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Everything posted by Greta

  1. You recommended inositol when I was asking for help regarding my daughter's anxiety, and I appreciate that, btw. But if you mentioned dosage, somehow it escaped my attention. So she's only been taking the dose recommended on the bottle, which is tiny compared to what you're taking! We have the same product (NOW brand). Did I miscalculate, or are you taking about 4-6 tsp of the powder per day? And if so, would you recommend that I start having my daughter take that dose as well? There's no potential harm from it right, no side effects?
  2. That does help, and it sounds perfect! Thanks again!
  3. You're right - at least some of it must have been water weight, because now I'm down to just one pound over where I was before. So, not bad! I think you make a very good point about special days! I just probably shouldn't have had three special days within a ten-day period. ;)
  4. If I find something that works, I'll be shouting it from the rooftops! :D I'm so sorry that your daughter has to deal with migraines too.
  5. Ooh, that's an interesting idea! I don't mind cooking, but I do get really tired of meal planning. That sounds fun! Are their paleo meals more toward the "easy" end of the spectrum or more "advanced"?
  6. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding was that it will be available on Netflix only in certain countries, and neither the US nor Canada are among those countries (but I think the UK is).
  7. The use of a plural verb with a singular collective noun -- Sometime between when I attended school and now this became a thing that everyone does. But I never got the memo or an explanation so it drives me bonkers. To my eyes and ears, "the team are warming up" or "the couple have one child" is just as horrid as "the cat are in the tree" or "the boy have a baseball." If you're talking about one team then the team IS warming up; if you're talking about one couple then that couple HAS a child. But apparently it's just me, because the most highly educated people that I personally know, and professional authors of books and magazines are doing this now. The phrases "side hustle" and "life hacks". Or "bio-hacks". Or pretty much anything + hacks. The misuse and abuse of the word "chemicals" to mean "toxic chemicals" or "dangerous chemicals". Poor maligned chemicals! Chemicals keep us alive and they deserve our respect! :lol: Plus many, many of the things that have already been mentioned. I'm a grump.
  8. Vitamin D because I was diagnosed with a deficiency. Vitamin K because I read that it helps you absorb D. Magnesium because without it I get muscle cramps. Fish oil because my doctor said to, and it seems to be highly regarded for its anti-inflammatory effects. My doctor also told me to take calcium, but I haven't been doing that yet. I've read some conflicting information about the effects of calcium supplementation, so it makes me nervous. I need to research it more. That's all. I've tried a whole bunch of things that supposedly help with migraines, but none of them helped me, and one made them worse. I need to do some research about supplements to help with perimenopause, but I keep forgetting.
  9. Thanks, I will check into those! I love my public library, but for some reason I didn't think about it for cookbooks. Great suggestion.
  10. For a lazy cook? :lol: I'm a competent cook, but not a great one. I prefer easy-to-prepare meals. And I would prefer foods that are just naturally Paleo, not a big emphasis on substitutions (like Paleo cupcakes and such), though I suspect most cookbooks will have at least some of that kind of thing, and that's fine. I have the Whole30 cookbook and I like it. I have one called Paleo Comfort Foods, but it's not really my style. I briefly owned one called Make It Paleo and I think it was pretty good. But a friend borrowed it and I never got it back, and I hadn't had a chance to try many of the recipes. I'd buy it again if it fits the bill. Thanks for any suggestions!
  11. No, not at all! You didn't sound harsh and don't owe me an apology. I'm just feeling kind of dense for misunderstanding you. My hat is off to anyone who can survive an hour in Walmart! :lol:
  12. Yeah, the vast majority of anti-medicine people I have known were Christian, but the vast majority of people I have known in my life were Christian, so, not too surprising. I do know one atheist family that leans anti-medicine, but certainly not to the point where they would refuse life-saving treatment. In my years as a Buddhist, I don't remember the topic ever coming up one way or the other.
  13. Really? You've never heard of Christian Scientists of Followers of Christ or Jehovah's Witnesses refusing life-saving medical treatments in the name of their faith? Even less extreme churches, like one that I went to for awhile in the "New Thought" movement, can lean anti-medicine. And in more extreme cases, courts in the US seem to have an unfortunate tendency to rule that the parents' right to teach their children their faith trumps the child's right to live. I don't want to hijack the thread, it's just that I've read so many tragic stories about this that I was surprised you were unaware.
  14. Hi Everyone! I said I was going to start checking in every day again . . . and then I went out of town for an extended visit with family. I did stay active while I was there, but I didn't go online much. I kind of quickly skimmed over the posts that were added while I was gone, but I probably missed a lot of important stuff because I don't skim very effectively. Mamaraby, I sure hope your hip feels better soon! And I hope that everyone is doing well! The day before I returned home from my trip, I sprained my left ankle. (I sprained my right ankle about 15 years ago, and it still gives me a little trouble. So now I guess I'll get to have trouble with both. Fun stuff!) That first night after I sprained it, it was really swollen and bruised, my foot turned red and my toenails turned purple, my toes were numb and tingling, and it hurt so bad I couldn't put any weight on it at all. My poor mom has a terrible disorder called "chronic regional pain syndrome": she broke the little bones on the top of her foot about 14 years ago, and now she's stuck with a burning pain in that foot for the rest of her life. :crying: There is a genetic tendency toward CRPS, so I got kind of scared and went to urgent care once I got home. The x-ray showed just an ordinary sprain, no breaks or tears, so that was a relief. And the doctor told me that they've recently figured out that extended immobilization of a joint after an injury actually increases the risk of CRPS! So he told me the absolute best thing I could do for it would be to stay active, and to NOT wear a "boot" or a brace. And I think he gave me some great advice because even though the initial injury was worse, it is healing MUCH faster than my right ankle sprain did (I stayed off of it and wore a brace for quite awhile after that one). Forgive me for the long story. But I wanted to mention that in case (and of course I hope this won't ever be an issue!) anyone here suffers a sprain. The conventional wisdom about staying off of it and immobilizing it might actually be doing more harm than good! The doctor did give me some very helpful guidelines for staying active but not putting too much strain on it. He said that for the next month, I can do all the cycling and elliptical that I want, I can lift weights except for squats (leg press, leg extensions, etc. are fine), and a little gentle walking should be fine too. Then I can gradually reintroduce hiking and the step mill. And only once those have gone well for awhile, I can start running again. I'm really glad that I went to urgent care (though I haven't gotten the bill yet, so that may make me less glad!) because those guidelines are so helpful. I would have done the totally wrong thing if he hadn't told me that stuff. Learned something interesting about my metabolism: it takes me at least a week to lose a pound, but it takes only a day to gain it back. :thumbdown: I had three separate days (not even three days in a row) where something special/unusual was going on, so I decided to indulge in the "special" foods that everyone else was eating. Gained back three of the five pounds that I'd worked so hard to lose. Very frustrating! Happy to be back. I love this group!
  15. As always, you guys are a wealth of information and ideas! Thank you! I am in that awkward situation where my thyroid numbers aren't bad enough to be diagnosed, but aren't exactly optimal either. So yes I suppose it could be a related adrenal issue. I will make sure I'm getting plenty of sodium and potassium. My diet is pretty healthy - or at least what I consider to be so. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and eggs, nuts, healthy oils (avocado, olive, coconut). I don't eat many processed foods, grains, or dairy. I have three dogs, so an allergy issue is definitely a possibility. :( I already use fragrance-free hypoallergenic detergent because my daughter needs it for her skin issues (eczema). I've been taking cool showers because it's so hot here, so hot water wouldn't be an issue, but whatever chemicals they use to treat the water sure might. I'm about to leave town to visit family in another state, so it will be interesting to see if the itching goes away, or gets worse, or what. Thanks again for all the suggestions!
  16. Hmm, I didn't think about it being an actual allergy (rather than a sensitivity to a product). Great suggestion - thanks!
  17. I chuckled a bit at what you said about your dogs and cats, because I spent some time talking to my dogs during my day alone! I guess you only have to really worry if they start "talking back", though, right? ;-) I am the world's slowest runner, so unfortunately a running group would be right out for me, though it does sound like fun. On a recent hike with my daughter, however, we passed this group of elderly people that were obviously together on the trail, talking and laughing and having a great time. I need something like that!!!
  18. My skin just gets drier and drier as I age. I gave up soaps years ago because they were so drying, and switched to liquid body wash instead. I'm very sensitive to lauryl sulfates, and I always make sure to buy body wash, shampoo, and even toothpaste that does not contain them. But laureth sulfates have been just fine. Lately, every time I take a shower, my skin decides freak out, and I itch like crazy for at least half an hour afterwards. Even though I slather on gobs of body cream or body butter as soon as I dry off, I still itch and itch and itch. So I was thinking I was going to have to shop for new products (maybe something free of ANY sulfates?) but then last night I took a "rinse off only" shower - NO shampoo or body wash or anything, just a rinse to cool off from the heat. And it still happened! So if it isn't the body wash or shampoo that's causing the problem, I don't really know what to do about it. Any thoughts?
  19. :grouphug: I'm sorry you had a rough day. I recently had a free day because my husband was out of town for work, and my daughter was at an all-day summer camp at the local uni. I had no one to hang out with. I spent it alone. I really need to work on building a more active social life.
  20. I will be keeping your dear son and your whole family my prayers. :grouphug:
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