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Posts posted by blondeviolin

  1. About what level do you start this? It's a program I want to look into using, but don't know exactly when a good time to implement it is. My daughter will be kindy this fall, but I anticipate she'll be finishing Funnix Beginning Reading by the summer. Does reading ability have any bearing on when you begin? Can you do it concurrently with some like Funnix?

  2. I know this is late, but I wanted to chime in. My oldest is 5 at the end of May. Last year, at two months shy of 4, she begged for me to teach her to read. My mom taught me with 100EZ Lessons so I grabbed the book and we sat down for lessons. Abby LOVED it...until we got to the rhyming part. She COULD NOT figure out how to rhyme. So, we shelved it and did a lot of playing and sounding of letters and TONS OF READ-ALOUDS. Developmentally she wasn't ready.


    Just after she turned 4, she asked again. (Why, yes...she does love all things reading!) So we sat down with the book again. At this point I knew she how to rhyme (we'd been playing rhyming games) and I'd figure we'd try. We made it to lesson 68 or something insane like that before running into more issues. She had some words she knew from sight, but was having difficulty remembering when a vowel was short or long, even with the line at the top. Around this time her daddy came home from a deployment so we shelved it again.


    Fast-forward another few months and she asked to start reading lessons again. I started back at about lesson 15 or so thinking we'd breeze through, but for whatever reason, she didn't remember much of her sight words and was sounding out everything. She was really frustrated that she couldn't just look at the words and "do it the fast way". So, we put it up for a bit and called it good.


    Last month Funnix did its free trial so I downloaded it and thought we'd give it a spin. I still want to place an emphasis on phonics and decoding the language, and I was pleased with 100EZ Lessons' approach to it all so I was hopeful. We started Funnix almost immediately and she LOVED it. We started back at the very beginning for a bit of review and confidence builder. But soon it was apparent that it was too easy because she didn't want to stop what she was doing to do something for "babies". I skipped her ahead a bit, but still doing each lesson. She's at lesson 45 now and still really liking. And I THINK (cross your fingers) that she's really ready, and the program works for her that she is actually really starting to read. And LIKING IT.


    The approach in Funnix is slightly different than 100EZ Lessons, but not by much. Abby is a parent-pleaser and I think it was frustrating her with 100EZ Lessons that she couldn't do it perfectly and I was correcting her. Doing it on the computer has removed that negative reaction, but I am still reinforcing what she's learning.


    So, all this to say...don't dispair! Shelve it for a time. Try out different programs. Let her play and let her learn at her own pace. It really will be okay.

  3. ...I am looking for a small-ish American Flag to put on our wall. I'd rather it be a hanging flag rather than on a pole/stick. And I think I'd rather it be smaller than the standard 3'x5'. Does anyone have anything similar to this? Maybe one on its side so it's hanging like a banner type deal? I've looked on Amazon, Rainbow Resource, and our learning store without finding anything that I have in mind.


    Also, I need a map of the world and/or the US. Where did you get yours? Do you have it on the wall all the time or do you just pull it out as needed? Do you just use a globe? We're going to be doing FIAR so I would love to have something that doesn't take up my entire wall, but where we can point out the different countries/states the books take place in.



  4. This is my first post here! :yay:


    My oldest, Abby, will be 5 at the end of May. My son, Emmett, will be 4 in October. In their play, Abby has been naturally fascinated with letters (knew their names and sounds before 3, tried sounding out but hadn't developed phonemic awareness, etc). Emmett, however, has been very aware of numbers (he loves shapes, patterns, numbers, counting, etc). Abby gives up very easily on things if it's "too hard". I want her to enjoy math and numbers and enjoy learning. I'm hoping to do RS A so that Abby can enjoy it and have a confidence builder of sorts. I'm also hoping that if Emmett wants to hop in and do some lessons/games, that they won't be super difficult for him...at least in the beginning.


    Even if my son doesn't sit in on math, should I still start with A? Abby will be "kindy" this fall.

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