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Julie in MO

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Everything posted by Julie in MO

  1. Thanks for the input! I haven't seen the Ancient History themed writing book from IEW, but I assume that it is for those who've been through the program. Or, would it be a good thing to have on the shelf to use as source material to substitute in the SWI lessons? We're doing TOG year 1 next year. THanks again! Julie
  2. Hi, After year of Shurley English in the early grades followed by years of Abeka, I was disappointed in how little my then 6th and 4th graders retained. Eleven weeks of JAG later and we all are impressed with how much sense grammar makes. Since it doesn't cover punctuation, I also used Language Mechanic from Critical Thinking Press. I waited until week 2 of JAG to begin Language Mechanic so that it served as a review, then the punctuation lessons began when we were nearly finished with JAG. I highly recommend it. It was short and sweet, but thorough. We're looking forward to doing AG next year (emphasis on "looking forward to it." These are kids that used to cry when it was time for grammar!!!):) Julie
  3. HI, A friend invited me to a "Tapestry Tea" to learn about the Tapestry of Grace curriculum. I had been trying to decide between it and TRISMS, but I love what I saw in TOG. BTW I have 7th and 5th graders. We have been woefully deficient in doing writing. Next year I will be doing IEW's SWI with a friend. I saw the Writing Aid book, but think I would prefer going ahead with my IEW plans. I'm unfamiliar with both right now - is there time in the week (while still accomplishing all those other subjects) to do both of those curriculum? Or should I start TOG as soon as we finish this year's course work to get a jump on things? Thanks! Julie
  4. Hi, I'm getting ready to sell some things and I was wondering how you all price your used items. I've been surprised at the variation of prices on used sites. I suppose it often has to do with the condition of the material. If you have gently used, full sets of curriculum, do you sell it at a certain percentage of Rainbow Resource prices, or use some other forumla? Thanks - I learn so much on this board! Julie
  5. Thanks to both of you - I'm going to try sending a PM about that question (not real techy here...) Julie
  6. I've been watching the board here (I'm always too slow:tongue_smilie:), and I know about ebay and vegsource, but are there other used curriculum sites where I could be looking for the things I need for next year? Thanks, Julie
  7. Has anyone used these two series at the same time and perhaps already done the work of figuring out which chapters go together? Is so, could I benefit from your hard work so I don't have to do it myself? Thanks!:)
  8. Hi, We used this Bible study two years ago (with 2nd and 4th graders) and were very pleased. It covers creation through Christ in four volumes. It is chronological, but it doesn't study each book of the Bible - it provides an overview of where Christ fits into the general picture and also teaches about God's character. It was written by a New Tribes Missions missionary who realized that some conversions were not based on understanding the need for salvation (polytheistic religions just "added" Jesus on as another God). This Bible study really stresses our NEED for our savior. Each lesson has a scripted teaching, a review page from the previous lesson, a coloring page for the current lesson, and a scripted "play" that the family performs together. We studied it once per week for about an hour or so. Hope that helps! Julie
  9. I've been researching the posts on Apologia Science and lapbooking/notebooking. I know that Live and Learn Press sells notebooking CD's associated with Apologia. I have a question for those of you who've dedicated time to this process. Next year I'll have a 5th grader that I'd like to do Zoology I with and a 7th grader doing General Science. They both like crafts, but can easily get carried away and make it an all day affair. I think the notebooking ideas look fun, but are they worth the effort, or is it "busy work?" Does it really add quality review to what they read? We have many things I want to cover next year so I'm questioning our use of time on all subjects. Thanks in advance! Julie
  10. Hi, I'm looking at our tentative 7th grade schedule and wondering if this is humanly possible. I re-read my "Well Trained Mind" and, according to Susan, it can be done :glare:, I just wondered if there were any people out there who accomplished all this with their sanity intact. :001_huh: OK...here's the proposed schedule: Bible: Explorer's Bible study and perhaps attend CBS class once a week & maybe Bible quizzing Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2 Language Arts: Analytical Grammar, Institute for Excellence in Writing (is embedded in the TRISMS I might use), Vocabulary from Classical Roots Logic: Introductory Logic and Fallacy Detective (is both a good idea?) History: TRISMS Civics: You Decide Science: Apologia or Bob Jones, not sure yet Latin: Latina Christiana I French: outside class Piano lessons Does this look possible, or am I setting us up for frustration? Thanks in advance for any ideas/encouragement (or tongue lashings if necessary!):D Julie
  11. I love these stories. I'll add mine... My daughter was 3 years old when she was a flower girl. I had her practice at home for several days before the wedding, but at home we picked up the "petals" (cut up balloon pieces) so we could practice again later. The day of the wedding she smiled prettily, carried out her duties well, and then turned around and started picking up the flower petals as the bride was coming down the aisle. Several people tried to stop her, but she said very loudly, "no, Mommy says this is what we do, so I'm gonna do it!" That was 5 years ago and we're still friends of the bride! :001_smile:
  12. Hi, I've noticed references in a few posts since I joined the loop about lapbooking. I also saw a reference about Live and Learn and checked it out today. Is lapbooking the same thing as notebooking? Live and Learn seemed a bit expensive for the notebooking supplies. Is it really worth it? Does it improve retention, or just make it more fun? I'm curious what those of you who've invested in notebooking have to say... Thanks!!! Julie:)
  13. Hi, This is the first time I've seen Bob Jones curriculum enter the math discussions. I see that you've equated it with MUS. Are they very similar? Does anyone use Bob Jones math that would share how it works for them? Thanks, Julie
  14. I've been following the math postings since asking my own question about Saxon versus other options. I liked what I saw on TT website, but read posts that stated it was not challenging enough. Has anyone done TT with another program (like Saxon) or would that be just too time consuming or frustrating for a student (I have a soon-to-be 7th grader). If anyone has merged two programs - what kind of schedule do you follow? Thanks - and TIA for letting me tack on a question already posted! :) Julie
  15. Thanks for the suggestions for math curriculum. I hadn't heard of Teaching Textbook or Chalkdust, so I'll research those. I won't rule out Math U See just yet either. Thanks for your ideas!!!!!!!! Julie
  16. Hi, Any suggestions for me? Here's my situation... My 6th grade daughter really hates math, although she does understand it and does well. We used Math U See until 4th grade (she says she loved it, but it didn't have much review work), then switched to Saxon. I've been reading that Saxon integrates geometry throughout instead of a separate course. She struggles with geometry, so I'm not sure that will be our best option. I'm considering going back to Math U See, maybe Bob Jones University (I'm interested in their science as well), or using Saxon DIVE. Any thoughts from those who've "been there?" I'd like to stick with one program from 7-12th. Any other curriculums you would suggest looking at? Thanks! Julie
  17. Wow - thank you both SO much! This was just what I needed! Blessings, Julie:)
  18. Hi, I'm making some decisions for 7th grade next year. I really like the idea of Sonlight, but would like to approach it chronologically. On the WTM curriculum review site, there was a link to a website for the World As We Knew It book store (Nicola Manning) who posted a chronological re-organization of Sonlight, but the website doesn't exist anymore. Did anyone keep a copy of that resource, or know where I can access it? I've tried "googling." I'm a little wary of using the high school materials in middle school, but want to stay chronological. Anyone have some thoughts on this? Your input is much appreciated! Blessings, Julie:D
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