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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Eek! I grew up in Littleton, you'd think I would have a better idea. The only one that comes to mind is 16th street mall. I will ask a friend and get back to you.
  2. DH says that the brand he sees recommended most often is Golden's. They are too pricey for us right now so he uses Liquitex. I asked if he would recommend something else besides acrylic and he said no, to start with acrylic. Golden's are available on Dick Blick.
  3. For our birthdays we go to a Brazilian restaurant that has a buffet. Kids six and under eat free and they give you a free meal coupon for your birthday. We figure we might as well spend the money for one meal and feed the whole family. That's about all we go out. We haven't been on a date since before baby girl was born. We probably won't go on another one until she has a regular bedtime. With her, I didn't even bother to try using a bottle. It is just a big hassle to pump and my other two never took one past four months anyway. My brother and his wife live near by, so we occasionally use them as babysitters. But I have a rule of not asking for favors unless we are asked for some too. Since they don't need much, I don't ask much.
  4. I'm a SAHM, but I don't know how much help I'll be. We were both students at the time only working part time during school and full time in the summer and I stayed home when we had Pigby. The costs were negligible then. Instead of me working, we got student loans to pay for rent. Dumb, I know, but that's how it worked out. My biggest adjustment was keeping the house clean and preparing the food. It's still a work in progress. I wasn't really raised or taught how to do anything, so I had to teach myself. We ate out way too often because I hadn't done the menu planning or the dishes. If your husband is good in this area, he should be fine. Since my husband hasn't ever really had a high paying job, our expenses never got very high anyway so I am no help on cutting back. There are a lot of things I do on the weekend to prepare for the week ahead and to save on time and money. We only have one car, so there is no boredom shopping here. Generally, everything I buy is thoroughly researched and thought out and is bought with the intent to save us money (ie our wheat grinder and bread machine.) It would be a good idea to have a fund in place for them to have fun. Every paycheck put $XX in an envelope and they can use that for whatever they want: going to get an ice cream, going to see a movie, etc. Once the money's gone, it's gone until next payday. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, I haven't ever been in that particular situation, but I do know it can be done.
  5. Yes, they do it all the time. Well, they did it more in the past, but posts have kinda tapered off a bit, even from the assigned writers. They have had several posts asking for guest writers.
  6. I'm pretty sure it is hard-core YE. In fact, here's a review someone did on it from the LDS homeschooling blog. And yes, I am the witch who had to go and argue (but I tried to be nice about it). And even though I still disagree with her, I tried to be nice about it and not start a fight, by saying, "Oh thank you so much, I'm definitely going to be researching that more." I really hate arguments. I myself am OE theistic too, but am open minded about it. We tried BFSU, but it's too teacher intensive for my scattered brain, so we got Elemental Science. We're on a break from it until I get my act together, but it's pretty easy. For the narration and pictures, I just make Pigby draw them himself instead of cutting out and coloring the ones that come with it. The experiments we tried were fun, but didn't really go along with what was being taught. I plan on adjusting them a little when we start again; ya know, someday when I get my act together.
  7. tsk tsk tsk Diane, that's sacrilege.:svengo: ETA: Oops, I do hope you know I am just teasing.
  8. I was 21 with my first and 26 with my last. While I was young and dumb with my first, I think I would have been dumb no matter what age I started, since I really didn't know much about babies. I am happy with how it all worked out. For now, I intend to sacrifice and create a happy home and focus on their education. I will be 44 when baby girl turns 18 and am still thinking of what I'll want to do with my life after that.
  9. I had my last baby at 26 and I'm done. I struggle with postpartum depression and it makes me feel like a horrible mother. I don't ever want to put my children through that again.
  10. I found it so sad that a lady on the whyidonttjed blog was defending so vehemently that Joan of Arc did study the classics (her mother) and that that's why she's a great leader. No, a person can't really be a classic. And just because Joan's mother taught her sewing and other homemaking skills, that's not the leadership education DeMille was talking about. I can see the flip-flopping all over the place. Laura, in my opinion, it would be awesome if you wrote a post for the LDS homeschooling blog (you're not busy, right:lol:). I would write it myself, but my son is only 5, no one would take me seriously. They've had a billion posts on TJed and a couple on Celestial Education. I think it's high time there was a post on why a classical education is so good. If you (or anyone else) don't want to, it's fine, I'll write one in five years. That oughtta be good. Maybe after I've gone through the entire WWE series with Pigby, I'll be a good writer myself:lol: (ETA: Oops, I mean FLL. The grammar one. WWE I think I could handle)
  11. "She is a blessing from God," Ashante said. "All the things we've gotten to do together have been a blessing." Genius or no, I think this is the most important part of any homeschool. (And I don't know why it's underlining and won't erase it!!!)
  12. Have you checked your spam folder? Maybe it's sending the email there. If not, please add me, meggie :001_smile:
  13. You don't have to do a monthly meal plan, you can do as many or as few days as you want. I am terrible at sticking with the actual plan, ie eating what I have planned specifically for the day. I generally use my PTE account mostly as the best place to store my recipes and the quickest way to get an accurate grocery list. Even though meals are planned for specific days, I generally just pick the one that I most want to make that day.
  14. I woke up to lots of friend requests and lots of friends. I'm so happy. :D I've sent out a few more invitations, I think I've got everyone now. If not, please feel free to add me (meggie). For the person wondering about planning, I usually plan a week or two and buy the ingredients. I'm not the world's greatest at following the menu plan exactly or at all, but I know what I've got in the fridge and pantry, so I make something from the plan. It's not perfect, but it's better than what I was doing before. Baby steps.
  15. I'm not sure, but probably? You can usually do everything with the free trial that you can with the subscription. You can sign up for the trial without having to put in any credit card information.
  16. That is EXACTLY what I thought of too! Man, I love that show.:lol:
  17. I am so sorry for the pain you all are going through. We will of course be praying for you.:grouphug:
  18. Love it! Well, the grand total at the end of the day is now 52 left. We've hit the two syllable words and he's doing fine with it so far, but I'm pretty sure at some point he'll have to slow down.
  19. Glad I could help. Frontier Mom, I sent you an invite too. (It'll go to your email, just in case you're like me and waiting and waiting for something to show up on your PTE account and finally check the FAQs and see that they'll go to your email. Just in case)
  20. Audrey, your stuff looks so yummy! I'm excited. Joy, I'm excited to see your recipes too.
  21. Exciting. Invitation has been sent. I've got a lot of recipes from The Pioneer Woman, Mel's Kitchen Cafe, and Our Best Bites blogs. I also have a lot from Don't Panic, Dinner's in the Freezer Books. And since most of the time, I just make up what I do, the recipes may not be that useful to anyone but me. ETA: ACK! Missed the part about you sending me an invite. LOL. BRB
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