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Everything posted by meggie

  1. I literally LOLed. I pity the person who tries to argue with you.
  2. I don't remember the exact rule on this, so maybe someone else can answer better than me. I'm pretty sure a lot of people choose not to wear them when they are doing vigorous exercise. It's been *ahem*awhile since I've done any vigorous exercise but it was in the early morning before dawn, so I never got overheated. Some of them are made of very light material with little holes in them, so I guess one could wear those and not worry much about being overheated.
  3. No they are not. Bras are usually worn over the garments. For a sports bra you can wear one over the garments or if you're wearing exercise clothes that would expose the garments, you would just not wear them.
  4. ACCCKK!!! Twitchy, twitchy, twitch. I may go to hell for saying this, but I absolutely *hate* them. So uncomfortable. I know I'm really fat now, but even when I was skinny it was near impossible to find ones that fit well. They all went up super high (like past my belly button), but the ones that were fine on the waist were too.....loosey goosey in other areas. And let's not forget the twisting around when you roll over in bed. I can *NOT* stand being crooked and they are always twisting around. And the monthly logistics (for those who choose to not wear anything underneath) makes me want to poke an eye out. ACK! Getting more twitchy just thinking about it!
  5. Shhhh....Dh doesn't need to know that. He needs to know that I'm right ;)
  6. I do, but it's not technically part of the movie. And I wish that part were five hours long too! And that it had Colin Firth in it. *sigh* I may just have to watch it sometime soon to watch his lovesick longing.
  7. EEP! You get it! You must be the first person I've ever heard that's recognized that the P&P movie is only 5 hours long, not 6. DH is always whining that it's 6. 'Scuse me, mister *snap snap snap* it's only five! And as for the rest, meh. That's not so bad. I was expecting something much, much worse.
  8. Oh please oh please oh please. Where do you disagree? Is it the P&P? I know it's not a popular opinion, but I just love that Colin Firth. Yum yum. And I'd rather poke my eyes than watch Jena Malone play Lydia. I didn't realize that I posted Serenity twice! Ha, thanks for catching that. When picking something to watch, I'd rather watch the movie, mostly because it sums up all that is great about the show in two hours. That doesn't mean I don't love the series, I just can't watch it all in one sitting. What's Up Doc? I don't think has anything objectionable in it, maybe beyond the part of her in the towel. I'd rather he not watch that kind of thing yet. And while he would probably love the slap stick comedy of it, the movie is such pure genius that I want him to understand and appreciate it a little more when he first sees it. I don't think he'd get the passing of the bags; they'd probably just confuse him. Pretty much our entire movie collection. The kids still have their movies and we have ours. We're very picky about the movies we get, so *I* think all of ours are really good and there's just so much I want to watch with them when they get older.
  9. What's not to love? I have never ever seen an episode of Star Trek and I still wub this movie. Just so perfect!
  10. Stardust and the *real* Pride and Prejudice. :glare: That's right, we will never be watching Kiera Knightly's terrible version. It makes me all twitchy just thinking about it. Hmmmm...need to go check out the DVD cabinet Better Off Dead Clue Serenity Hudsucker Proxy Hudson Hawk Legally Blonde (SQUEE!!!!) And not technically a movie, but Pushing Daisies. Kids ought to know where their nicknames came from. Galaxy Quest (DH told Pigby a few nights ago that he can't wait to show it to him when he's older) What's Up Doc? Firefly/Serenity
  11. No, I don't know what you mean. Please elaborate :tongue_smilie::lol: jk, please don't
  12. And now I know too much about you :tongue_smilie:
  13. I don't know, I'll have to check out the sock folding thread and see if you fold them or not. THEN we'll probably know too much about each other. :lol:
  14. Well, *I* don't think I do. I think DH has a major problem of secretly charting my cycle and trying to purposefully piss me off when he knows it's that time of the month. Because I don't know how to explain his behavior otherwise. Not this week, last week.
  15. Swellmomma, all these personal questions! :tongue_smilie: Yes and yes. Or at least that's the plan.....sometimes the load of whites just stays in the laundry basket and we pick out things as we need them. *ahem* and then when we wash more whites, they also get dumped into the laundry basket. ETA: Oh, I lied. Ok, I fold the adults' underwear. The kids' just gets thrown in the drawer. I've tried folding those little things and they just get unfolded anytime they take a shirt out, so I don't bother anymore.
  16. using the present tense to describe something that happened in the past. for example, pretend this is a fb status: Yesterday I go to the mall and I see the most amazing purse ever. I tell dh that I have to have it. he says no. I buy it anyway." see how it should have been: went instead of go, saw instead of see, told instead of tell, said instead of says, and bought instead of buy? I used to speak like this, but dh pointed it out every single time, so now I always notice when other people do as well. posting from my phone, so the lack of capital letters and any other mistakes are blamed on it.:lol:
  17. This past weekend I made several meat loaves, mini omelets, nacho meat, steel cut oats, and chicken soup so that breakfasts and lunches would be easy peasy during the week. It went well I think. I had also cut up stuff for fried rice, though I didn't make it until tonight, but that was easy too. So I think I'll repeat this. It was a lot of work, but much easier during the day. And we just don't have freezer space for a whole month of food.
  18. You could probably get a lot of money for it if you sold it on Craigslist. I would put that money towards a new Nutrimill. I'm so lucky (or lazy, whatever) that I had never used my Nutrimill for anything with gluten. So when we went GF for the boys, I didn't have to worry about it. I buy brown rice and grind it. I make my own AP flour mix from the book Cooking for Isaiah. Her book calls for white rice flour, but I used brown rice and the results have been just fine. It calls for rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch and xanthan gum. I've just discovered a new book that has a AP flour mix using sorgham and millet flour (and some other things. I haven't made anything out of that book yet). You can also grind your own popcorn and make corn meal. I would still used the Nutrimill, just a clean one.
  19. I would certainly have a heart attack if it was one of my children. But something similar happened when I was in kindergarten and it wasn't that traumatic. Traumatic enough for me to remember, but I don't think there was much snot, even though I was, in general, a pretty dramatic child. The bus driver dropped me off at my house. Front door locked. I ran across the street to my mom's friend's house thinking she was there. No one there either. Bus driver had me get back on the bus, dropped everyone else off at their stops and brought me back to school where they called my mom. No answer so they called a family friend who lived a few blocks away. She came and got me and I stayed at her house til my mom came. Apparently my mom was at the next door neighbor's house and lost track of time. I hope all goes well for that little kid.
  20. -Being considered a "real" homeschooler -History and science. I took FLL and WWE out of our schedule because they were overwhelming him and I wanted to get to the fun stuff. He's loving history and science and all the crafts and experiments and coloring and cutting. -I know some people will say this makes me not a real homeschooler, but we signed up for a charter school that gives us $450. Since we had already purchased all of our curricula, we're using that money for some extra supplements. So we're going to get a lot of the Audubon pocket guides, Artistic Pursuits, LOF, Timeline Figures on CD, and some fun books. I think it'll be a fun year. -I keep trying to repeat SWB and JW's mantra that the grammar stage is to get them to love reading and fill their minds with all kinds of stories. It kind of helps take the pressure off and makes school more enjoyable.
  21. He is 100% on board. Sometimes he reminds me why we're doing it when I feel like I'm going to fail them. When I first made the decision (when Pigby was 2) DH was on board for doing it for a few years then sending them. With my rosy glasses, I was sure it would all be perfect until high school. Now he's on board for high school and I'm less certain about it. We'll just figure it out, year by year
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