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Posts posted by dereksurfs

  1. I am not required to have a state reviewer, but I have one rather than an umbrella. I am not required to adopted cc now, but this moved drastically from last year's 'just show forward progression to -- here's a paper from MD state cc that might help you in curriculum choice for language arts and other subjects. I am slightly perturbed to be shown this standard by which now shows my son as a year behind, rather than what I thought was a year ahead. Most of us using ps standards as guides and wondering where our kids compare to the ps school system, whether they like to admit it or not will be considered behind, or will eventually be required to complete curriculum at a alarmingly stressful rate, unless the curriculum is cc compliant. All state and other testing will reflect this going up to SATs. It's a lot off putting with those that struggle with the standards before. I student taught music in the public school, and remembered the behavioral issues in the classroom that was bad before, and us just trying to get the kids up to the previous standards and classroom management from my teaching friends and coworkers trying to comply with literally no time built in the school day to plan. So I just don't see how this helps anyone, when overwhelming class size and discipline issues hurt their performance rate then they reclass people into remedial classes. Raising a standard to see more fail? This is yes, my opinion, feel free to ignore it support it what have you. I just wanted to know if there was validation that I am not the only one that feels this way.


    Thanks for sharing your perspective. I really am trying to understand the frustrations some are having beyond potential Gov't conspiracies and associated issues/fears since I view those as self-induced/perpetuating. And yes, Its ok to agree to disagree. Hopefully both sides can learn from each other on these issues, especially when there are real impacts whether good or bad.

  2. AoPS was a horrible failure for dd. she is bright and a VSL and it just made no sense to me, dh (a physical chemist!), or myself. Before we move into Algebra, I feel we need to step back because idk if it's her hormones, but she's made a big step back in math since trying AoPS and she's done with SM and Saxon for now. Like SWB, once the math produces tears this much...I need something else! Kwim?


    Yes, then CLE may be a great fit. It's gentle spiral approach has been great for our dds who initially hated math after MUS.


    AoPS is another beast entirely with its discovery approach along with the extra difficult level of problems. After reviewing AoPS Pre-A I decided ds11 wasn't ready for it yet. Instead during Pre-A we only used the videos and some fo the free samples as supplemental to TabletClass which has worked fine. And now that he's almost done with Pre-A I think he is much more prepared for more difficult abstract concepts. He mind has really been stretched this year in good ways and I see how much his confidence has grown. So I'll probably bring in more AoPS during Algebra 1 along with TabletClass.

  3. That's great, Elizabeth! I think Ds would love this. Not long ago he said "I wish I had a board to go to like you do." He doesn't do Facebook or anything like it.


    Shannon, my son said the same thing! It was something like "I wish I had a place to share my photography, lego and origami creations." :blush:

    We don't allow him on facebook, twitter or other public social networking sites. I thought something like this forum for kids would be great.

  4. We also really enjoy CLE. But I'm also not sure we will continue past 600 because of the the way they strectch Pre-A over two years in CLE 700 & 800. Since our dds like it so much we may do select 'Light Units' from both of those which should take less time, maybe 1.5 years vs. 2.


    That said I'm not sure it would be good to switch so late into CLE unless you don't mind going through both 700 & 800 with them. You can take a look at the S&S to see what is covered here: http://www.clp.org/d...e_2012-2013.pdf


    Dpending on how strong their primary math skills are you probably should just be looking toward Pre-A programs. Some are more heavily weighted toward reviewing elementary math with a little algebraic reasoning while others have more algebraic concepts like AoPS, TabletClass, etc...

  5. Wow Elizabeth, you're quick. Thanks for working on this. This looks like its got some great potential for our kids to share idea, their photos, etc... with each other. I think the privacy options will really help parents feel safer with it, maybe a private group if possible.


    I posted a question on both General Ed. and Site News and Discussions sub forums. But I posed it to address a wider scope which might include a number of kids' areas of interests including photography. The Admins haven't responded yet or posted it and may not like the idea. So we'll see here. WendyK thought having it here might make parents less inclined to share.

  6. I'd love a forum for that, but not on this one. I would feel less free to talk about my kids. KWIM? Not that I give out lots and lots of details, but ya know...



    Wendy, I was thinking something similar. I know a lot of parents come here to share and may not feel as comfortable doing so with their kiddos possibly listening in. :seeya:

    One way could be to limit this forum to ages 18 and older. But maybe an entirely different location would be better. I know our kids could have fun joining a forum or group of kids with like minded interests.

  7. Hi,


    I was wondering what folks thoughts are on having a section for kids to discuss things they are interested in educationally? The reason I bring this up is that it came up in another thread in which parents are talking about starting WTM Photography Group for kids to share and discuss photography. This led me to a larger question regarding a place where WTM community kids could discuss a variety of educational topics of interests. This could include things like photography, origami, robotics, programming, legos, astronomy, etc... I was thinking it could be a private group via invitation or something similar.


    Then I asked how that would fit in here or not? What are your thoughts of a kid's corner? Would it somehow change things here possibly? Maybe parents would be less inclined to post if they thought their kids came here too? We have such a great and rather large community. I am just thinking of ways to make it easy for parents to help their kids connect with others who have common interests in fun ways.


    I know some parents have found pen pals for their kids through other parents here. So I'm pretty sure we could find other kids interested in a variety of educational topics.


    If not a good location here we could consider creating a new forum somewhere else using some of the free forum hosts out there such as:







    Someone on the HS board has used hyberboards for another photography forum. What are your thoughts? Do you think any of your kids would be interested in something like this?

  8. Hi,


    I was wondering what folks thoughts are on having a section for kids to discuss things they are interested in educationally? The reason I bring this up is that it came up in another thread in which parents are talking about starting WTM Photography Group for kids to share and discuss photography. This led me to a larger question regarding a place where WTM community kids could discuss a variety of educational topics of interests. This could include things like photography, origami, robotics, programming, legos, astronomy, etc... I was thinking it could be a private group via invitation or something similar.


    Then I asked how that would fit in here or not? What are your thoughts of a kid's corner? Would it somehow change things here possibly? Maybe parents would be less inclined to post if they thought their kids came here too? We have such a great and rather large community. I am just thinking of ways to make it easy for parents to help their kids connect with others who have common interests in fun ways.


    I know some parents have found pen pals for their kids through other parents here. So I'm pretty sure we could find other kids interested in a variety of educational topics.


    If not a good location here we could consider creating a new forum somewhere else using some of the free forum hosts out there such as:








    Someone on the HS board has used hyberboards for another photography forum. What are your thoughts? Do you think any of your kids would be interested?

  9. I've used hyperboards.com as a free forum for a different photography sharing group, so we could have a private place to share photography in a format that works better for some (like me) who don't find FB to work very well for discussions.


    Oh, and to weigh in, I'm another vote for Lightroom. There's plenty out there to self teach LR. Just having him work through Scott Kelby's book would get him well on his way.


    That sounds good kandbp. This looks similar to some of the other sites I listed above. They look pretty easy to setup. How much work was it would you say? How are the ads and are they annoying? Any other gotchas? I agree regarding preferring the forum model for discussions.


    Anyone's thoughts on proposing a photography sharing area on the WTMF? We have such a great and rather large community here. I am just thinking of ways to make it easy for parents to help their kids connect with others who have common interests in fun ways.


    BTW, maybe this should be its own thread under Site News and Discussions or General Ed.


    Ok, a new thread discussing this has been created here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/457266-wtm-kids-educational-forum-what-are-your-thoughts/

  10. I think I don't have time. Simple is all I can handle right now. :)



    Yeah, I hear you. Oh well, I still *really* like your idea. Maybe you could start on FB and see where it goes from there? What are your thoughts about this forum? Its just so funny that we have all these great families interacting with many fun, interesting kids I'm sure. But do you think it would be frowned upon to have 'kids' here too, even if in their own area? Maybe it would loose something if that happened?


    I know some parents have found pen pals for their kids through other parents here. So I'm pretty sure we could find other kids interested in a variety of topics like photography, origami, legos, robotics, programming, etc...

  11. I am confused why more people are not concerned about CC affecting homeschoolers. At the very least, it will affect our curriculum choices. But I don't believe that the standards are only going to apply to public schools. One of my state senators is currently trying to push a bill through to lower the compulsory education age, and promises to follow up with a bill to register homeschoolers. There are some states that already have to get curriculum approval. Perhaps I am just overly concerned because our state has not had any regulation of homeschools in the past. But it seems to me that the increasing regulation is eventually going to make its way to my home.



    Tracy, I'm wondering the opposite which is why I find this thread interesting. I do disagree with your point however that 'at the very least, it will affect our curriculum choices.' My curriculum choices have not changed at all nor will they. Rather I view the CC as a way to standardize 'State' Education standards already in place. Our state of CA for example along with many others already have high state standards with no negative impact on homeschoolers. So I don't really see the need to panic over a national standard for each state to follow. All the other issues like compulsory education age, registration of homeschoolers are 'separate' issues from CC state education standards, though possibly part of a larger conspiracy. We already have to register as homeschoolers in CA. But the state doesn't dictate our curriculum. To me this anti-CC movement seems more rooted in a rather larger socio-political worldview. Basicially its the 'get Big Gov't out of anything and everything movement', which I now realize more. So 'anything' which occurs at federal level educationally is bad. Based on this premise the CC could be easily substituted with Bugs Bunny videos and it would still somehow be a bad, malicious plot to brainwash our kids. :eek: :D

  12. My STATE reviewer was recommending this to us. Our SAT standards and many teachers teach to test, state tests included. You're right, they might not choose one curriculum. But, this affects all of us even if it's public school because that means we all will have to up their standards to meet post secondary requirements. So I guess throw away our current bought curriculum that doesn't match? Grr... I hope that they don't start requiring test scores from us other than SAT but, personally it burns me out cramming more down my kids throat, in order to fulfill a federal mandate.. More power given to the government to tell the public what to do and how to do it which trickles down to us, is getting kinda hectic.


    Hmm, so are you apart of a state funded Charter requiring a state reviewer? Or is this some kind of blanket requirement for all homeschoolers in your state? Do you mind if I ask which 'state' since I haven't heard of such a requirement before? I'm not sure why you can't simply keep your current curriculum as we will ours, here in CA? So far CC has no impact on our current homeschool plans whatsoever. That's why this seems a bit strange to me.


    When you reference upping standards for post secondary requirements it sounds like you mean changes to the SAT test. Its really hard to say if changes to the SAT will benefit homeschool families or not. But its already a nationally based standardized test which levels the playing field for all students. So I don't see how simply revising it means greater interference by the Gov't. How else would it ever be updated/revised if not by a 'national' committee of some kind?

  13. We started all the dc in MUS from the very beginning with Primer and have now effectively switched all out.


    ds11 went the furthest with it through Zeta and the first part of Pre-A (to cover S&S gaps). Then we promptly switched him over to TabletClass Pre-a which has been both more challenging and better prep for Algebra 1 - a win/win for us and great decision.


    For dds we moved them to CLE which is spiral, but nothing like Saxon. I wouldn't dismiss all spiral based on a poor Saxon experience. Their transition took more work in back peddling first before getting back to grade level. But now they are on target and thriving in CLE.


    In your situation I would not recommend putting the older dc 'back' in MUS. Get elementary completed with MM, KeysTo or something else. Then move into Pre-A with another program.


    For the younger I would demo a few programs with him like MM, R&S, CLE, SM, etc... then let him participate in the selection process. Our dds did this and liked CLE best which helped with the tranisition.

  14. I'm on private FB photog groups, and those are fun. As you say, you can just drag your picture over into your post and share. It's actually easier than on a board like this even. But like you, I don't have my dd on FB and don't really WANT to open that can of worms.


    Well just as a thought, what we could do is have the *parents* join the private FB group and the kids post through their parents' accounts if they don't have their own. Or... I don't know, seems to me unlikely that my rising 9th grader is going to stay off FB FOREVER, kwim? I mean she will be going to college in a few years, lol.


    Anyways, are you aware of *private* FB groups? What do you think of those?


    I think so. Do you mean like the WTM group on FB?


    Yes, I know what you mean about your dd13. Obviously there will come a time when teens will want to join their friends on FB, Twitter and other social networking sites. For us we probably will lean more toward later rather than earlier approach kinda like dating, etc... :tongue_smilie: That's not to say if you shouldn't start one there, just that we probably wouldn't join for a while, kwim?


    A forum like this would be ideal, but that takes a host, time to setup and money unless there is something else already out there. I wonder if the WTM admins would consider it here as a private group for registered members? Something like this is what I had in mind: http://www.teenhomeschoolhang.org/


    Wait... I think there may be free forum hosts. I just found a few surfing around. Take a look and tell me what you think:





  15. :thumbup: Well where do you propose we have this WTM photog group? FB? Yahoo? Something else? It seems like we have a bunch of kids who are doing photography, and they might enjoy having that venue to share.



    I greatly prefer forum formats such as this as opposed to the old newsgroups on Yahoo where you have to wait to see posts and can't directly link in photos. FB may be a good option except for all the garbage adds and potential predators. We don't allow our kids on there yet. The location is the toughest question really. I think the interest would definately be there.


    It might be nice to have a WTMF 'Kids Corner' where they could converse as we do here. I don't know if the WTMF admins or parents would like this idea though. Some may not feel so open to share knowing their dc may be listening. :tongue_smilie: :willy_nilly: Maybe there could be a way to segregate it based upon age? Like WTMF 18+ and kids corner 6+ or something?

  16. Both of you might be interested in page 4 of this pdf "What do teachers need to know to teach math well" (http://www.cbmsweb.o...ntations/Wu.pdf)

    This one gives a brief explanation of common core geometry "Teaching Geometry according to the Common Core Standards" (http://math.berkeley...ns_Geometry.pdf)



    Those are interesting Arcadia. The math comment I made was in specific reference to James Milgram's critique of the CC. He is the one which most anti-CC groups tout in saying that the only mathematician on the CC Validation Committee disapproves of it. Note, I'm not saying I think that the CC math standards are a bad thing, only that some claim they are too weak. Basically James Miligram is saying they didn't go far enough, not that having a national standard is bad. Yet I think many anti-CC groups would lump him in with their supporters against *any* national standards. You can see his comments on the CC here:


  17. Still looking into CLE also. I really liked the look of it.


    I'm not sure if we're a mastery or spiral kind of group. I just know that once dd "gets" something, any further practice only frustrates her. She starts to zone out. That is one of the problems she has with ps. Some things she just picks up easily and forcing lots of drills leads to battles between she and I. So, more mastery, I guess?



    Just to let you know CLE, as a spiral program, is definately not like either of these: forcing lots of drills or too much practice. In fact one of the nicest parts of its spiral approach is that you can skip anything she's already got a handle on and move ahead. It is very easy to accelerate in that way. As a homeschooler no one is holding you to a script. You can and should alter the pace in a tailored fashion to meet her needs. Hopefully this thread gives you some good food for thought.

  18. I've often thought it would be fun to start a TWTM Photography group :)



    I really like this idea and OhElizabeth's as well regarding a photography group for the kids to share their ideas and photos as well the parents. For my son it would give him a new avenue to make pals and share things in common. Now if he was able to share pictures of his latest Origami and Lego creations then he would really be in hog heaven. :tongue_smilie:

  19. http://mdk12.org/sha...iting_grk-2.pdf


    Tell me this isn't egregious in a negative way for a 1st and 2nd grader? I was told by my homeschool reviewer who is a state reviewer "I wanted you to be aware of the national core and state core standards. Have you considered teaching him about writing prompts?" (Writing prompts? Wasn't that what I learned that in 9th grade? I was a year ahead of my PS system with my ds, now I am behind by a year according to their standards. And, for teachers to scramble to help a 2nd grader write an opinionated paragraph seems ludicrous. How many kids are going to fail that class, when half of the kids are struggling to write one sentence well? ...


    Please tell me I'm not the only one that feels this. I just talked to a mom of a public school kid who attends the school of the 2nd best county school system of Maryland which has the best school systems in all of US according to http://247wallst.com...orst-schools/3/ . Her kid didn't learn these concepts last year. No I don't want america to be dumbed down, but for pete's sake, in a scramble -- states please don't go with one curriculum to brainwash them all. And, government please don't be pesky to us home schoolers when it's our differences that make us unique and thrive. Also, we are ranked 6th according to some sites as far as smartest countries of the world. 6th isn't bad...



    Yes, this is the only part I've seen so far that seems over the top in terms of expectations. I do think they need to rework this writing portion. The math still looks like bare minimums which some argue are too easy.


    I'm not sure what you mean by 'states please don't go with one curriculum' as the CC is not even a curriculum but rather a set of standards. Each local school district still selects its own curriculum. Nowhere is there a recommendation to use only 'one' curriculum which would make brainwashing more difficult. That is also why many publishers are now scrambling to make sure their curriculum meets the standards such as MUS. In the case of math, Division needs to be taught by a certain grade level. I don't see the brainwashing potential there. One could say its too early for some perhaps.


    I'm most curious about your last statement. 'Government please don't be pesky to us home schoolers when it's our differences that make us unique and thrive.' How specifically will the CC effect homeschoolers in your view of things? Most of the talk I've heard, like ~99%, has to do with how the local school districts are implementing it. We will continue to do things as a homeschool family the way we've always done them. So I see very little impact in that way. Is this different for your family?

  20. As I recall, when DH purchased Light room, I think all they required a fax or digital file sent in of proof of homeschooling status; I think for us that included the affit davit of intent to homeschool, and the membership card to our homeschool group. DH scanned both and sent them in when filling out the online information... When he gets home later today I'll ask if there was something else to it.



    Great, thanks Lori. This is great news. So are these like Adobe 'student' licences? This means basically that while you cannot upgrade them, they are full versions of the software? Its nice to know they honor homeschoolers as educators which we are. ;)

  21. My dd was 13 when she got Photoshop Elements. She read up on it and found tutorials online. We upgraded her to the "big" Photoshop (educator discount makes it quite cheaper!) a few years later. She has done a fabulous job of teaching herself and can do wonderous things with it. She doesn't have LR and doesn't seem to think she needs it. She is very much self taught with her camera. She has done lessons at a camera store that came with her camera, but she already knew everything they covered. She has also taken an all day class through a university with some big name photographer. She did learn some in it (lighting). Over the years, she has collected quite a bit of equipment as gifts. She has lights, backdrops, tripods, filters, and big reflector things.


    Please, someone tell me more about the educator's discount! I was unaware of such a beast. It sounds like it could save us a lot of money! How hard was it to qualify? :bigear: :bigear:

  22. Derek,


    you mentioned you are using the smug mug gallery, do you use them for prints, too? I am looking for a lab and having a hard time deciding. From all my looking around, it looked like with smug mug, you got a better lab if you paid more and did the professional memberships, but not with the basic. What has been your experience there?


    for the OP, I use photoshop elements. I am self-taught with books and video tutorials, though I'd like to take a class sometime. I have played with lightroom, but the normal things I do with PS elements don't seem to be part of lightroom, I'd be frustrated, but I think lightroom is very easy to use and would be a good place to start.


    Hen Jen, honestly I don't use SmugMug for printing. I use it for everything else including galleries and full image off-site storage/backup. For those alone it is worth the cost for me. Though there are other good hosting sites as well such as Zenfolio which I've also used.


    I agree that the better labs require a *Pro* account which I don't have or need really. I have the power account instead and send my work to the same Pro labs myself for the highest quality. My favorite is Bay Photo which has made many excellent prints for me. They do really cool metal prints as well. I highly recommend them for both price and quality.

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