can you put some stuff in storage or more at your ILs? GL to you!

  6. I directed the play Cheaper By the Dozen back when I taught and although there are some cute parts, I wasn't sure I even agreed with the premise. What the heck was the moral at the end when the father leaves to spend his dying days on the lecture circuit instead of with his family!



    ..also, give us your kids ages and genders and we can give you some ideas. this baord is GREAT for that.

  7. As my mother reminds me, teenage girls ARE a huge drain. I am trying to prepare myself mentally for that stage. I had all sisters and taught high school kids too, and I know I was a bit of a mess too. I do think it is sad that she seeks the male attention so much. That is such a classic sign that she did not feel loved at home or accepted somewhere in her childhood. That is a huge undertaking for you. Don't know your whole situation, but do you have her indefinitely or just for the school year?

  8. I want to come live at your house - it sounds like it's REALLY clean! :tongue_smilie:


    Ok my serious response - I *do* feel like I'm always cleaning but man I'm not doing nearly as much as you are....it's all I can do to keep it relatively picked up, kitchen floor clean, run a vacuum once a week....dishes done, laundry semi caught up, etc.



    boy, glad I am not the only one. there are some seriously clean people on here! I am supposedly the neat freak in my family but vacuum, mop and dust twice a week!!! No way. I do keep picked up and wiped down. Also, I only have 2 kids and no pets, so maybe that helps. (and yes I also feel like I am always cleaning with just the daily stuff and meals)

  9. I was going to respond BREAST FEED! But of course you already are. I gained and lost 40 pounds twice with my pgs and the nursing really helped take it off. But you are right, you have to eat healthy and drink a TON of water to keep that going too. Can't tell if you said how many months pp you are, but I believe in 9 months up and 9 months down! GL and mostly enjoy that baby!

  10. It was actually pretty scary, because if he wasn't facing you and you spoke to him in a normal voice, he couldn't hear you. quote]


    This sounds like my daughter, but I am the only one who seems to be upset about it (meaning dh and the ped are pretty laid back). I am going to try the ibprofen and Mucinex for a few days and then call the ped again. She actually seems even worse today and is kind of going into her own little world a little.

  11. I can't believe it when I hear of a big homeschooling family that IS able to stay organized and clean all the time. I can barely handle my two little ones and the house! (we have about 1700 sf too)


    I actually think that your best bet though is to clean and purge a little each day and not worry too much about arranging this house if you are going to move. If you buy certain shelving or supplies, they may not work in your new house and you will spend so much time getting everything "just so" and then have to move.


    The sheets comment made me think that you could train your kids to help and give them certain things to do every day. My mom finally made my sister clean the bathroom when she was 15 and she discovered that my sister had done the whole thing with toilet paper and water! We have to train the kids how to do stuff right IMO! I am trying to train my head in the clouds 5 yo to set the table right, without grumbling and complaining and maybe this will be accomplished by the time she is 6, but then I am never going to set the table again in my life!

  12. dd (age 5) had an ear infection and seemed to get better, but then could not hear very well. I would say she is hearing at about 60%. I took her to the MD and he said she had fluid built up behind the ear drum and all you can do is wait for it to go away, and if it doesn't, she will have to have tubes put in her ears. I got the diagnosis 3 days ago and I am already going crazy dealing with this. Anyone BTDT? How long would you wait? MD said maybe weeks! :bigear:

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