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Everything posted by Binalina

  1. Awwww. Good for him! great pictures! Sounds like you've got a sweet boy on your hands! Here's to making the dream last. :thumbup:
  2. When I was pg for #4 my other littles were 4, 2 & 2. One day they were playing art with a bucket of those foam stickers (letters, bugs etc...) I don't recall how they did this with out my seeing them but they decided to dump them ALL out onto the floor. hundreds.of.them. At first I wasn't too uspset, I mean I had let them out of my site but then they just wouldn't clean them up. I even helped out but they just kept on dumping them. Well, being so dang pg, mad and tired I just could not get down again to pick them up . So, I got the vacuum and sucked them up! All of them. Meanwhile, dc are screaming and crying NO, NO, Mommy PLEASE! NO!!!! For the longest time they all ran away crying whenever I turned on the vacuum. I felt horrible about it for a loooong time. They don't cry anymore- but they still remember that day!
  3. Sometimes, if I know that they really dislike a certain item I will make something else but I don't make that exception for veggies. Sometimes I'll just make them eat 2 bites of it and more often than not they do like it. But it really depends what it is. Tonight I am making Chicken noodle soup and 2 dd already have protested. If I know that they like each component of a meal seperately (ie chicken, noodles, carrots) then they are going to eat it for dinner. I just tell them that sometimes we all need to eat something we don't like. Once, my pedi. told my dc that it takes 12 times of trying a new food to decide if you like it or not. When one dc complains another one invariably recalls this bit of information (most often the 4 y/o). Usually this takes care of it and I :001_smile: inwardly b/c someday that will be them hearing the same bit of info from a sib.
  4. Oh, I should have said- I don't actually throw stuff away as a punishment. I just hide it in my room and they have to earn it back with chores and just plain good behavior. I do however donate toys that they really don't play with anymore. They get it - and usually I let them help me pick what we should donate. This is done seasonally around the same time as the big clothing switch. I think the fact that they have a whole bunch of "new" clothes helps them to let go of some toys.
  5. At this very moment my 4 dc are in the playroom cleaning frantically because I told them they had 10 min. to get it done or I am coming down with a trash bag. This is after asking and asking - and more asking. After the playroom, they need to straighten up their rooms (not that messy b/c I make them do it everyday in the am) After that the girls and I are going to fold laundry together - 3-4 loads. I find that if I cull down the toys every now and then we have far fewer battles. I would rather have to explain why we don't need so many toys and hear a little whining than have to do battle over who is going to clean up the massive amount of toys/things. It still is quite a struggle with day to day mess but I don't let them treat me like a maid. I am constantly asking them to clean up after themselves so - I guess they are used to it. HTH Here's a :grouphug: because I know it's hard. DC just called to say they are ready... got to go inspect.
  6. YES! This is me! I got tired of being blank or question mark! :D
  7. I have "that" strange feeling of being occupied. I have his wierd shooting sensation down low, really low. It's only been 2 days since teA time. I think I am pg with #5 . What is nerve wracking to me is that I just got rid of my iud so I don't know if my body is it's normal self. I already have twins so I am a bit nervous that my system might be a little haywire and popped more than one egg.:eek:
  8. LOL! I love yours too. You inspired me this morning to finally get one already! I love flowers too so, it was hard not to pick flowers as well. I really didn't want to copycat you though! :D
  9. You guys are cracking me up!:lol: I want to know that "look at you and know" trick too. Someone looked at me very strangely yesterday and I wondered - "does she know?" I know, I know, I'm wierd:D
  10. It is a Striped Bass caught off the coast of a bay in Cape Cod. Dh and Dc were there to witness the event which was a major bonus! This was my first and only fish so far but I am now "hooked" and know I will continue. It was Sooooo much fun and I was so proud of myself for taking the initiative, teaching myself, being patient and handling my own fish. DH doesn't do fishing :tongue_smilie:.
  11. It wasn't as hard as I imagined to get it on here; and after looking at sooooo many avatars online I realized I had this picture of... well my actual self :lol: I just couldn't settle on a representative picture. So - Hi, nice to meet you!
  12. How did you know? Can you describe what you felt? With my son I also knew the morning after conc. but it seems so long ago that I doubt myself now. I feel something but not sure... I've had an IUD for 4 years (just had it removed 3 weeks ago) so I don't even remember what a regular cycle feels like. Do you usually have a crampy feeling after ovul. w/o pregnancy?
  13. Yes, I agree. I like that sentence MUCH better. I'll stick that in my back pocket for another day.:001_smile:
  14. Good point, I will change any future assignments to positive statements that reinforce the behavior I DO want. Thanks
  15. I hope this works. DD6 (almost 7) is constantly causing problems w/ her twin. She has to know how many she got wrong compared to her twin. Today, she got 1 wrong on her math sheet - pouting ensued. When she found out that her sib. also got one wrong, she laughed and was happy about that. Which made dsib feel bad. To take it one step further she looked on sis's page and COPIED her correct answer! :glare: I did not want to yell, I didn't feel like lecturing. So I made her copy 5 times " I will not cheat on my papers" I also told her that it could have been a few other sentences such as " I will not rejoice in another's difficulty" or "I will not pout when I make a mistake" or " I will respect my mother" Of course the wailing began so I just put the page in front of her and ignored the hysterics. Finally (my brain couldn't take it anymore) I told her that if she did not get started then I would not let her be involved in the playdate we have later. That got her going and she did finish (messily I might add). Do you think this was reasonable? Should I have taken the playdate away immediatley because of the tantrum??? Should I have made her do the work over again? I'm always unsure if my level of discipline is enough or too much. Many thanks for your thoughts!
  16. From this Moment - Shania Twain She has some other more upbeat songs that might be better. This is the one that I used in a tribute scrapbook to my hubby. I printed a few words from the song on each page so you turn the pages along with the lyrics to the song.
  17. Thanks for all the responses. I thought more about it and I should be able to tell if I am pg just before the mamo. I know that I am ovul. now so we did give it a try. Mamo is not this friday but next. I usually know before it's time to test if I am pg or not. With the last one I knew it the day after teA.
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