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Everything posted by Greta

  1. So, how often is it best to buy new running shoes?
  2. This video is really interesting. Wish I'd known this back when I was pregnant! https://nutritionfacts.org/video/morning-sickness-may-protect-mother-and-child/
  3. Ginger tea might help both issues: the nausea and the need for hydration.
  4. Awesome! Congrats, Lynn! Thank you, Laurie, you are such a great help! These are great suggestions.
  5. Thanks! I think I'm doing well on all of those points except the bolded. :lol: You know me well! Not a fan of deep static stretching, but not opposed to range-of-motion exercises or gentle dynamic stretches. Never seem to manage to integrate those into my routine, though! Definitely need to work on that. Thank you, this is all great advice!
  6. The goal is always three times a week, but the reality is usually two times a week. I think you've pinpointed the problem. Back when my husband I were going together three times a week I was making progress. But he stopped going several months ago, and I seem to only manage twice a week without him. And I haven't been able to make any progress since then. Thank you for helping me see what was right in front of me, and yet somehow unnoticed!
  7. This week has been great so far. I haven't had a migraine since the weekend - which may not sound that impressive, but it is considering my track record! Monday and Wednesday I did weights. I'm struggling a bit in that area. I don't seem to be able to increase my weight, I feel like I'm stuck doing the same workout over and over and over without making any progress. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to shake it up, I'd love to hear it. My usual routine is three sets of ten on any given exercise (plus a warmup first). Should I try doing longer sets (like 12 or 15 reps?)? Or should I do shorter sets with heavier weights? Or . . . anything else? Tuesday I had a really nice run, and this morning I went to spin class.
  8. :grouphug: I'm sorry for your loss.
  9. Milk is the (or "one of the", depending on the source you read) most common food allergen for children, so I'd recommend being careful of that one, and taking note of how it affects her. My daughter developed a milk allergy around age 5 or so if I remember correctly, and it took me awhile to figure it out because it didn't present the way I thought allergies would present. It made her tired and listless, and made her eyes red and puffy. But different people react differently. Yogurt and cheese didn't seem to affect her as badly, but we still cut them out for quite awhile once I figured it out. Like most kids, she eventually "outgrew" that particular allergy (though she is still somewhat lactose intolerant, as her father and I are).
  10. I've always loved movies, possibly because it was one of the few forms of entertainment available in the small town where I grew up. I live in a city now, though a small one, and one which until recently did not have very good theaters. But we have three good ones now which offer reserved seating, which I LOVE. I hate having to get there an hour early to get a seat at a popular movie. It's so nice to buy your tickets online and show up right as the trailers are starting and still have a great seat. One of those three theaters offers full service meals and snacks, so even though it's all the way on the other side of the city from us, and it's a rather expensive couple of hours, my husband indulges me any time I want to go, because he knows how much I enjoy it. He's such a sweetie. My daughter doesn't enjoy movies as much as we do overall, though of course she has enjoyed many (the Star Wars movies probably being her favorite). It's a little harder to get her interested in going. She says that her generation expects more interactive forms of entertainment, like video games. But we went to see Hidden Figures together, just the two of us, and we both loved it and had such a nice time. It was a perfect mother-daughter movie. I will remember that experience fondly for many years to come. I think that a great deal of talent, hard work, and creativity goes into a lot of movies (well, some less so than others of course!). It's a format that I find very engaging, it's very easy for me to get swept away or to be deeply moved by a good movie.
  11. That's cool - did not know that. I don't hike in the woods very often, because here you have to get up to fairly high altitude before there are any woods. But it's beautiful once you do, and really worth it. I'm so glad fall is on its way so that I'll have more opportunities to do that! I'm sure you're right. I've lived in the desert for so long now that cold, wet, and freezing sounds really nice! But I might tire of it quickly. My ideal climate would be one that's cold but still sunny and a bit on the dry side (wet enough to have snow and trees, but not so wet that it's overcast and dreary a lot). I'm thinking Colorado, Wyoming, Montana might be best, but I'm open to other suggestions! Hubby is nearing retirement, and I am praying that we can move then. There are many things that I love about New Mexico, but many others that I hate. Twenty years is plenty. I'm ready to move on!
  12. I haven't gotten my daughter's cold yet, so I'm still chugging along with my workouts. Nothing too exciting to report, except that I'm glad we've gotten a little relief from the oppressive heat, because I'm really enjoying my runs, even though they are too short. Outdoor exercise is so much more rewarding! I'm rather sick of the gym at the moment, so I'm grateful that cooler weather is on the way, and I'm dreaming of moving to a place that isn't so very hot for so very much of the year. Anyone familiar with Montana? :D
  13. Wow, Laurie, this sounds amazing - what a fulfilling career, and what a wonderful way to help people!
  14. Thank you, Laura. I thought there might be a reluctance to accept people who would be a drain on the NHS without contributing much to the economy. That's understandable.
  15. Purely hypothetical question, but do you know if it would be possible for someone to move there in their retirement (living on a pension, no need to work)?
  16. Laurie, I hope that your test goes/went well! I did weights yesterday, and a run/walk this morning. Daughter has a cold, so no doubt I'll be getting it soon. Unfortunately I seem to get all the colds, and the last 7-10 days for me, so I'm dreading it. Im not even sick yet and I'm already whining about it!
  17. I did intervals on the stepmill on Saturday, and went for a run this morning. My stepmill workout was the exact same intensity that I did last week, but last week I could barely get through the last two intervals and I got nauseated once I was done. This week it was much easier! And I inched up my run to 0.4 miles, and I listened to a Rich Roll podcast, which was fun.
  18. Oh, no! I'm so sorry. I hope she's doing better. And you too! So glad that you checked in and that you're doing so well!
  19. That's awesome! I'm too afraid of heights to enjoy that sport myself, but I love watching people do it. It looks like so much fun (if you're not frozen by fear, of course!), and I would imagine there would be such a sense of accomplishment in scaling a vertical wall. My husband used to do quite a lot of rock climbing and even some ice climbing. I've always admired him for it, but never wanted to join him! :D
  20. Yes, sprained it in July. It is a slow process, but I'm glad that yours is doing so much better! I probably need to be doing lots more walking than I am, since running is still tricky. I think we're going to do a family hike this weekend so that will be nice.
  21. I did another (pitiful) 0.3 mile run today, but the good news is that my ankle didn't hurt afterward like it did the first time. So even though it was the same distance, I'm counting that as progress!
  22. I did weights today. Made a little progress on deadlifts, made a little "regress" on seated rows. Oh well, it was a great workout overall! Thank you so much for the encouragement Soror! I hope that you get good news on the lab tests. Will it take long to get the results?
  23. August - I moved more toward the plant end of the diet spectrum, and liked it so much that I went completely vegan on the 22nd. I'm doing it for migraine help, for healthy bones, and for health in general. But I have to say it was pretty nice to lose five pounds in one week! Kept it off the second week, so I'm now at my lowest weight since starting peri menopause, and only two pounds above where I was for most of my adult life before that. So that makes me happy. And I've been able to drastically cut back on my migraine meds and that makes me even happier! Exercise-wise, though, I'm afraid I didn't accomplish as much. Still rehabilitating the sprained ankle, so I've only made it up to 0.3 miles of running. So for September my goal is to get up to a mile. I've mentioned before that my weight-lifting goal is to get back up to 200 pounds on the leg press, but I didn't lift weights frequently enough in August to make much progress. So the goal for September is 200 . . . again. Olga, I sure hope that your arm heals quickly, and Soror I hope that you feel better soon! Wintermom, I save any stretching until the workout is done. The way it was explained to me was that stretching sends biochemical signals to your muscles to relax. That's not the message you want to send them right before asking them to contract against resistance. But Laurie's explanation was better! I did weights on Monday with my husband since he had the day off. Did cardio on the AMT machine today.
  24. :grouphug: Yeah, I never know what to call it! When I call it spinning people ask, "what is that?" like they've never heard of it, and when I call it cycling people say "oh, you mean spin". :lol:
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