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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. Does anyone have an idea for a dessert to take to a Seder? A friend is hosting a Christian Seder to commemorate the Last Supper, but we are following the unleavened rules. This is all pretty new to me. I am just a Midwestern Protestant who grew up going to Maundy Thursday! Am I blowing your minds with all these religious holidays?


    Side Note: I got a book for dd to explain the Seder and I cannot recommend it enough. It is "The Passover Seder" by Emily Sper


    Really great graphics and simple explanations. She loves it and it helped me too!

  2. I want to study 8-10 artists this year and am using some of the ideas in WTM, but I wonder what you think the most important artists are. It seems like most of them are impressionists. Also, has anyone had luck with the "What Makes a Degas a Degas?" series. I really like it, but I think maybe my kids would do better with postcards or flashcards instead of a book. Any thoughts?

  3. "I don't want to imply that you shouldn't trust your daughter, but I am always wary of basing my reactions on hearsay. So if you choose to pursue what happened on the teacher's birthday, I think it's important to first speak with her directly to hear her version of events. I would do that via a meeting at which you, your daughter, and the principal are all present. If this teacher did indeed behave in this manner, I think her superiors should be made aware of that. Of course, the sticky wicket is that the teacher will likely not respond well and your daughter still has to get this paper done and finish out the class.


    Alternatively, you might choose to ignore her behavior and instead just schedule a meeting between the three of you (you, daughter, teacher) and focus on getting your dd the help she needs to complete her assignment. Bleh, not easy, and I don't envy you."


    Thinking about what this poster said...I have to agree. Maybe get your daughter some help first and then talk to the principal. But they should at some point find out about this because they will want to deal with it.

  4. Has anyone done "Drawing with Children"? by Mona Brooks. It is recommended in WTM and I got it from the library. It seems great but too daunting for me to teach dd. I would love to find a class to SEND her to that teaches it, but I am in Columbus, Ohio and can't find one. Any tips? or anyone in Columbus with an art rec? I want drawing or painting NOT crafts.

  5. Thank you for this response. It was actually encouraging because I don't have ANY of the fears you describe! I am very organized and love teaching dd. I was a teacher by trade before having kids. I am more worried that dd will not have enough friends to play with and that she will miss out on fun stuff she hears her friends doing at school. That I am cheating her out of the "school" experience. I know that if I think this is best for our family I should do it any way, but I second guess myself. You are wise to say too, that what ends up being the hardest part is sometimes not what we THINK the hardest part will be!

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