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Everything posted by Renai

  1. Right. But, the other message I need is, what does he want me to do?
  2. Sparkling water. Anything with bubbles, er, carbonation.
  3. Gah. This ss letter makes me want to hit the genealogy again, but I can't because I have homework and have already been gone all day at that parenting workshop. Because I'm a sucky parent. Dh told me this morning I'm a good mom, just a sucky housecleaner.
  4. I'm not really good at figuring out messages. I need to be told outright or I just don't get it.
  5. Well, this bra I bought when I was still nursing (some) my 4yo and I still had booKs. I don't anymore (have booKs), and the bra was no longer useful. :D
  6. I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info. I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may. Grrr.
  7. That's ok. I like listening to this message over and over because this consultant has an English accent.
  8. So, I'm back from a parenting workshop I had signed up for a couple of weeks ago. it was nice. While I was there, I got a phone call, which I let go to voicemail. One of the state prek consultants that I met a couple of years ago is working at one of the schools I use to hang out at (tutoring, student teaching, yadayada). It seems that the former district curriculum supervisor (who I met last year) had suggested she call me to ask if I could be lead teacher of their prek program. So that consultant called another consultant that she knew for my number. (I know the other consultant because I worked with her years ago, then again when I was a prek teacher, and she's been attending older dd's dance performance for years.) I don't know what to think. I'm beginning to feel really wanted. And not in the FBI sense.
  9. I got a good response on my Get Up or Get Down thread. :D
  10. 1. I don't ever invite people over because my house is never clean anyway. 2. Since no one is here but us, I go for the middle-of-the-road and not-too-expensive-or-cheap paper. :D
  11. Starting August 10, it would be all you listed plus attending school. Then in November, drop the school part. Well, it's better than working full time, attending two schools, and trying to keep things together with the oldest in school. Which I failed at big time. As well as the cleaning part. The house went to crap. I did zumba on Fridays though. That was "me" time. But it was only 8 weeks out of each semester (at dd's dance studio). Did I mention I'll still have the Spanish conversation class on Thursday afternoons? That's online though. Still sounds busy, huh? Dang it. I never have a nonbusy year. I'd love that to happen for me. I thought it would be this year. It might still be. I haven't been approved yet.
  12. As I was sorting clothes, I realized that I really did not like the bra I was wearing. So decided to toss it. :D
  13. It'll be 3 months. The job would start August 10 (hasn't been approved by hr yet), and the last day of my last class is November 7. It is a brand new classroom that is opening up. They've had one class and just got approved for another. I'd be in charge of ordering what that class needs. I'm pretty good at spending school money though. :D
  14. I'm still on the waiting list for the book at the library. The ebook version. I finally bought it. It will be in tomorrow.
  15. Thanks. I put heart into my work. That's why I can't do too many things at once. Now I'm figuring that out. Like, now, at this precise moment.
  16. It will be really busy until Nov 7. That is the last day of the last class for my master's degree.
  17. The curriculum project I did is done. I'm only required to put in at least 4 hours a month, with what ever they ask,to receive royalties (if they make money).
  18. Well, guess I'm going to bed now. Good night, or morning.
  19. Yay, I'm done! For those nerds who want to see it: http://prezi.com/eafwifs_mvxn/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
  20. I fell asleep, then woke up. I need to finish the presentation...
  21. I think my presentation is coming together quite nicely. Need to tweak some things...and add all the info in...
  22. I know this. But, she really shouldn't be swiping it from the desk of the person who's trying to hire me and get her in class with me. Kwim? :P
  23. The first few times I culled books, that was my criteria: if it was easily found at the library, I got rid of it. The only exception was the plant book that we ALWAYS checked out and she never tired of. I had to buy that one and keep it.
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