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Posts posted by blondeviolin

  1. So, to answer a few questions:


    I am not sure I see other signs of ADHD. The only thing other than the chattiness that I could see would be that she doesn't learn very well from oral lessons we can just talk about it, ironically. But I suspect it's because she's a strong visual learner. If she has a visual component she's much more likely to retain.


    She was this way before her daddy left. I actually have noticed an uptick in her chattiness but it may be because I'm the only adult. Regardless, I try to be good about listening to fears and concerns she has.


    I have no clue how long this deployment will last. It could be rather short or could drag on. It's not a Middle East thing so we have no precedent for my husband. I do have people who have offered to take my kids. My oldest is old/responsible enough to keep an eye on a few kids while other kids are at extracurriculars such that I can get some quiet time.


    She does pick up social cues well. She has lots of friends in the neighborhood and she is gone all day in the summer when they are home. She has a couple of homeschool friends that she spends some afternoons with.


    Sometimes I say, "I can't listen because I'm thinking." Other times I blurt, "Stop talking." 😫


    I appreciate the book recommendation. I'll pick it up and give it a peruse.


    And I'm so grateful for the commiserative posts because at least I know I'm not alone.

    • Like 3
  2. Monica's and Sadie's posts makes me realize that the metabolism and natural circadian rhythm of each individual child probably comes into play, as well.


    DS#2 who needed to Math at the end of the day was always a night owl, flopped around in bed and struggled to sleep, and slept late into the morning. He was "fresh" and the brain full-engaged and ready to think much later in the day, hours after actually getting up. ;)

    This is my oldest.

  3. I have one that says or asks whatever pops into her head. She's ALWAYS talking. Even if she has a screen in front of her, she never shuts up. My husband is deployed so when I went somewhere today, I let the kids take kindles or DSes in the car so I could have a moment of silence to listen to my audiobook in peace, but I couldn't because she kept on jabbering.


    She asked me today if cats ever think about the stars and new galaxies. 😫

    • Like 1
  4. Don't try to match up. They reinforce one another.


    And if you didn't make it through 1, that's okay. Pick up with 2. It will review all of 1. (Like half of 1 is nouns.) Do try and stick with 2 because it will give a great foundation for 3, which picks up a bit.


    Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind is good for 5/6 grade. I wouldn't do it before that. It gets into some harder stuff.

    • Like 2
  5. GSWL gets tougher towards the end. I've successfully used it with a grammar-strong third grader but I wouldn't make a second grader do it. SSL would be a good fit for second grade. If you could get through 1 (seemingly simple task), then you could work through 2 next year and be at a perfect spot to roll into Latin For Children or First Form.


    For the 5th grader, I'd totally pick up GSWL, First Form, or LFC.

    • Like 2
  6. I have one above and one below:


    My 6th grader does literature, free reading, piano, spelling, history without me. She does a bit with me with spelling, math, and grammar and finishes on her own. Writing she does independently sometimes but others she needs me. I hang around with her Latin but I'm learning along with her.


    My 4th grader needs me for grammar. He does free reading, literature, piano and spelling independently. He takes a quick lesson and does math exercises independently. I have to hold his hand for history work because he's learning how to construct strong sentences. He needs me for Latin.

    • Like 2
  7. Personally, I feel like MP's younger stuff looks drab, but my first grader is doing their Storytime Treasures and loves it (though, were doing it orally). TBH, if you look at where MP takes a kid, you'll see that their method works.


    I just prefer TWTM because it's heavy on history and science and grammar, which feels more fun to my kids than skill work.

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