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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. Has anyone seen this in their child? A few months ago I introduced dd (age 5) to narrating. I would read her a chapter from a chapter book and have her tell me a few sentences summarizing what happened. I would write them down and she would color a picture under the summary.


    Enter the sort of weird problem. She now wants to obsessively narrate and write down everything. If she is watching a video she runs in with a paper telling me to write things down that she learned. She is frantic about it. Also calls out after she is in bed saying she is afraid she is going to forget something like that she wants to paint tomorrow or that she loves ladybugs and wants me to write it down. She is normally very laid back, not really a people pleaser and not super academic. (smart but doesn't really love "doing school") What do you think? It is weirding me out a little.

  2. We stayed home today from dd's soccer game (age 5) it was raining but not canceled. She likes soccer and I am afraid that she will hate getting all wet and cold and muddy and it will give her bad feelings towards soccer. Plus the whole family did not want to be wet and cold. At this age we only do it when it is going to be a fun positive experience and that was not going to be the case today. When she is a little older we would talk more about being committed to the team even when it isn't pleasant.

  3. Frankly, my friends that don't bf seem to never lose their weight! at least around their middle. I ate normally and lost a pound or two a week by nursing. That said, if you have not bfed in the past and lose your weight fine and have no experience bfing, it will seem VERY different to you. I think babies eat a lot more often if they are bfed especially at the beginning. Drinking a lot of water is essential in bfing as well. Have you tried it at all in the past?

  4. I know you are a pastor's wife. My mom was as well and she struggled with this same stuff. However, she didn't really ever conquer it and that was not good for our family. Can you find a good Christian counselor to go to? Another thing that has helped me is Beth Moore's Bible studies, Believing God and Breaking Free.


    Also, I can tell from your posts that you are a very sweet lady, so you probably don't show any of these "upset" feelings you have, but it probably is affecting you on the inside a great deal.

  5. but I have tried to explain to dd 3 things:


    1. we should always prefer others over ourselves


    2. more practically speaking though, the trade off for getting to play with kids and have them over is having to share. I try to explain to her that if there is going to be a problem with other kids playing with her toys, that they will have to go home and I will not be so inclined to have them over again.


    3. also, there is the whole maybe making that kid give it back to your kid after a certain amount of time. set a timer for 15 minutes or something. but I hate all that because then you are having to police everything.

  6. I am interested in learning a little more about the Charlotte Mason style for studying nature. I am a little bit of a newbie and have only read "For the Children's Sake" (as far as CM stuff) Any other book or website recs for studying this more? I will have a Kindergartener next year and she loves nature and science and I am a little bit more of a stay inside and read on the sofa kind of person!

  7. mine were pretty bad too. and I had people telling me it was my fault. if I think about it too much, or compare it to others, I can get upset, but nothing like what you are saying. I am able to almost completely get over it and be glad that my babies and I are alive..(which we would not have been 100 years ago). so I think it is probably the other horrible life circumstances that are haunting you more than the births. I feel terrible for you and really hope you can find peace with all of it someday. Have you been to counseling at all?

  8. I saw your recent post but didn't have time to reply (I've not really mastered the finer points of how the new boards move) asking if anyone here has a child with Type I diabetes. I've btdt with my son, and as someone with perfectionist tendencies struggled with the day to day "little stuff". I'm available to listen to rants, vents, and such or share my experiences if I've learned anything that's helpful.


    I'll be be happy to post my e-mail; just say the word.


    you can also search for an old post with something like "diabetes" and respond to it, bumping it up to the top of the list

  9. It wouldn't necessarily have to be brown recluse. I've had spider bites that look as you describe. They were sore, but went away rather quickly. Did you see the link above? I think brown recluse usually has a reddish ring around the bite rather than a purple bruise. If it were me and I was fairly sure it wasn't a recluse, I'd keep an eye on it for a few hours and watch for changes. Draw a circle around both the bump and the bruise for comparison later. But it definitely sounds like a bite.




    it does seem to be getting bigger around. no reddish ring. thank you for your help. i am going to keep an eye on it. if you think of anything else, let me know.

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