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Posts posted by Ohio12

  1. I was asking in a funny way, but as I was reading the books aloud to dd, I felt like they were not very well written, so I wanted to see if anyone else agreed with me. I am also new to the whole chronological thing (although I love it) but wonder whether talking about some American history out of context is too confusing for her. I should have just asked if anyone else thinks they aren't well written!

  2. What would WTM or SWB think about the American girl books? In my mind the pros are: dd loves them and they do teach history. However, I do not think they are THAT well written and they don't go along chronologically with the history I am teaching.

  3. I haven't decided for sure. I want to do the SOTW and since I may only be able to hs for a couple years I thought I had better get started. Also, dd will be an older kindergartener. We have done a lot of kindergarten stuff already this year. I am new to this. I might try to e-mail you because I see you have 2 dds like me!

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