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Posts posted by blondeviolin

  1. I am finally getting to the point where I can start walking again. I'd like to aim for walks five days a week.


    64 oz of water a day


    Flexibility - I'd love a stretching routine or ideas that yall do. This is an awesome idea, but I need something quick for after my walks or something.


    And of course, keep up with my meds and eating enough leafy greens.

    • Like 5
  2. Can you have him switch to diet Mountain Dew? What if he walked to the convenience store for the snack he wants? Maybe he just doesn't want to give those creature comforts up and dieting means no completely to him. Personally, I wouldn't buy any snack items. If he buys it at the convenience store, sure - with a limit. I'd start with reducing portions, add in a walk (go with him!), and stop snacking after a certain time.


    Is it possible he's depressed or suffering anxiety or something?

    • Like 2
  3. I am not feeling like doing schoolwork with the kids today. I don't feel like cleaning. My house is falling apart, my kids NEED to do something or they're arguing. I feel like crud after being in the hospital this week for an asthma flare. My husband is working long hours this week...


    I'm stubborn because it's all stuff that I can do; I'm just slow and unmotivated. Nobody really knows I was in the hospital. I'm getting better and don't really want any pity/sympathy. I just want to be better again, go on my walks, and live a vibrant life. Recovery is slow and I'm improving, but it all feels pretty gray...


    Where is the pause button so I can take a nap without things falling apart further? 😫

    • Like 1
  4. He has metal in his body so he can't have an MRI. That is part of why he is still being monitored.

    Ugh. I'd definitely question if it's a herniated disc. I'd definitely push for a neurosurgeon to evaluate it. There will be other signs (calf weakness, foot drop, reflex issues, etc.). The faster they fix a disc, the better chance he has for nerve regeneration.

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  5. See if they'll give him an MRI. My husband herniated a disc in his back that "threw it out" and gave him excruciating pain. Then it went numb when the nerve that was being pinched started to die. His whole right side went numb. Sounds very familiar.

    • Like 5
  6. Can they narrate from a picture book? Or read along while you read it? What if you give them something to do with their fingers while they listen?


    I'd also be inclined to tell them they "get to" stay up 15-20 minutes later if they're listening to an audiobook in bed.

  7. Sometimes they do get asked. There was a question of if someone was collecting prescription medicine on behalf of their disabled relative, can they use the handicap lot if the disabled person is at home. The answer given was that the disabled person must be in the car or at the store when using the handicap lot.


    Here the Target handicap lots tend to be abused but they have many handicap lots so checks are random. The smaller Walgreens tend to have one handicap lot so people might complain if that lot is used and no one looks disabled in the store. What a former colleague told me was that a photocopy of an ID is good enough if not driving because the police can always escort you back to your home or hotel to verify identity.


    "In the past three years, the number of citations for illegal use of disabled person parking placards has increased by the hundreds in California - diminishing parking spots for the disabled.


    For anyone who is caught, no points will be assessed since it is not a moving violation, but that misdemeanor will appear on their driving record. " http://www.cbs8.com/story/35182236/dmv-sting-disabled-parking-cheats-caught-in-the-act

    it doesn't sound like anyone here falls into this trap, but just a PSA that there is no specific "look" that a disabled person has. There is nothing visible about my disorder, but I have qualified for a handicapped placard for the last 15 years. I've never had a cop ask for my card. But I sure have had a fair number of people judging me, or even aggressively telling me how horrible I am for taking that spot, because I don't "look disabled."

    • Like 6
  8. While it could be an attitude problem, it could also be the materials. WTM straight recs aren't known for being joyful. WWS1 at that age is pretty aggressive for some kids. Your math (Saxon and CLE?) is all incremental/spiral.


    You might ask them which is WORSE right now, the LA or the math, and offer to change whichever is the worse fit. The LA would be the easier to change, and even then it might just be FLL and the writing. With those ages, it would be easy to shake up. Then you'd only be staying firm on *1* thing. I can understand wanting continuity across a bunch of kids.

    I've totally asked and made sure they're on board with what we've got planned. I'm not beyond changing curriculum if there are tears daily. That's not really what we're dealing with here. (My oldest is language advanced. We haven't even started WWS, but I don't anticipate too much trouble with it.). My oldest son has some sort of language-based learning disorder, so I'm making sure we're moving slowly for him. He actually is 2E, though, and is my first to complete stuff so he can do what he wants.


    I just don't want school to be a drudgery, you know? Luckily they don't think science and history are "school" even. So they're enjoying those subjects.


    I'm fine with it not being jumping up to finish everything by 10am and sunshine and rainbows. i just remember really enjoying school as a child. I was a gifted kid in public school who really enjoyed my teachers (not so much my peers). My parents are here and they are quite enjoying discussing history and topics they find interesting with them, so I know they are doing fine. I just don't want them to remember hating homeschooling (even thought they've all chosen it this year).

    • Like 1
  9. My kids don't hate school. They participate, but it's not beloved. They like history and science, and morning meeting. But the majority of the 3Rs are boring apparently: spelling, writing, and math (depending on the kid). They still have to do those subjects but I feel like they don't like those things enough that they take forever to do it or they complain about it.


    So...what do you do for those subjects that they need to practice but it just grates on them? Some of my kids dislike LA stuff and some dislike math so I really have someone dragging their feet either way.

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