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Mrs. Readsalot

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Everything posted by Mrs. Readsalot

  1. First I let it cool in a glass container on the counter then in the frig. Then I pack it in quart freezer bags and stack them flat in the freezer. I usually have enough sauce for all winter.
  2. I have been making tomato sauce for years. I love the way it tastes but hate peeling the tomatoes it is messy, hot and a pain. So the other day I decided to throw a bunch of tomatoes, skins and all, in the blender(I did take the tops off). I also threw in an onion, a can of paste, seasonings to taste, and 2 Italian sausages. Then I put it all in a stew pot and let it cook down for 6 hours or so. Dh said it was the best sauce I had ever made (you have to love that guy) I am making another batch today(today I have also put in some red wine and a few sun dried tomatoes). I did about two blenders full worth of sauce.
  3. ________________(fill in the blank) Anyone who knows me well knows I am all about a positive attitude. I like to count my blessing and have my blessing count. By this I mean when I count my blessing it helps me keep my positive outlook on life. So I will get us started I feel blessed today because since I have lost 20 pounds my ankles no longer hurt when I get up in the morning. What a joy it is to start my day without pain.
  4. Paperback swap is fun. I also do bookmooch. I like each for different reasons. I am now number 22 for Stephenie Meyer's Eclipse so I hope to have it in the next month or so. I am Karen in Maryland on both sites.
  5. I have been walking 5-10 miles a day, doing weights every other day and doing 100 push ups and sit ups a day. Also eating very healthy (except for fried green tomatoes that I let myself have once a week) The Mike's was for my dh;)
  6. To funny Ok so I am a little over 21 (46 is actually a lot over 21) I cannot believe I was carded it is just too funny. :lol::lol: I have lost 20 pounds since June 1 and have really toned up. DH say he is going to have to start chasing me around the house, but he is not sure if he will be able to catch me.:D Needless to say my ego received a huge lift today.
  7. My ds and I are reading now and I so wish we had done this as a family read aloud. I know my dh would really enjoy it and want to discuss it with us.
  8. He has worked for the town for 14 years. Up until 2 years ago he was on call 24 hours a day everyday of the week. His intelligence and common sense always amazes me. I tell him I know what it must have been like to live with Edison of Einstein. His mind is always working. He developed a system to correct inoperability(this was a big problem on 911) and he gave the technology away instead of patenting it because he wanted it to be able to help people as quickly as possible. He is incredibility humble. We always say the Lord has paid us back double and triple for the work he has done gratis. I feel very blessed to be married to him.
  9. just kidding My summer project has been losing weight I am right on track with that 20 down and 10 to go Wahoo!! I have been walking 3 times a day for 3 miles each time (ie total 9 miles a day) This seems to be the only way to keep my metabolism up Also doing 100 push ups and 100 sit ups per day as well as other strengh exercises every other day. Needless to day this takes a great part of the day. I have found time to read aloud Robinson Crusoe to ds as well as monitor his progress with geometry. I have most of our materials for fall planned and ready to go also. My other big project has been our garden. It has worked out perfectly and I am so pleased with it. I grew Heirloom tomatoes from seeds this year and has been amazed at how successful they have been. Dh seems to be complimently me daily on the garden and he tends to be few and far between with him compliments. The other neat garden item we grew from seeds is Apple Gourds. They are really wild and have also helps to keep the weeds down. They are growing throughout the garden intertwining between all the other plants, it's really quite pretty. It has been a wonderful summer so far.
  10. First I think the Green Day song Time of your life already suggested is wonderful. You could also consider Vertigo by U2 this is one of their more current releases oldie but goodies could be Change the World by Eric Clapton Don't Stop by Fleetwood Mac Long and Winding Road by the Beatles(kids today still really like the Beatles) You've Got a Friend by James Taylor good luck your task sounds like quite an interesting one.
  11. I really want to see Momma Mia Dh and ds do not, and all my friends are busy with work, camps, taking kids places, vacation etc. I have never gone to the movies alone...but I am tempted as this looks like a fun movie.
  12. I am also of German ancestry and have the big boned issue. I got to thinking about this because ot "the charts" My honest goal is to be healthy. It seems to be difficult to determine what healthy is. Do you go by weight charts, BMI table, what size you wear... it's enough to make your head spin. One thing I know for sure and that is before I lost the weight I was waking up with sore ankles everyday. Now no ankle pain. So I know my body is appreciating that I have lost 20 pounds. I will admit it is a bit of a vanity thing or maybe a challenge thing to fit into a size 8 again. Although I don't plan on over doing it trying to accomplish that.
  13. No fair! Oh course my dh would probably take the fifth too. At least, if he wants me to fix his dinner.
  14. This poll is motivated by the fact that I am losing weight. I am down 20 pounds and would like to lose 10-15 more. I started at 165 and am 5'5". When I started I was a size 14(L.L. Bean 16) Now I am a size 10(except of course LL Bean size 12) For me ideal would be comfortable in a size 8, and I may have to give up liking L L Bean (LOL) Why do I want to be a size 8; 1. I don't want to completely give up my curves 2. A single digit sound so nice 3. Mainly I want to be healthy and at an 8 I carry good muscle tone and can maintain it. So what do you think is the idea size? Yes I know this can vary from women to women but I am curious about the Hive's thought on this weighty issue.
  15. Dogs love consistency and schedules. I don't like them to beg at the table so I never feed them from the table. My dh will be the one to start sneaking a new dog treats at the table. Then he yells at them to stop begging:001_huh: Hello you taught the pup that food comes from the table. I find this so frustrating. Really let everyone in the family know what the dogs rules are and make sure they follow them.
  16. I think the Chemistry will work great for us. This will be the first Teaching Co product we have used. Should I consider any others. For history this year we will be doing 1750-1850 both world and American history.
  17. My ds who is also an avid guitar player is using the Alfred's book and doing very well. I was a music major and I think the course is excellent. I would suggest a bit more "practice" with note recognition than is provided.
  18. It looks like it will really enhance our ability to do Chemistry in the fall. I would strongly suggest using this before you start Chemistry. We used Chalkdust for Algebra and did very well, but the information taught in Bridge Math was not in Chalkdust Algebra.
  19. Wow I love the Hive. I can see dh and I are real novices at this dating boy/girl thing. So many of you made great points and gave wonderful advice. Thanks you I am working on posting rep points for each of you. I can see now where this group dating even friendship things could be a very bad idea. My deep thoughts are ds will probably be relieved if we just not allow it.
  20. This is wonderful, thank you for helping me find words that will raise his self confidence while letting the girl down is the best way. He hates to hurt anyone so I think this is part of why he somewhat wants to call her. I didn't get any sense of him really "liking" her.
  21. Get a bat, I love it. Yes I think we might need one. I am going to start the Josh Harris book today - then probably also read it with him starting next week. Agressive Girls Oh my HELP!!!!
  22. Yes we wonder why a 16 yo girl would be interested in a 14 yo guy. I guess we would like him to be able to have girls that are friends, just not girlfirends at this point. I think you make some very good points, and I plan to go back and discuss them with dh before I say anything to ds. Thank you for posting, I appreciate your viewpoint. Man we are going to do a lot of walking. I would like to point out the age thing to ds without hurting his feelings.
  23. Most people are getting rid of VCR's and tapes. When you want to resell this you will be able to sell the sets with the CD's for more. We have found these easier to watch on the computer screen for some reason too. DS will often pause and work out an example while at his destk. His lap top is on his desk so the computer CD's have worked out really well for us.
  24. Last ds told me that so and so has a crush on him(he found this out through a friend). Yesterday was her 16th birthday and he wanted to know if it was OK to call and wish her a Happy Birthday. Well since it was 10pm I told him I thought it was too late to call(buying time here). He has also been told through his friend that the girl would like ds to ask her to the movies or something. Note at this point I am having to remind myself to breathe. So a bit of back story. My ds has only seen the girl a few times at our community pool. He thinks she is cute, but really was surprised when he found out she has a crush on him. Needless to say dh an I took an extra long walk this morning discussing this. We would like ds to find out a bit more about her through friends. If she is someone he would like as a friend that is fine but, we I not going to allow him to go on one on one dates. So at this point approved activities would be meeting at the community pool, going with our family to the swim park, maybe going to the movies with a group, going to teen activities at the library (they have movies, video game nights etc.) I am really not ready for this. Yes we have had discussions with ds about girls. growing up etc. He is a great kid, wears a purity ring and believes strongly in what it means. He is handsome ( I notice girls checking him out all the time) is respectful, is intelligent and works hard at his homeschooling, and plays the guitar and sings very well. Personally I think he is more flatterered than anything else that an older girl likes him. Although I can see this may just be the start of girls liking him and I want to advise him well. I have the book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. I guess I need to take a look at it. Any suggestions from the wise Hive would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
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