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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. NO IDEA on prices really, but I had not looked at your blog before and I did, and saw your Wichita pictures! That is where I am from. It was so cool to see those. And they are excellent. I would say start the season out on the high end price wise and you can always lower. They look superb to me.


    People really like to have nice pictures of where they live though. So it might be a really hot item!

  2. I am fairly new here myself, but I am kind of on here a lot! (no life, you know?) Anyway, I was starting to recognize some familiar faces replying over and over, but then it suddenly seemed like A LOT of new people were on. Does it ebb and flow like that? What do you think they would do if this board got just huge? I have thought about telling my HS friends about the board. But what if all 20 of them started posting. Wouldn't it get enormous? Just a random thought. For you old timers, is it a lot bigger than it used to be?

  3. Last time I read one of your posts, you weren't moving! Sorry for all the upheaval. I would try to really relax about school. Do the minimum each day so the kids stay in the routine, but feel free to really slow down and limit it. I wouldn't worry about the lost education time as bit. I only worry about getting the kids out of their pattern and habits. Are you feeling ok emotionally about the move?

  4. Tried this in General and got nothin! Anyone here?


    Just read a thread about loving MFW curriculum for first and second grade. This led to a blog post by someone saying she would read dd a section of the MFW Bible curriculum and have her daughter narrate it. That is what I want to start with dd next year. She will be doing half K half First grade material. BUT I don't really want to get MFW curriculum.


    Can anyone recommend a Bible story book for age 6-8 ish that you love? We have "The Jesus Storybook Bible" http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Storyboo...7853653&sr=8-1 and absoluelty love it, but need something a little more in depth to read next. Anyone used any by Macarthur? TIA

  5. I think this is a tough line to walk. I LOVE seeing my kids really interested in something and I want to enjoy that and encourage them, but I don't want to pigeon hole them either.


    I am also an "analyzer." When they start to show an interest in things I think a lot about what that "means." They love coloring....will they be super artistic, or is it just a phase?


    Also, my parents never gave us accolades for anything except "being good," so I try to be quick to compliment them.


    This doesn't answer your question, but I understand where you are coming from. :)

  6. I don't know if you can, but it's helpful to go and sit in on a class. I looked into it for next year for my 4 yr old (he'll be 5 in the fall). I was mainly looking to meet some hs families and new friends for my kids. I really liked the people and I went to an info session and though it sounded great. But then we went and sat in on a class and I decided it wasn't for us. I know others who do it and love it...it just wasn't for us but I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't gone to the open house. In my opinion, it's also very expensive so I wanted to be as sure as I could before doing it.



    This was my EXACT experience. It sounded good in theory, but when I sat in on it, it did not feel right for us. ALso, it is a pretty big commitment as far as your curriculum. I felt like if I did their stuff, it would be difficult to do the other things I am excited about doing with dd.

  7. I agree. This is very tacky and does not belong here.


    Sorry sorry sorry...don't hate me. I meant it as a HUGE compliment to her, that I think she should make tons of money at it and that it is such a worthwhile thing and that often in this society worthwhile things don't earn a lot of money but that because this is such an enormous undertaking I hope that she would. Hope that clears things up a little. Can't find a sheepish smiley.

  8. OK..I used to BE an English teacher, but I need help with something anyway! No flames please.


    I am trying to explain to my Chinese friend why you say..


    "I will come you your house Tuesday" instead of "I will go your house on Tuesday"


    and also


    "I will bring my tax documents" instead of "I will carry tax documents"


    Yes sorry, it was a typo. My Chinese friend wants to say " I will go to your house on Tuesday" and I thought she should say "I will come to your house on Tuesday. Sorry!

  9. I used Phonics Pathways and OPG. My dd sounded out every word for 6 months or more. She only recently started reading words without sounding them out. All you are doing by making them repeat the page is teaching them to memorize those lines of words...which is not necessary and will be tedious for everyone. If he can sound out all the words, move on to the next page. Good luck it is so cool when they really start to get it!

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