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Everything posted by Gracegiven4

  1. KeriJ, this sounds like a nice way to do history together as a family . Would you mind sharing what spines that you used. Thanks.
  2. Well we are doing AAR on Monday Wed Friday and AAS on Tuesday Thursday . It was too much for us to do them both on the same day . I have a 2nd grader, 1st grader, and a K'er and running multiple levels of both this year has been so hard. Some days we don't even get to our science or history . I can't seem to get it all done . I'm trying to find balance but kind of struggling in this area .
  3. Kathy do you think HOD is time consuming even in the younger guides? Was just curious.. I have been flip flopping back and forth with Beyond .. what we have picked this year isn't going to work for us .. insert big sigh.. Thanks Meg
  4. Thanks Amysue for asking this question.. I was wondering the same thing.
  5. The level 3 samples on the All About Learning website look beautiful . It just keeps getting better with each level! We have decided to continue with level 3 here .
  6. Thanks Nicole, would you mind sharing how you split your lessons up? My daughter really has struggled but she seems to be taking off.. I have thought about switching but its hard to use something else after AAR .. Thanks again.
  7. Bumping..I have 3 that will be working on AAR this year. And I am finding that it is taking us a longtime to get thru the levels. I really love AAR but I am afraid we won't be able to continute to use it. I am also panicking that my 7 year old is not far enough along.
  8. We are thinking of using Rod and Staff math this year. I was looking thru their 1st grade book and I really like the way that they explained concepts. So nice to hear how much people like it.. Hope you have a good year.
  9. Oh thats awful. I had just seen her a week earlier at a homeschool convention. That is so sad and shocking. I feel so bad for her family.
  10. Sagira, have you used any other levels of LBC with your older child? Do you love the books?
  11. Thanks Marie, I really want to combine my kids but I am finding this isn't as easy as I thought it would be :)
  12. Thanks Amy! It does look so good! I was thinking of doing the first grade guide for my k, 1, and 2nd graders. I love the books that they use . And, I love the idea of studying both world and ancient history at the same time . The first grade curriculum seems like a nice mesh ( for us) of what they should be learning at this stage .. But, I do have toddler who is very active so I need open and go. I also feel like I will need some type of history cycle ( eventually) that I can fold them into ... But for now this seems so fun and interesting .. Maybe I will email them to see how much prep is involved .
  13. Thanks I wonder how much teacher prep is involved? It would be for my 1st and 2nd grader mostly.. but I will also have a k'er this year so I definitely need open and go..
  14. I was just curious if anyone as used this ? I just discovered it ,and I think it looks great. Just wondering what others thought?
  15. I really like BJU spelling too. I was actually thinking of using it with AAS this year. Maybe MWF BJU..TTH AAS. I like them both for different reasons but I do think they would work well together. I think BJU could be used to reinforce what is learned in AAS. We are also using AAR.. we have several levels going of both.. Sometimes I find it hard do several levels of AAS and AAR.. although we do really love it.. So it would be nice to have something to fall back on.. like a weekly spelling list that sort of reviewed our phonics instruction ...but something that didn't take a ton of time. If you decide that you want to do BJU spelling 1 this year.. the teachers manual is on sale for 12.99 at CBD right now. HTH
  16. Merry thanks for sharing about level 3!! Feeling much better. We have been using the Abeka flash cards and readers while waiting for the next level. I was looking thru AAS last night trying to figure out how I could maybe use it as a reading program if we needed to move faster. That might be an option for you.
  17. I feel this way too. Not sure what to do .. I actually started with my dd who was 6 and son 5.. I am really worried about her because she is now 7. I think my son is far enough along to just be finishing up K. But, I wish my daughter was farther along ... All About Reading has been so good for my her . She really struggled with learning to reading. And, I don't know what to do because we are waiting for 3 ... and 4 won't be out till next year.. I'm sorry I'm not much help. But, I definitely feel the same as you and I hope you get some good responses. Maybe Merry will respond and give us some good advice. If you go to the All About Learning website and their forums.. there is a post that shows the scope and sequence for level 3. I don't know if that will help you to figure out your next step.. I have to be honest I didn't think level 3 covered that much ... I guess it takes a while to learn all the rules...
  18. Katrina, my children will be the same age when we do Adventures..Glad to hear that it worked for you guys! Do you recommend using Bigger before ECC.. What do you think of the Eggleston spines? Thanks.
  19. Donna A, thank you for your suggestions.. I went back and looked at the manual and I didn't realize that there was extra book basket reading with the science each week. I was SO excited to see that! I will check out the books that you recommended. I think I had a "light bulb" moment when you said that Charlotte Mason didn't necessarily recommended scripted narrations. The reasoning behind this makes so much sense! I really love the "flavor" of MFW over HOD even though they are both great programs and very similar. I have so many questions about MFW. Would it be okay to pm you? Thanks.
  20. It does make sense.. that is why I am having such a hard time with the same decision.. :).. I love the look of the Adventures manual...but I don't feel like it gives me enough guidance as far as teaching certain things like narration ... I like how Beyond walks you through the skills and how they schedule the emerging readers from easy to difficult and includes questions. However, Adventures looks more interesting to me.. I like its scope and sequence much better.. I love Adventure's study of the names of Jesus better than Beyond ....but I prefer Beyond's science over adventures ...big sigh... maybe one day I will figure this all out.. Lol.
  21. I'm on the list ZooRho mentioned too. But we live up in Williamsburg and husband travels south to Hampton. There have been days when it has taken him over an hour to get home if there has been an accident on 64..Some days he has meetings in Norfolk and the tunnels can be crazy. We are thinking of moving south to the Chesapeake area.. There does seem to be more for opportunities homeschoolers down that way.. I think Virginia is a pretty easy state..
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