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Miss Peregrine

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Everything posted by Miss Peregrine

  1. For me, I know that driving is exponentially more dangerous than flying but that means nothing to me. A car accident is just that, an accident and unexpected. If the plane is going down, you know. It's the anxiety of all the chaos and panic that would be going on. I don't have any advice. I did face my fear and fly alone in October and it helped me a little.
  2. Fighting Five from Eden's Garden is a fraction of the cost.
  3. I planned to spend all day in the valley today. It felt so much better but then the tiredness set in. We came home after 4 hours and I just woke up from a 2 hour nap. Back to sneezing. Ugh!
  4. This is the first year we've had an artificial tree ( because dd15 is allergic to real.) Dd17 and I are both miserable and we're joking that we're allergic to the artificial tree. :lol:
  5. The Zaditor was instant relief. I hope it lasts. So much better!
  6. That's the active ingredient in the Clear Eyes I was using. I told dh I am leaving today, all day. The counts down in the valley are nothing. I'm going to get some eye drops and enjoy breathing. :lol:
  7. Side note: pollen.com is saying we'll be in the high nines out of 10 the next couple of days. We've been in the 6-8 range. Absolutely ridiculous for December in Southern California!
  8. I will look for ketotifen tomorrow. Thanks!
  9. Yeah, I looked closer at it and it's for itching not really allergies. :/
  10. I caaaannn't. Seriously, though, I'm assuming it's allergies since I'm having all the other symptoms of hay fever/allergy attack.
  11. I am having a horrible allergy attack this year. I have never had one before but I guess the pollen counts are ridiculously high in this area right now. My eyes are extremely itchy, red and now the skin around them is so sensitive from itching them. I made some lavender/frankincense oil and used that around my eyes and it is very soothing. Feels better. But I want to take sandpaper to my eyeballs! I get in a rubbing fit and then it feels like the coating on my eyeballs is bunched up or something. It's miserable and I don't know what else to do. I tried Allerplex, Zyrtec, and Claritin. It's working best for the other symptoms but not my eyes. I tried some Clear Eyes allergy drops and they work very temporarily. Anything else that works for itchy eyeballs? I realized that's a lot of words about my eyeballs. Sorry. Lol.
  12. Where does the other stuff go?
  13. I'd like to know what kind of trash is expected to be on the floor? Used Kleenex? The oily, drippy mess from your salad dressing spill at your desk? Just pile it on top, knowing it will fall to the floor and leave it, as if you're helpless to do anything about it?
  14. No one said, unless I missed it, that they thought people should take the trash out to the dumpster and replace their trash bag. We're talking about leaving your own trash on the floor. How about some problem solving? Smash the trash down, keep an extra bag in your desk if your company isnt providing enough services. It can't be that hard.
  15. If I walked into my dh's office and saw his own trash piled around his trash can you bet I would think he was lazy. And if he thought he was paid too much to pick up after himself? No words.
  16. I have it narrowed down to counselor for veterans or middle school math teacher. :lol:
  17. Last-minute or plan changes used to really send me into a full-blown freak out. I understand. It will be okay and she will have fun.
  18. The first season of The Mole was epic. I developed a crush on Anderson Cooper. Alas.
  19. Exactly. If I don't feel the need to take them then I don't. I remind him of the hours of the urgent care so he can take the child after work or on his weekend.
  20. Same. His girlfriend was not there. They live in Texas and I guess she had to work. . . It was a pretty good time, actually.
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